More than 150 publications have resulted from work in the McCoy Lab. Publications produced over the past two years are listed below.You may view all publications coming from work in the McCoy Lab by specific topic:
McCoy, E.D., H.R. Mushinsky & J.K. Lindzey. 2006. Population declines of the gopher tortoise on protected lands. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION 128: 120-127.
Moon, J.C., E.D. McCoy, H.R. Mushinsky & S.A. Karl. 2006. Multiple paternity and breeding systems in the gopher tortoise. JOURNAL OF HEREDITY 97: 150-157.
Mushinsky, E.D. & E.D. McCoy. 2006. The gopher tortoise, Gopherus polyphemus, an underground engineer. REPTILIA 49:16-21.
Mushinsky, H.R., E.D. McCoy, J.S. Berish, R.E. Ashton & D.S. Wilson. 2006. Gopherus polyphemus – gopher tortoise. In: Biology and Conservation of Florida Turtles, pp. 350-375 (CHELONIAN RESEARCH MONOGRAPHS 3, Meylan, Ed.)
Wilson, D.S., H.R. Mushinsky & E.D. McCoy. 2006. Kinosternon baurii – striped mud turtle. In: Biology and Conservation of Florida Turtles, pp. 180-188 (CHELONIAN RESEARCH MONOGRAPHS 3, Meylan, Ed.)
Ashton, R., P. Ashton, J. Berish, B. Blihovde, B. Bolt, S. Hermann, C. Guyer, E. Jacobson, E.D. McCoy, H.R. Mushinsky & W. Thompson. 2007. Gopher tortoise management plan relocation issue scientific review. FLORIDA FISH AND WILDLIFE CONSERVATION COMMISSION. 7pp.
Frank, J.H. & E.D. McCoy. 2007. The risk of classical biological control in Florida. BIOLOGICAL CONTROL 41:151-174.
Halstead, B.J., E.D. McCoy, T.A. Stilson & H.R. Mushinsky. 2007. Alternative foraging tactics of a central place forager examined using correlated random walk models. HERPETOLOGICA 63: 472-481.
Hudson, P., K. Berry, C.R. Tracy, E.D. McCoy, K. Ralls, M. Reed & R. Steidl. 2007. Understanding disease in desert tortoise populations: A brief summary of knowledge and recommendations pertinent to conservation. US FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE. 12pp.
McCoy, E.D. & H.R. Mushinsky. 2007. Estimates of minimum patch size depend on the method of estimation and the condition of the habitat. ECOLOGY 88: 1401-1407.
McCoy, E.D., H.R. Mushinsky & J.K. Lindzey. 2007. Conservation strategies and emergent diseases: The case of upper respiratory tract disease in the gopher tortoise. CHELONIAN CONSERVATION AND BIOLOGY 6: 170-176.
Mushinsky, H.R., E.D. McCoy& N. Halstead. 2007. Measuring wetland health: Establishing current population levels of anurans in cypress domes. SOUTHWEST FLORIDA WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT. 43pp.
Riedl, S.C., H.R. Mushinsky & E.D. McCoy. 2008. Translocation of the gopher tortoise: Difficulties associated with assessing success. APPLIED HERPETOLOGY 5: 145-160
Catenazzi, A, H.R. Mushinsky & E.D. McCoy. 2008. Plestiodon reynoldsi (sand skink) albinism. COPEIA
Durbin, D., S. Gonzalez, K. Robbins, N. Halstead, H.R. Mushinsky & E.D. McCoy. 2008. Wildlife habitat and wildlife utilization of phosphate-mined lands. FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF PHOSPHATE RESEARCH.
Halstead, B.J., H.R. Mushinsky & E.D. McCoy. 2008. Sympatric Masticophis flagellum and Coluberconstrictor select prey at different levels of taxonomy. COPEIA
McCoy, E.D. 2008. A data aggregation problem in studies of upper respiratory tract disease in the gopher tortoise. HERPETOLOGICAL REVIEW
McCoy, E.D. & K.S. Berry. 2008. Using an Ecological Ethics framework to make decisions about the relocation of wildlife. SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING ETHICS.
McCoy, E.D., H.R. Mushinsky & R.D. Moore. 2008. A future with small populations of the gopher tortoise. In: Urban Herpetology, in press (HERPETOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, Jung and Mitchell, Eds.).
McCoy, E.D., Mushinsky, H.R., W.J. Shockley & M.R. Alvarez. 2008. Aging the threatened sand skink with skeletochronology. COPEIA
Mushinsky, H.R. & E.D. McCoy. 2008. Habitat requirements of key vertebrate species that are under-represented on phosphate mined lands. FLORIDA INSTITUTE OF PHOSPHATE RESEARCH. |