Publications by Manh-Huong Phan (M.H. Phan)








A. Books
B. Book chapters
C. Review papers
D. Refereed journal papers
# Giant Magnetoimpedance Materials for Sensor Applications
    # Giant Magnetocaloric Materials for Magnetic Refrigeration Applications
    # Magnetism and collective phenomena in complex oxides
    # Novel magnetic thin films for technological applications
    # Optical and magnetic semiconductors for electronic applications
    # Novel magnetic nanomaterials for biomedical applications
    # Multiferroic materials for spintronics applications
E. Patents

A. Books

  1. H.X. Peng, F. Qin, and M.H. Phan, Ferromagnetic Microwire Composites: From Sensors to Microwave Applications (200 pages), Springer International Publishing - 2016, ISSN: 1619-0181 (link to book)

  2. M.H. Phan, Section Editor for "Magnetic, Spintronic, and Superconducting Materials" in Encyclopedia of Materials: Electronics, Elsevier Publisher - 2023, ISSN: 978-0-12-819735-6 (link to book)

B. Book chapters

  1. M.H. Phan and S.C. Yu, Magnetoresistance, Magnetoimpedance and Magnetocaloric Phenomena in Ferromagnetic Manganites, in Handbook of Ceramic Materials Research Trends, published by Nova Science Publishers – 2007, ISBN: 1-60021-769-9, Chapter 2, pp. 43 - 76 (link to chapter)

  2. M.H. Phan, Recent Advances and Future Directions in Giant Magnetoimpedance Materials, in Magnetic Materials: Research, Technology and Applications , published by Nova Science Publishers - 2009, ISBN: 978-1-60692-145-6, Chapter 1, pp. 1 - 75 (link to chapter)

  3. K. Stojak, H. Srikanth, P. Mukherjee, M.H. Phan and N.T.K. Thanh, Size- and Shape-Variant Magnetic Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles: Synthesis and Properties, in Complex-Shaped Metal Nanoparticles, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-527-33077-5, Ed Tapan K. Sau and Andrey L. Rogach. Willey, published by Wiley, Chapter 5, pp. 1-34 (link to chapter)

  4. R. Singh, J. Alonso, J. Devkota, and M.H. Phan, Soft Ferromagnetic Microwires with Excellent Inductive Heating Properties for Clinical Hyperthermia Applications, in High Performance Soft Magnets, Springer International Publishing 2016, Ed Arkady Zhukov, Chapter 7, pp. 1-25 (link to chapter)

  5. H. Khurshid, Z. Nemati, . Iglesias, J. Alonso, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth, Hollow Magnetic Nanoparticles, in New Trends in Nanoparticle Magnetism, Springer International Publishing 2021, Ed by Peddis, Davide, Laureti, Sara, Fiorani, Dino, Chapter 6, 137-158 (link to chapter)

  6. C.M. Hung, A. Chanda, H. Srikanth, M.H. Phan, Spin Orbit Torque Based Devices: Concepts, Progress, and Perspectives, in Encyclopedia of Materials: Electronics, Elsevier Publisher, 2023 (link to chapter)

  7. D.P. Kozlenko, T.L. Phan, M.H. Phan, N.T. Dang, Multifunctional Magnetic Oxides: Neutron Diffraction Studies, in Encyclopedia of Materials: Electronics, Elsevier Publisher, 2023 (link to chapter)

  8. M.H. Phan, Introduction: New Research Trends in Magnetism and Magnetic Technologies, in Encyclopedia of Materials: Electronics, Elsevier Publisher, 2023 (link to chapter)

C. Review papers

  1. M.H. Phan and S.C. Yu, Review of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Manganite Materials, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2007, Vol. 308, pp. 325-340 (over 2000 citations – up to date, [link to paper]).
    Referee's comment: "The authors made a useful analysis of the magnetocaloric effect in ferromagnetic perovskite manganites presented in the recent literature. The bibliographic revision that they have done is very accurate and complete. The advantages and the disadvantages of manganite materials and the comparison with other materials are well explained in great detail and the discussions made are very interesting and challenging. In conclusion, this manuscript contributes to our understanding of the magnetocaloric effect and deserves publication in the Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials.”

  2. M.H. Phan and H.X. Peng, Giant Magnetoimpedance Materials: Fundamentals and Applications, Progress in Materials Science 2008, Vol. 53, pp. 323-420 (5 year impact factor: 39.58, [link to paper]).
    KOSEN21 Expert's comment: "This is the world's literature, with a huge increase in the giant magnetoimpedance and its applications. It presents a comprehensive summary of the basic GMI phenomena, a fair understanding of GMI materials and properties, and sensor applications."

  3. A.T. Le and M.H. Phan, Advanced Magnetic Microwires as Sensing Elements for LC-Resonant-Type Magnetoimpedance Sensors: A Comprehensive Review, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 2012, Vol. 25, pp. 181-195, [link to paper]).

