denote the set of colorings of a knot diagram
of a knot
by a quandle
It is known [FR92], and can be checked on diagrams,
that for any coloring
of a diagram
of a knot
by a quandle
there is a unique coloring
of a
of the same knot
that is obtained from
by a single
Reidemeister move of any type (I, II, or III),
such that the colorings coincide outside of a small portion of the diagrams
where the move is performed.
Thus there is a one-to-one correspondence between the sets of colorings
of two diagrams of the same knot.
In particular, the cardinality
is a knot invariant.
Note that any knot diagram is colored by a single element of a given quandle.
Such a monochromatic coloring is called trivial.
Hence for any knot
and any quandle
is at least
the cardinality
of the quandle.
In fact, the Reidemeister moves I, II, III correspond to
the quandle axiom I, II, III, respectively. In particular,
a type III move represents the self-distributivity as depicted in Fig. .
A coloring is defined for virtual knot diagrams in a completely similar manner, and the sets of colorings of two virtual diagrams of the same virtual knot are in one-to-one correspondence, as checked by Reidemeister moves for virtual knots.
For a coloring
of a knot diagram
there is a coloring of regions ([FRS95,FRS*])
that extend
as depicted in Fig.
The set
of regions is defined to be the
set of connected components of the complement of
(underlying) projection of a knot diagram in
A coloring of regions is an assignment of quandle elements to regions,
together with a given coloring
of arcs,
that satisfies the following requirement: Suppose the two regions
are divided by an arc
such that the normal to
points from
, and let
be a color of
. Then the color of
is required to be
The set of colorings
of arcs and regions is denoted by
In Fig. , it is seen that a coloring of regions
(region colors) are well-defined near a crossing.
In the left of the figure, a positive crossing is depicted.
Near a crossing, there are four regions, one of which is a unique region
from which all the normal vectors of the arcs point to other regions.
Such a region is called the source region at a crossing.
There are two ways
to go from the source region (leftmost region)
to the rightmost region, through upper arcs and lower arcs.
Through upper arcs we obtain the color
and through the lower arcs
, that coincide by the self-distributivity
of a quandle.
The situation is similar at a negative crossing (the right of Fig.
the colors of the regions unspecified are for an exercise).
The triple of elements
is called the source colors or ordered triple of colors at the crossing.
is the color of the source region,
is the color of the under-arc
from which the normal of the over-arc points, and
is the color of the over-arc
(the pair
is the source colors of arcs).
For any coloring
of a knot diagram
) by a quandle
and any specific choice of a color
for a region
there is a unique region coloring
that extends
such that
This is seen as follows.
and take a path
that avoids crossings of
and intersects transversely in finite points with
. Along
the element
is determined by the coloring rule
of regions from the colors of arcs.
Take two paths,
, from
that miss crossing points.
There is a homotopy from
, and it is assumed without loss of generality
that during the homotopy the paths experience, themselves and in
relation the the knot projection, a sequence of Reidemeister moves.
In particular, when a path goes through a crossing of the knot projection,
it corresponds to a type III move, and well-definedness
under such a move is checked in Fig.
Therefore the color of regions are uniquely determined by a color of a single
Note that we used the fact that the plane is simply connected,
i.e., any two paths are homotopic.
In general, we cannot
define region colors for knots on a surface, or virtual knots.