A knot or a spatial graph is called achiral or amphichaeral
if it is equivalent to its mirror image
is called chiral.
It is well known, for example, that a trefoil (
) is chiral and
the figure-eight knot (
) is achiral.
In [RkSn00*], a new proof of the chirality of trefoil
was given using quandle homology theory.
Their result can be expressed by the difference in values of
the -cocycle invariant with
the dihedral quandle
Specifically, in Example
, the value of the invariant
for a trefoil
, and
one computes
, so that
are not equivalent.
In [Sat04*],
for infinitely many spatial graphs called Suzuki's -curves,
it was proved that they are
chiral. The
-cocycle invariants of dihedral quandles
with the Mochizuki's cocycle
were used to prove this fact.
In Fig.
, a special family of Suzuki's
are depicted, with a coloring by
-curves have the property that any proper subgraph is
trivially embedded, but they are non-trivial (the embeddings are not planar
although there are planar embeddings), so that any method that uses
proper subgraphs can not be applied effectively.