  4. M.H. Phan, J. Alonso, H. Khurshid, P. Lampen-Kelley, S. Chardra, K. Stojak, Z.N. Porshokouh, R. Das, . Iglesias, and H. Srikanth, Exchange Bias Effects in Iron Oxide Based Nanoparticle Systems, Nanomaterials 2016, Vol. 6, pp. 221 [link to paper]

  5. Daniel J. Denmark, X. Bustos-Perez, A. Swaine, M.H. Phan, S. Mohapatra, and S.S. Mohapatra, Readiness of Magnetic Nanobiosensors for Point-of-Care Commercialization, Journal of Electronic Materials 2019, Vol. 48, pp. 4749 [link to paper]

  6. G. Lavorato, R. Das, J.A. Masa, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth, Hybrid magnetic nanoparticles as efficient nanoheaters in biomedical applications, Nanoscale Advances 2021, Vol. 3, pp. 867 [link to paper]

  7. M.H. Phan, M.T. Trinh, T. Eggers, V. Kalappattil, Ken-ichi Uchida, L.M. Woods, and M. Terrones, A Perspective on Two-dimensional van der Waals Opto-Spin-Caloritronics, Applied Physics Letters 2021, Vol. 119, pp. 250501 [link to paper]

  8. V.O. Jimenez, K.Y. Hwang, D. Nguyen, Y. Rahman, C. Albrecht, B. Senator, O. Thiabgoh, J. Devkota, V.D.A. Bui, D.S. Lam, T. Eggers, M.H. Phan, Magnetoimpedance Biosensors and Real-Time Healthcare Monitors: Progress, Opportunities, and Challenges, Biosensors 2022, Vol. 12, pp. 517 [link to paper]

  9. M.H. Phan, V. Kalappattil, V. Ortiz Jimenez, Y.T.H. Pham, N.W.Y.A.Y. Mudiyanselage, D. Detellem, C.M. Hung, A. Chanda, and T. Eggers, Exchange Bias and Interface-related Effects in Two-dimensional van der Waals Magnetic Heterostructures: Open Questions and Perspectives, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2023, Vol. 937, pp. 168375 [link to paper]

  10. H.X. Shen, N.T.M. Duc, H. Belliveau, L. Luo, Y.F. Wang, J.F. Sun, F.X. Qin, and M.H. Phan, Advanced magnetocaloric microwires: What does the future hold?, Vietnam Journal of Science, Technology and Engineering 2023;65:14-24 [link to paper]

  11. V.O. Jimenez, Y.T.H. Pham, D. Zhou, M.Z. Liu, V. Kalappattil, T. Eggers, K. Hoang, D.L. Duong, M. Terrones, and M.H. Phan, Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: Making Atomic-Level Magnetism Tunable with Light at Room Temperature, Advanced Science 2023, 2304792 [link to paper]

  12. M.H. Phan, New Research Trends in Electrically Tunable 2D van der Waals Magnetic Materials, Progress in Materials Science 2023 (invited paper) [link to paper]

D. Refereed journal papers

Giant Magnetoimpedance Materials for Sensor Applications

  1. M.H. Phan, S.C. Yu, C.G. Kim and M. V zquez
    Origin of asymmetrical magnetoimpedance in Co-based amorphous microwires due to dc bias-current
    Applied Physics Letters 2003;83: 2871-2873 [link to paper].

  2. M.H. Phan, Y.S. Kim, N.X. Chien, S.C. Yu, H. Lee and N. Chau
    Giant magnetoimpedance effect in amorphous Co70Fe5Si15B10 and Co70Fe5Si15Nb2.2Cu0.8B7 ribbons
    Japan Journal of Applied Physics 2003;42: 5571-5574 [link to paper].

  3. Y.S. Kim, M.H. Phan, S.C. Yu, K.S. Kim, H. Lee, B.G. Ki and Y.H. Kang
    Annealing and neutron irradiation effects on the permeability in Fe86Zr7B6Cu1 alloy
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 2003;327: 311-314 [link to paper].

  4. M.H. Phan, H.X. Peng, M.R. Wisnom, S.C. Yu and N. Chau
    Enhanced GMI effect in a Co70Fe5Si15B10 due to Cu and Nb substitution for B
    Physics Status Solidi A 2004;201: 1558-1562 [link to paper].

  5. M.H. Phan, H.X. Peng, M.R. Wisnom, S.C. Yu, C.G. Kim and M. Vázquez
    Neutron irradiation effect on permeability and magnetoimpedance of amorphous and nanocrystalline magnetic materials
    Physical Review B, 2005; 71: 134423:  1-5 Also: Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology [link to paper].

  6. M.H. Phan, H.X. Peng, M.R. Wisnom and S.C. Yu
    Giant magnetoimpedance effect in ultrasoft FeAlSiBCuNb nanocomposites for sensor applications
    Journal of Applied Physics 2005;98: 014316-7 [link to paper].

  7. M.H. Phan, H.X. Peng, M.R. Wisnom, S.C. Yu and N. Chau
    Valve behavior of the giant magnetoimpedance in field-annealed Co70Fe5Si15Nb2.2Cu0.8B7 amorphous ribbon
    Journal of Applied Physics 2005; 97: 10M108: 1~3 [link to paper].

  8. M.H. Phan, H.X. Peng, M.R. Wisnom, S.C. Yu, C.G. Kim, and N.H. Nghi
    Effect of annealing temperature on permeability and giant magneto-impedance of Fe-based amorphous ribbon
    Sensors and Actuators A-Physical 2006;129:62-65 [link to paper].

  9. M.H. Phan, H.X. Peng, M.R. Wisnom, S.C. Yu and N. Chau
    Effect of annealing on the microstructure and magnetic properties of Fe-based nanocomposite materials
    Composites: Part A 2006;37:191-196 [link to paper].

