30. | G. Lewicki, L. Skrzypek, On the maximal hyperplane in l_p^n. |
29. | B. Shekhtman, L. Skrzypek, On alternating functions in subspaces of C[0,1] |
28. | B. Shekhtman, L. Skrzypek, B. Tuesink, On primary decomposition of Hermite projectors, Accepted. |
27. | C. Phan, L. Skrzypek and Y. You. Dynamics and Synchronization of Complex Neural Networks with Boundary Coupling. Analysis and Mathematical Physics (2022) 12:33, 1-18. |
26. | C. Phan, L. Skrzypek and Y. You. Exponential Synchronization of 2D Cellular Neural Networks with Boundary Feedback. Accepted |
25. | L. Skrzypek and Y. You. Feedback Synchronization of FHN Cellular Neural Networks. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B (2021) 1-10, doi: 10.3934/dcdsb.2021001 |
24. | L. Skrzypek and Y. You. Dynamics and Synchronization of Boundary Coupled Fitz-Hugh-Nagumo Neural Networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation (2021). Volume 388, 1-13. |
23. | V. Munudunru and L. Skrzypek, A Comparison of Artificial Neural Network and Decision Trees with Logistic Regression as Classification Models for Breast Cancer Survival. International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences Vol. 5, No. 6 (2020), 1170-1190. |
22. | Sears, R., Hopf, F., Torres-Ayala, A., Casey, W., Skrzypek, L. Using Plan-Do-Study-Act (Pdsa) Cycles and Interdisciplinary Conversations to Transform College Algebra PRIMUS (Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies) Volume 29, Issue 8 (2019), 881-902. |
21. | B. Deregowska, S. Foucart, B. Lewandowska and L. Skrzypek, On the Norms and Minimal Properties of de la Vallee Poussin's type Operators, Monatshefte fur Math 185 (2018), no. 4, 601-619 |
20. | Sears, R., Hopf, F., Butler, K., Skrzypek, L. Transforming Secondary Mathematics Curriculum to Promote Interdisciplinary STEM Concepts, (2017), conference proceedings of the 15th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education . |
19. | Keene, Skrzypek, Downling, Kott "Bringing Evidenced-Based Practices to a Large-Scale Precalculus Class: Preliminary Results", XX Annual Conference on Research on Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME 2017) February 23-25, 2017 | San Diego, CA |
18. | S. Foucart and L. Skrzypek, On maximal relative projection constants. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 447 (2017), no. 1, 309-328 |
17. | G. Lewicki and L. Skrzypek, Minimal projections onto hyperplanes in lp^n, J. Approx. Theory, 202 (2016), 42-63. |
16. | B. Shekhtman and L. Skrzypek, On a characterization of Hilbert spaces through minimality of orthogonal projections and related topics, J. Concr. Appl. Math. 13 (2015), no. 3-4, 322-329. |
15. | B. Shekhtman and L. Skrzypek, Minimal versus orthogonal projections onto hyperplanes in \ell_1^n and \ell_\infty^n.$ Approximation Theory XIV: San Antonio 2013, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics Volume 83 (2014), 343-349. |
14. | L. Skrzypek, Chalmers-Metcalf operator and uniqueness of minimal projections in \ell_\infty^n and \ell_1^n spaces. Approximation Theory XIII: San Antonio 2010 (M. Neamtu and L. Schumaker (eds.)), Springer Proceedings in Mathematics Volume 13 (2012), 331-344. |
13. | B. Shekhtman and L. Skrzypek, On the uniqueness of the Fourier projection in Lp spaces. J. Concr. Appl. Math. 8 (2010), no. 3, 439-447. |
12. | L. Skrzypek, On the Non-Uniqueness of Minimal Projections in l1 and Discrete Walsh Projections. Nonlinear Anal. 71 (2009), no. 12, e2431-e2436. |
11. | L. Skrzypek, On the Lp norm of the Rademacher projection and related inequalities. Proceedings of the AMS 137 (2009), 2661-2669 . |
10. | B. Shekhtman and L. Skrzypek, On the non-uniqueness of minimal projectionin Lp spaces J. Approx. Theory 161 (2009), no. 1, 23-34. |
9. | G. Lewicki and L. Skrzypek, Chalmers-Metcalf Operator and Uniqueness of Minimal Projections, J. Approx. Theory, 148 (2007), 71-91. |
8. | G. Lewicki and L. Skrzypek, On the properties of Chalmers-Metcalf operator, Banach Spaces and their Applications in Analysis (Ed. by Randrianantoanina, Beata and Randrianantoanina, Narcisse), 375-390, de Gruyter (2007). |
7. | B. Shekhtman and L. Skrzypek, Geometric aspects of minimal projections onto planes, Constructive Theory of Functions , Varna 2005 (B. Bojanov Ed.), 267-277, Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia (2006) . |
6. | B. Shekhtman and L. Skrzypek, Norming Points and Unique Minimality of Otrhogonal Projections, Abstract and Applied Analysis (2006) , Art. ID 42305, 1-17. |
5. | B. Shekhtman and L. Skrzypek, Uniqueness of Minimal Projections onto Two-Dimensional Subspaces, Studia Mathematica, 168 (2005), 273-284. |
4. | L. Skrzypek, Minimal Projections in Spaces of Functions of N Variables, J. Approx. Theory, 123 (2003), 214-231. |
3. | L. Skrzypek, Uniqueness of Minimal Projections in Smooth Matrix Spaces, J. Approx. Theory, 107 (2000), 315-336. |
2. | L. Skrzypek, On the Uniqueness of Norm-One Projection in James-type Spaces Generated by Order Preserving Norms, East Journal On Approximations, 6 (2000), 1-31. |
1. | L. Skrzypek, The Uniqueness of Norm-One Projection in James-type Spaces, J. Approx. Theory, 100 (1999), 73-93. |