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Colorings of knot diagrams

Let $ X$ be a fixed quandle. Let $ K$ be a given oriented classical knot or link diagram, and let $ {\cal R}$ be the set of (over-)arcs. The normals (normal vectors) are given in such a way that the ordered pair (tangent, normal) agrees with the orientation of the plane (the ordered pair of the standard $ x$- and $ y$-axes), see Fig. [*].
Figure: Quandle relation at a crossing
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A (quandle) coloring $ {\cal C}$ is a map $ {\cal C} : {\cal R} \rightarrow X$ such that at every crossing, the relation depicted in Fig. [*] holds. If the normal to the over-arc $ \beta$ points from the arc $ \alpha$ to $ \gamma$, then it is required that $ {\cal C}(\alpha)*{\cal C}(\beta)={\cal C}(\gamma)$. The pair $ (a,b)$ is called the ordered pair of colors at the crossing. Let $ {\rm Col}_X(K)$ denote the set of colorings of a knot diagram $ K$ by a quandle $ X$. It is known [FeRou92] that there is a unique coloring after any Reidemeister move given a coloring before the move, and therefore, the cardinality $ \vert{\rm Col}_X(K)\vert$ is a knot invariant.

Note that any knot diagram is colored by a single element of a given quandle. Such a monochromatic coloring is called trivial. Hence for any knot $ K$ and any quandle $ X$, $ \vert{\rm Col}_X(K)\vert$ is at least the number of quandle, $ \vert X\vert$.

When we use Alexander quandles to color diagrams, Inoue's Theorem [Ino01] is helpful. There is a knot invariant called Alexander polynomial, and an implication of Inoue's Theorem is that a knot is colored only trivially by an Alexander quandle $ \mathbb{Z}_p[t, t^{-1}]/g(t)$ if its Alexander polynomial is coprime mod $ p$ to $ g(t)$.

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Masahico Saito - Quandle Website 2005-09-29