  10. M.H. Phan, H.X. Peng, S.C. Yu, and M. Vazquez
    Optimized GMI effect in amorphous and nanocrystalline materials
    Journal of Applied Physics 2006;99:08C505 [link to paper].

  11. M.H. Phan, H.X. Peng, M.R. Wisnom, and N.H. Nghi
    Large enhancement of GMI effect in polymer composites containing Co-based ferromagnetic microwires
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2007;316: e253-e256 [link to paper].

  12. M.H. Phan, H.X. Peng, S.C. Yu, N.V. Dung, and N.H. Nghi
    Optimized GMI effect in electrodeposited CoP/Cu composite wires
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2007;316: 244-247 [link to paper].

  13. L.A. Tuan, M.H. Phan, C.O. Kim, H.B. Lee, and S.C. Yu
    Very large magnetoimpedance in a glass-coated microwire LC-resonator
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 2007;395: 88-92 [link to paper].

  14. L.A. Tuan, M.H. Phan, H.B. Lee, S.Y. Yu, and C.O. Kim
    Influences of annealing and sample geometry on the giant magnetoimpedance effect in a glass-coated microwire LC-resonator
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2007;40: 4582-4585 [link to paper].

  15. M.T. Tung, N.V. Dung, N.H. Nghi, M.H. Phan, and H.X. Peng
    Influence of Fe doping and FeNi-layer thickness on the magnetic properties and GMI effect of electrodeposited Ni100-xFex/Cu (x = 0~95) wires
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2008; 41: 105003 (6p) [link to paper].

  16. H.X. Peng, F.X.Qin, M.H. Phan, Jie Tang, L.V. Panina, M. Ipatov, V. Zhukova, A. Zhukov, and J. Gonzalez
    Co-based magnetic microwire and field-tunable multifunctional macro-composites
    Journal of Non-crystalline Solids 2009; 355: 1380-1386 [link to paper].

  17. F.X.Qin, H.X. Peng, and M.H. Phan
    Influence of varying metal-to-glass ratio on GMI effect in Co-based amorphous glass-coated microwires
    Solid State Communications 2010; 150: 114-117 [link to paper].

  18. A.T. Le, N.Q. Hoa, D.G. Park, M.H Phan, H. Srikanth, and S.C. Yu
    Enhancement of the giant magnetoimpedance effect and its magnetic response in ion-irradiated magnetic amorphous ribbons
    Materials Science and Engineering B 2010; 166: 89-93 [link to paper].

  19. F.X.Qin, H.X. Peng, and M.H. Phan
    Wire-ength effect on GMI in Co-based amorphous glass-coated microwires
    Materials Science and Engineering B 2010; 167: 129-132 [link to paper].

  20. F.X.Qin, H.X. Peng, M.H. Phan, L.V. Panina, M. Ipatov, V. Zhukova, A. Zhukov, and J. Gonzalez
    Novel magnetic microwires-embedded composites for structural health monitoring applications
    Journal of Applied Physics 2010; 107: 09A314(3 pages) [link to paper].

  21. A. Chaturvedi, A.-T. Le, T. Dhakal, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Critical length and giant magnetoimpedance in Co69Fe4.5Ni1.5Si10B15 amorphous ribbons
    Materials Science and Engineering B 2010;172: 146 150 [link to paper].

  22. A. Chaturvedi, T. Dhakal, A.-T. Le, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Correlation between magnetic softness, sample surface and magneto-impedance in Co69Fe4.5X1.5Si10B15 (X = Ni, Al, Cr) amorphous ribbons
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 2010; 405: 2836-2839 [link to paper].

  23. F.X.Qin, H.X. Peng, M.H. Phan, L.V. Panina, M. Ipatov, V. Zhukova, A. Zhukov, and J. Gonzalez
    Exceptional electromagnetic interference shielding properties of ferromagnetic microwires enabled polymer composites
    Journal of Applied Physics 2010;108:044510 (6 pages) [link to paper].

  24. F.X.Qin, H.X. Peng, V.V. Popov, and M.H. Phan
    Giant magneto-impedance and stress-impedance effects of microwire composites for sensing applications
    Solid State Communications 2011;151:293[link to paper].

  25. A. Chaturvedi, N. Laurita, A. Leary, M.H. Phan, M.E. McHenry, and H. Srikanth
    Giant magnetoimpedance and field sensitivity in amorphous and nanocrystalline (Co1-xFex)89Zr7B4 (x =0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1) ribbons
    Journal of Applied Physics 2011;109:07B508 [link to paper].

  26. N. Laurita, A. Chaturvedi, C. Bauer, P. Jayathilaka, Alex Leary, C. Miller, M.H. Phan, M.E. McHenry, and H. Srikanth
    Enhanced GMI effect and field sensitivity in Co-coated soft ferromagnetic amorphous ribbons
    Journal of Applied Physics 2011;109:07C706 [link to paper].

  27. A. Chaturvedi, K. Stojak, N. Laurita, P. Mukherjee, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Carbon nanotube-based gas sensors using the magnetoimpedance effect
    Journal of Applied Physics 2012;111: 07E507 [link to paper].

  28. F. X. Qin, H. X. Peng, M. H. Phan, L. V. Panina, M. Ipatov, and A. Zhukov
    Effects of wire properties on the field-tunable behaviour of continuous-microwire composites
    Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 2012;178:118 [link to paper].

