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Reidemeister Moves

We list the Reidemeister moves in Fig. [*] and would like to leave details to other books in knot theory, and recall the most fundamental theorem of Reidemeister we rely on.

Figure: reidmoves
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Theorem 2.1 (Reidemeister)   Let $ D_1$, $ D_2$ be two diagrams representing the same $ ($equivalent$ )$ knot. Then $ D_2$ is obtained from $ D_1$ by a sequence of Reidemeister moves and isotopy of the plane $ \mathbb{R}^2$.

Figure: Moves with a height function specified
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Remark 2.2   There are variations of Reidemeister moves in various situations and set-ups. Here we mention three variations.

Figure: Moves for virtual knots
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Masahico Saito - Quandle Website 2006-09-19