Academy of Management, AOM One of the major I/O related associations in the US.

Academy of Management Organizational Behavior Division site

American Psychological Association, APA The largest psychological association in the world. One of the best sites for information about psychology.

Association for Psychological Science, APS The other American psychological association. You can participate in online research by going to exponnet on this site.

Association for Talent Development (ATD). Formerly American Society for Training and Development, ATSD. An association devoted to organization development and training

Australian Psychological Society, APS The other APS. Check out their College of Organizational Psychology

British Psychological Society, BPS The major UK psychological association. It has an occupational psychology division.

European Network of Work & Organizational Psychologists, ENOP Their site lists standards for the training of I/O psychologists.

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Human factors is a closely linked field to I/O.

International Association of Applied Psychology, IAAP They have a division of Work and Organizational Psychology.

SIOP Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, SIOP. One of the best places to come for information about I/O, including graduate programs, internships, the profession, and text of the society publication TIP.

Society for Occupational Health Psychology I/O-related society concerned with employee health, safety, and well-being

Southern Managment Association Regional management association that has developed a wider scope through publication of one of the leading journals, Journal of Management, and other activities.

Work and Organizational Psychology Division of the German Psychological Society In German.


Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety, CCOHS Government agency concerned with workplace health and safety.

Employment Statistics Mostly selection oriented information and links. Text of Uniform Guidelines and Supreme Court decisions.

Gallup Organization Results of recent Gallup polls can be found here, including occasional surveys about job satisfaction. This company is also a consulting firm in the area of employee surveys.

Job Search Tips Guide to writing a resume'. Explains what you can do with a Masters in psychology including IO.

Professor Patrick McCarthy's website Contains links to documents on many I/O topics.

National Safety Council Information about workplace accidents.

O*NET Federally funded site that serves as the depository of employment information for employers and job seekers. Contains the free downloadable O*NET database that replaced the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Our own Dr. Wally Borman was a major contributor to the design.

Quintessential Careers Contains a wealth of information about careers and finding jobs.

Spanish Work Psychology Site Jose Prieto's description of Applied and Work Psychology in Spain.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Source of government statistics on economic and work factors.

U.S. National Insitute of Occupational Safety and Health, NIOSH Conducts research on workplace hazards.

U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA Concerned with workplace hazards


American Institutes for Research, AIR A nonprofit consulting firm that applies social science principles to real world problems, including those of the workplace.

Brannick Human Resources Connections A one person I/O consulting firm that gives a good idea about what an I/O practice can be.

Development Dimensions International, DDI One of the largest I/O consulting firms in the world.

The Hay Group A large international management consulting firm.

IBM Talent and Workforce Management Formerly Kenexa--offers a wide variety of services

Jackson Leadership Systems A consulting firm that specializes in leadership development, e.g., executive coaching and leader selection.

The Kingswood Group A small I/O consulting firm that provides a wide range of services.

Organizational Performance Dimensions A small consulting firm that provides some interesting services.

Performance Assessment Network, PAN A company that carries a large number of varied I/O assessments ranging from selection tests to occupational stress surveys.

PDI Ninth House One of the largest I/O consulting firms in the world.

Pearson One of the major psychological testing companies that owns tests from the old Psychological Corporation.

RHR International An I/O consulting firm that specializes in executive development.

SHL An international I/O consulting firm.

Talentkeepers A consulting firm that specializes in retaining good employees.

Wilson Learning Corporation International consulting firm that specializes in assessment and training.


Data on the Net Site that maintains links to downloadable data sets. A great resource for instructors and students looking for practice data.

HR-Survey Commercial survey company that has information about conducting organizational surveys. See the White Papers section.

International Personality Item Pool Professor Lewis Goldberg's site devoted to assessment of personality. You can use his personality scales for research without cost to assess the Big Five and other variables.

Kenny's Research Website Professor David Kenny's website of information about research methodology and tests for mediation.

MacCallum's Website Professor Robert MacCallum's website contains dowloadable papers and the text of an unfinished factor analysis book. A SAS program to compute power for SEM analyses is here.

Meta Analysis Larry Lyons' meta-analysis site, contains a description and history of the technique, as well as links to other relevant sites. Mainly covers the Hunter-Schmidt method.

RM Division Academy of Management Research Methods Division Site. Has bibliographies of methods topics and methods links.

Simple Interactive Statistical Analysis Online statistics package to do some simple analyses, many nonparametric. Some downloadable MSDOS programs are provided free.

Structural Equation Modeling Professor Ed Rigdon's SEM site with lots of good links.

Web Center for Social Research Methods Professor Bill Trochim's site devoted to research methods. Has a decision aid to help you choose the proper statistical method.

Please let me know if any links are bad, or descriptions are out of date.


Copyright Paul E. Spector, All rights reserved, Last updated on May 23, 2014.