  29. A.T. Le, M.T. Tung, and M.H. Phan
    A Study of Giant Magnetoimpedance Effect and Magnetic Response in Micro-patterned F/Ag/F Magnetic Ribbon Structures (F=Co-rich Amorphous Ribbon
    Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 2012;25:1133 [link to paper].

  30. N.H. Tinh, N.V. Dung, N.H. Nghi, and M.H. Phan
    Influence of Nb substitution for Fe on the magnetic and magneto-impedance properties of amorphous and annealed Fe76.5-xSi13.5B9Cu1Nbx (x = 0-7) ribbons
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 2012;407:3790 [link to paper].

  31. J. Devkota, A. Ruiz, P. Mukherjee, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Magneto-resistance, magneto-reactance, magneto-impedance effects in single and multi-wire systems
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2013;549:295 [link to paper].

  32. J. Devkota, A. Ruiz, C. Wang, S. Mohapatra, P. Mukherjee, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Detection of low-concentration superparamagnetic nanoparticles using an integrated radio frequency magnetic biosensor
    Journal of Applied Physics 2013;113:104701 [link to paper].

  33. J. Devkota, A. Ruiz, P. Mukherjee, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Magneto-impedance Biosensor with Enhanced Sensitivity for Highly Sensitive Detection of Nanomag-D Beads
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2013;49:9464 [link to paper].

  34. A. Ruiz, D. Mukherjee, J. Devkota, M. Hordagoda, S. Witanachchi, P. Mukherjee, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Enhanced GMI effect in soft ferromagnetic amorphous ribbons with pulsed laser deposition of cobalt ferrite
    Journal of Applied Physics 2013;113:17A323 [link to paper].

  35. J. Devkota, A. Ruiz, J. Wingo, F.X. Qin, P. Mukherjee, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Soft ferromagnetic microribbons with enhanced GMI properties for high frequency sensor applications
    Physics Express 2014;4:10 [link to paper].

  36. N. A. Frey Huls, M. H. Phan, A. Kumar, S. Mohapatra, S. S. Mohapatra, P. Mukherjee, and H. Srikanth
    Transverse susceptibility as a biosensor for detection of Au-Fe3O4 nanoparticle-embedded human embryonic kidney cells
    Sensors 2013;13:8490 [link to paper].

  37. A. Ruiz, A. Chaturvedi, A.T. Le, P. Mukherjee, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Magneto-impedance effect in electrodeposited Cu/FeNi/Cu/FeNi multilayer wires
    Sciencejet 2014;3:48 [link to paper].

  38. J. Devkota, M.T. Trang, K. Stojak, P.T. Ha, H.N. Pham, T. L. Ngo, N.X. Phuc, P. Mukherjee, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Synthesis, inductive heating, and magnetoimpedance-based detection of multifunctional Fe3O4 nanoconjugates
    Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2014;190:715-722 [link to paper].

  39. J. Devkota, J. Wingo, T. T. T. Mai, X. P. Nguyen, N. T. Huong, P. Mukherjee, H. Srikanth, and M. H. Phan
    A highly sensitive magnetic biosensor for detection and quantification of anticancer drugs tagged to superparamagnetic nanoparticles
    Journal of Applied Physics 2014;115: 17B503 [link to paper].

  40. J.S. Liu, F.X. Qin, D.M. Chen, H. Wang, H.X. Shen, D. Xing, M.H. Phan, and J.F. Sun
    Combined current-modulation annealing induced enhancement of GMI effect of Co-rich amorphous microwires
    Journal of Applied Physics 2014;115:17A326 [link to paper].

  41. M.T. Tung, L.T.T. Hang, L.A. Tuan, N.H. Nghi, and M.H. Phan
    Influence of electrodeposition parameters on the magnetic and magneto-impedance properties of Cu/CoP wires
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 2014;442:16 [link to paper].

  42. P. Colosimo and A. Chen, J. Devkota, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Sensing RF and microwave energy with fiber Bragg grating heating via soft ferromagnetic glass-coated microwires
    Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 2014;210:25 [link to paper].

  43. J. Devkota, P. Colosimo, A. Chen, V.S. Larin, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Tailoring magnetic and microwave absorption properties of glass-coated soft ferromagnetic amorphous microwires for microwave energy sensing
    Journal of Applied Physics 2014;115:17A525 [link to paper].

  44. J. Devkota, N.T. Huong, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Magneto-impedance Based Probe of Various Concentrations of Corrosive Chemicals
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2014;50:4004404 [link to paper].

  45. V. Zhukova, A. Talaat, M. Ipatov, Juan M. Blanco, M.H. Phan, and A. Zhukov
    Effect of Annealing on Magnetic Properties and Giant Magnetoimpedance Effect of Amorphous Microwires
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2014;50:2005004 [link to paper].

  46. J. Devkota, D. Mukherjee, A. Ruiz, S. Witanachchi, P. Mukherjee, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Impacts of amorphous and crystalline cobalt ferrite films on the giant magneto-impedance response of a soft ferromagnetic amorphous ribbon
    Journal of Applied Physics 2014;116:123912 [link to paper].

  47. J. Devkota, L. Trang, J. Liu, F. Qin, J. Sun, P. Mukherjee, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    A soft ferromagnetic multiwire-based inductance coil sensor for sensing applications
    Journal of Applied Physics 2014;116:234504 [link to paper].

  48. J. Devkota, M. Howell, S. Mohapatra, P. Mukherjee, H. Srikanth, M.H. Phan
    Magneto-reactance based detection of MnO nanoparticle-embedded Lewis lung carcinoma cancer cells
    Journal of Applied Physics 2015;117:17D123 [link to paper].

  49. J. Devkota, G. Kokkinis, T. Berris, S. Cardoso, F. Cardoso, H. Srikanth, M.H. Phan, I. Giouroudi
    A novel approach for detection and qualification of magnetic nanomarkers using a spin valve GMR-integrated microfluidic biosensor
    RSC Advances 2015;5:51169 [link to paper].

  50. J.S. Liu, Z. Li, H.X. Shen, F.X. Qin, S. Jiang, Z.X. Du, M.H. Phan, and J.F. Sun
    Composite electroplating to enhance the GMI output stability of melt-extracted wires
    Materials and Design
    2016;96:251 [link to paper].

  51. H.T. Tran, J. Devkota, T. Eggers, J. Wingo, W. Cai, I. Skorvanek, H. Srikanth, M.H. Phan
    Anisotropic mechnical, magnetic, and giant magneto-impedance properties of Co-rich amorphous ribbons
    Journal of Electronic Materials 2016;45:2278 [link to paper].

  52. D. S. Lam, J. Devkota, N. T. Huong, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Enhanced high-frequency magnetoresistance responses of melt-extracted Co-rich soft ferromagnetic microwires
    Journal of Electronic Materials 2016;45:2395 [link to paper].

  53. O. Thiabgoh, T. Eggers, H. Shen, A. Galati, J. Sida, J. F. Sun, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Enhanced high-frequency GMI response of melt-extracted amorphous Co69.25Fe4.25Si13B13.5 microwires subject to Joule annealing
    Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 2016:1:69 [link to paper].

  54. J. Monreal, T. Eggers, M.H. Phan, and Donald T. Haynie
    Dielectric Analysis of Aqueous Poly(L-glutamic acid) and Poly-L-(glutamic acid4, Tyrosine1) Solutions at High Frequencies from Capacitance Measurements
    Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices
    2016;1:521 [link to paper].

  55. T. Eggers, A. Leary, M. McHenry, J. Martin, I. Skorvanek, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Correlation between domain structure, surface anisotropy and high frequency magneto-impedance in Joule annealed CoFe-based melt-spun ribbons
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds
    2016;682:799 [link to paper].

  56. T. Eggers, O. Thiabgoh, S. D. Jiang, H. X. Shen, J. S. Liu, J.F. Sun, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Tailoring circular magnetic domain structure and high frequency magneto-impedance of melt-extracted Co69.25Fe4.25Si13B13.5 microwires through Nb doping
    AIP Advances
    2017;7:056643 [link to paper].

  57. A. Talaat, J. Alonso, V. Zhukova, E. Garaio, J. A. Garc a, H. Srikanth, M.H. Phan, and A. Zhukov
    Ferromagnetic glass-coated microwires with excellent inductive heating properties for magnetic hyperthermia
    Nature: Scientific Reports
    2016;6:39300 [link to paper].

  58. I. Berman, J. Devkota, K.Y. Hwang, and M.H. Phan
    A Disposable Soft Magnetic Ribbon Impedance-Based Sensor for Corrosion Monitoring
    Applied Sciences
    2023;13:6011 [link to paper].

  59. S.D. Jiang, T. Eggers, O. Thiabgoh, D.W. Xing, W. D. Fei, H. X. Shen, J. S. Liu, J.R. Zhang, W.B. Fang, J.F. Sun, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Relating surface roughness and magnetic domain structure to giant magneto-impedance of Co-rich melt-extracted microwires
    Nature: Scientific Reports
    2017;7:46253 [link to paper].

  60. O. Thiabgoh, T. Eggers, and M. H. Phan
    A new contactless magneto-LC resonance technology for real time respiratory motion monitoring
    Sensors and Actuators A
    2017;265:120 [link to paper].

  61. T. Eggers, D.S. Lam, O. Thiabgoh, J. Marcin, P. vec, N.T. Huong, I. korv nek, and M.H. Phan
    Impact of the transverse magnetocrystalline anisotropy of a Co coating layer on the magnetoimpedance response of FeNi-rich nanocrystalline ribbon
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds
    2018;741:1105 [link to paper].

  62. O. Thiabgoh, T. Eggers, V.O. Jimenez, S.D. Jiang, J.F. Sun, and M.H. Phan
    Real-time monitoring of position and motion of a non-stationary object with a highly sensitive magnetic impedance sensor
    Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices
    2018;3:112 [link to paper].

  63. S. D. Jiang, T. Eggers, O. Thiabgoh, D. W. Xing, W. B. Fang, J. F. Sun, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Enhancement of giant magneto-impedance in series Co-rich microwires for low field sensing applications
    Journal of Electronic Materials
    2018;47:266 [link to paper].

  64. O. Thiabgoh, T. Eggers, S.D. Jiang, J. S. Liu, and M.H. Phan
    Condition monitoring and failure prediction of gear rotation with a contactless magnetoimpedance sensor
    Journal of Electronic Materials
    2019;48:4000 [link to paper].

  65. O. Thiabgoh, T. Eggers, C. Albrecht, V.O. Jimenez, H. Shen, S.D. Jiang, J.F. Sun, D.S. Lam, V.D. Lam, M.H. Phan
    Optimization of the high-frequency magnetoimpedance response in melt-extracted Co-rich microwires through novel multiple-step Joule heating
    Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices
    2021;6:364 [link to paper].

  66. K.Y. Hwang, V.O. Jimenez, B. Muchharla, T. Eggers, A.T. Le, V.D. Lam, and M.H. Phan
    A Novel Magnetic Respiratory Sensor for Human Healthcare
    Applied Sciences
    2021;11:3885 [link to paper].

  67. H.A. Tam, N.V. Tuan, N.T. Ngoc, D.V. Hai, M.H. Phan, C.G. Kim, V.D. Lam
    Tuning rotational magnetization for high frequency magnetoimpedance in micro-patterned triangle spiral magnetic systems
    Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices
    2022;7:100514 [link to paper].

  68. F. Wang, M.F. Huang, J.S. Liu, Y. Zhang, C.L. Wang, Z. Li, H.X. Shen, and M.H. Phan
    Effect of Nb doping and AC current annealing on the microstructure, magnetism and magnetoimpedance of metallic fibers
    Journal of Materials Research and Technology
    2024;33:1064 [link to paper].

  69. K.Y. Hwang, D. Brown, S.B. Attanayake, D. Luu, M.D. Nguyen, T. Randall Lee, M.H. Phan
    Signal Differentiation of Moving Magnetic Nanoparticles for Enhanced Biodetection and Diagnostics
    2025;15:116 [link to paper].

  70. Y.F. Wang, T.F. Feng, Y.L. Li, D.P. Makhnovskiy, T. Eggers, M.H. Phan, and F.X. Qin
    Electromagnetic modeling and analysis based on multilayer domain structure for GMI behavior in high frequency
    Physica Scripta
    2024;99:105566 [link to paper].

  71. S.D. Jiang, T. Eggers, O. Thiabgoh, C. Albrecht, J.S. Liu, H. Wang, Z. Li, D.W. Xing, W.D. Fei, W.B. Fang, J.F. Sun, and M.H. Phan
    Design of Core-Shell Structured Magnetic Microwires with Desirable Properties for Multifunctional Applications
    (under review) [link to paper].

  72. D. Nguyen, P.K. Huynh, V.D.A. Bui, K.Y. Hwang, N. Jain, C. Nguyen, L.H.N. Minh, L.V. Truong, X.T. Nguyen, D.H. Nguyen, L.T. Dung, T.Q. Le, and M.H. Phan
    Real-Time Magnetic Tracking and Diagnosis of COVID-19 via Machine Learning
    Nature Biomedical Engineering
    [link to paper].

Giant Magnetocaloric Materials for Magnetic Refrigeration Applications

  1. M.H. Phan, S.C. Yu and N.H. Hur
    Excellent magnetocaloric properties of La0.7Ca0.3-xSrxMnO3 (0.05≤x≤0.25) single crystals
    Applied Physics Letters 2005;86: 072504-072506 [link to paper].

  2. M.H. Phan, N.D. Tho, N. Chau, S.C. Yu and M. Kurisu
    Large magnetic entropy change above 300 K in a colossal magnetoresistive material La0.7Sr0.3Mn0.98Ni0.02O3
    Journal of Applied Physics 2005;97: 3215-3218 [link to paper].

  3. M.H. Phan, H.X. Peng, S.C. Yu, N.D. Tho, Chau
    Large magnetic entropy change in Cu-doped manganites
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2005;285: 199-203 [link to paper].

  4. M.H. Phan, H.X. Peng and S.C. Yu
    Large magnetocaloric effect in single crystal Pr0.63Sr0.37MnO3
    Journal of Applied Physics 2005;97: 10M306: 1~3 [link to paper].

  5. M.H. Phan, H.X. Peng,  S.C. Yu and N. H. Hur
    Large magnetic entropy change above 300 K in a La0.7Ca0.2Sr0.1MnO3 single crystal
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2005; 290-291: 665-668 [link to paper].

  6. M.H. Phan, S.C. Yu, N.H. Hur and Y.H. Jeong
    Large magnetocaloric effect in a La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 single crystal
    Journal of Applied Physics 2004;96:1154-1158 [link to paper].

  7. M.H. Phan, T.L. Phan, S.C. Yu, N. Chau
    Large magnetocaloric effect in La0.845Sr0.155Mn1-xMxO3 (M=Mn, Cu, Co) perovskites
    Physics Status Solidi (b) 2004;241: 1744-1747 [link to paper].

  8. M.H. Phan, S.B. Tian, S.C. Yu and A.N. Ulyanov
    Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of La0.7Ca0.3-xBaxMnO3 compounds
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2003;256: 306-310 [link to paper].

  9. M.H. Phan, T.L. Phan, S.C. Yu, and S.H. Park
    Large magnetic entropy change above 300 K in manganites
    Journal of the Korean Physical Society 2004;45: 664-667 [link to paper].

  10. M.H. Phan, S.C. Yu, Y.M. Moon and N.H. Hur
    Magnetic characteristics of La-deficient manganate single crystals
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2004;272-276: e503-e505 [link to paper].

  11. M.H. Phan, V.T. Phan, S.C. Yu, J.R. Rhee and N.H. Hur
    Large magnetic entropy change in a La0.8Ca0.2MnO3 single crystal
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2004;272-276: 2337-2339 [link to paper].

  12. M.H. Phan, S.B. Tian, D.Q. Hoang, S.C. Yu, A.N. Ulyanov
    Large magnetic entropy change above 300 K in CMR materials
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2003;258-259: 309-311 [link to paper].

  13. M.H. Phan, S.C. Yu, and N.H. Hur
    Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of (La1-x)0.8Ca0.2MnO3 (x = 0.05, 0.20) single crystals
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2003;262: 407-411 [link to paper].

  14. M.H. Phan, S.B. Tian, S.C. Yu and N.H. Hur
    Magnetocaloric effect in a La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 single crystal
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 2003;327: 221-224 [link to paper].

  15. M.H. Phan, Yu, A.N. Ulyanov and H.K. Lachowick
    Large magnetocaloric effect in perovskite manganite materials: magnetic entropy change above 300 K
    Materials Science 2003;21: 133-139 [link to paper].

  16. N.H. Luong, N. Chau, M.H. Phan, D.L. Minh and M. Kurisu
    On the magnetic and magneto-caloric properties of perovskite La1-xSrxCoO3
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2002;242-245: 760-762 [link to paper].

  17. M.H. Phan, H.X. Peng, N.D. Tho, and et al.
    Large magnetocaloric effect in Pr1-xPbxMnO3 (0 < x < 0.5) perovskites
    Journal of Applied Physics 2006;99: 08Q108, 1~3 [link to paper].

  18. M.H. Phan, H.X. Peng, N.D. Tho, N. Chau, and S.C. Yu
    Manganese perovskites for room temperature magnetic refrigeration applications
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2007;316: e562-e565 [link to paper].

  19. M.H. Phan, S.C. Yu
    Magnetocaloric manganites: Progress and Challenges (Invited Paper)
    Physics Status Solidi A 2007;204: 4091-4095 [link to paper].

  20. M. H. Phan, G.T. Woods, A. Chaturvedi, S. Stefanoski, G.S. Nolas, and H. Srikanth
    Long-range ferromagnetism and giant magnetocaloric effect in type-VIII Eu8Ga16Ge30 clathrates
    Applied Physics Letters 2008;93: 252505 (3 pages) [link to paper].

  21. N.S. Bingham, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth, M.A. Torija, and C. Leighton
    Magnetocaloric effect and refrigerant capacity in charge-ordered manganites
    Journal of Applied Physics 2009;106:023909 [link to paper].

  22. M. H. Phan, M. B. Morales, C. N. Chinnasamy, B. Latha, V. G. Harris and H. Srikanth
    Magnetocaloric effect in bulk and nanostructured Gd3Fe5O12 materials
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2009;42: 115007 (7 pages) [link to paper].

  23. V. Franco, A. Conde, P. Poddar, S. Srinath, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Field dependence of the magnetocaloric effect in core-shell nanoparticles
    Journal of Applied Physics 2010;107: 09A902(3 pages) [link to paper].

  24. M. H. Phan, V. Franco, A. Chaturvedi, S. Stefanoski, H. Kirby, G.S. Nolas, and H. Srikanth
    Magnetocaloric effect and refrigerant capacity in Sr-doped Eu8Ga16Ge30 type-I clathrates
    Journal of Applied Physics 2010;107: 09A910 (3 pages) [link to paper].

  25. M. H. Phan, S. Chandra, N. S. Bingham, H. Srikanth, C. L. Zhang, S. W. Cheong, T. D. Hoang, and H. D. Chinh
    Collapse of charge ordering and enhancement of magnetocaloric effect in nanocrystalline La0.35Pr0.275Ca0.375MnO3
    Applied Physics Letters 2010; 97:242506 (3 pages) [link to paper].

  26. M.H. Phan, V. Franco, A. Chaturvedi, S. Stefanoski, G.S. Nolas, and H. Srikanth
    Origin of the magnetic anomaly and tunneling effect of europium on the magnetism in Eu8Ga16Ge30 type-I clathrates
    Physics Review B 2011;84:054436 (7 pages) [link to paper].

  27. A. Chaturvedi, S. Stefanoski, M.H. Phan, George S. Nolas, and H. Srikanth
    Table-like magnetocaloric effect and enhanced refrigerant capacity in Eu8Ga16Ge30-EuO composite materials
    Applied Physics Letters 2011;99:162513 (3 pages) [link to paper].

  28. N.S. Bingham, P. Lampen, T.L. Phan, M.H. Phan, S.C. Yu, and H. Srikanth
    Magnetocaloric effect and refrigerant capacity in Sm1-xSrxMnO3 manganites
    Journal of Applied Physics 2012;111:07D705 (3 pages) [link to paper].

  29. Y.D. Zhang, P.J. Lampen, T.L. Phan, S.C. Yu, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Tunable magnetocaloric effect near room temperature in La0.7-xPrxSr0.3MnO3 (0.02 < x < 0.30) manganites
    Journal of Applied Physics 2012;111:063918 (6 pages) [link to paper].

  30. P. Lampen, Y. D. Zhang, T. L. Phan, Y. Y. Song, P. Zhang, S. C. Yu, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Magnetic phase transitions and magnetocaloric effect in La0.7Ca0.3Mn1-xFexO3 (0 < x < 0.07) manganites
    Journal of Applied Physics 2012;112: (6 pages) [link to paper].

  31. A. Biswas, S. Chandra, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Magnetocaloric Properties of Nanocrystalline LaMnO3: Enhancement of Refrigerant Capacity and Relative Cooling Power
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2012;545:157 [link to paper].

  32. N. S. Bingham, H. Wang, F. Qin, H.X. Peng, J. F. Sun, V. Franco, H. Srikantha, and M. H. Phan
    Excellent magnetocaloric properties of melt-extracted Gd-based amorphous microwires
    Applied Physics Letters 2012;101:102407 [link to paper].

  33. T.L. Phan, P. Zhang, N. H. Dan, N. H. Yen, P. T. Thanh, T. D. Thanh, S.C. Yu, and M.H. Phan
    Coexistence of conventional and inverse magnetocaloric effects and critical behaviors in Ni50Mn50-xSnx (x = 13 and 14) alloy ribbons
    Applied Physics Letters 2012;101:212403 (5 pages) [link to paper].

  34. F. Qin, H. Wang, H.X. Peng, N. S. Bingham, D.W. Xing, J. F. Sun, V. Franco, H. Srikantha, and M. H. Phan
    Mechanical and magnetocaloric properties of Gd-based amorphous microwires fabricated by melt-extraction technique
    Acta Materialia 2013;61:1284 [link to paper].

  35. A. Biswas, S. Chandra, T. Samanta, B. Ghosh, M.H. Phan, A. K. Raychaudhuri, I. Das, and H. Srikanth
    Universality in the entropy change for the inverse magnetocaloric effect
    Physical Review B 2013;87:134420 [link to paper].

  36. P. Lampen, N. S. Bingham, M.H. Phan, H. Kim, M. Osofsky, A. Piqu , T.L. Phan, S.C. Yu, and H. Srikanth
    Impact of reduced dimensionality on the magnetic and magnetocaloric response of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3
    Applied Physics Letters 2013;102:062414 [link to paper].

  37. A. Biswas, S. Chandra, T. Samanta, M.H. Phan, I. Das, and H. Srikanth
    The universal behaviour of inverse magnetocaloric effect in antiferromagnetic materials
    Journal of Applied Physics 2013;113:17A902 [link to paper].

  38. Anis Biswas, P. Zhang, T-L Phan, T. D. Thanh, N. H. Dan, S. C. Yu, H. Srikanth, and M. H. Phan
    The scaling and universality of conventional and inverse magnetocaloric effects in Heusler alloys
    Applied Physics Letters 2013;103:162410 [link to paper].

  39. A. Biswas, Y.Y. Yu, N.S. Bingham, H. Wang, F. Qin, J.F. Sun, S.C. Yu, V. Franco, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Impact of structural disorder on the magnetic ordering and magnetocaloric response of amorphous Gd-based microwires
    Journal of Applied Physics 2014;115:17A318 [link to paper].

  40. A. Biswas, T. L. Phan, N. H. Dan, S. C. Yu, M. H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Impacts of first-order magnetic transition and phase coexistence on the universal behavior of inverse magnetocaloric effect
    Journal of Applied Physics 2014;115:17A907 [link to paper].

  41. T. L. Phan, P. T. Thanh, N. H. Dan, P. Zhang, T. D. Thanh, M. H. Phan, and S. C. Yu
    Influence of Pr-doping on the magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect of Ni50-xPrxMn37Sn13 alloys
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2014;615:S261 [link to paper].

  42. R. Caballero-Flores, N.S. Bingham, M.H. Phan, M.A. Torija, C. Leighton, V. Franco, A. Conde, T.L. Phan, S.C. Yu, and H. Srikanth
    Magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior in Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3: An analysis of the validity of the Maxwell relation and the nature of phase transitions
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2014;26:286001 [link to paper].

  43. Anis Biswas, Sayan Chandra, Stevce Stefanoski, J.S. Bl zquez, J.J. Ipus, A. Conde, M.H. Phan, V. Franco, G.S. Nolas, and H. Srikanth
    Enhanced cryogenic magnetocaloric effect in Eu8Ga16Ge30 clathrate nanocrystals
    Journal of Applied Physics 2015;117: 033903 [link to paper].

  44. T. L. Phan, N.H. Dan, P. T. Thanh, N.T. Mai, T.A. Ho, S. C. Yu, A.T. Le, M.H. Phan
    Magnetic Properties and Magnetocaloric Effect in Fe90-xSnxZr10 Alloy Ribbons
    Journal of the Korean Physical Society 2015;66:1247 [link to paper].

  45. X. Hou, P. Lampen, Y. Xue, C. Liu, H. Xu, N. Han, C. Ma, H. Srikanth, M.H. Phan
    Formation mechanisms of NaZn13-type phase in giant magnetocaloric La-Fe-Si compounds during rapid solidification and annealing
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2015;646:503 [link to paper].

  46. D.W. Xing, H.X. Shen, S.D. Jiang, J.S. Liu, M.H. Phan , H. Wang, F.X. Qin, D.M. Chen, Y.F. Liu, J.F. Sun
    Magnetocaloric effect and critical behavior in melt-extracted Gd60Co15Al25 microwires
    Physica Status Solidi A 2015;212:1905 [link to paper].

  47. H.X. Shen, D.W. Xing, J.L. S nchez Llamazares, C.F. S nchez-Vald s, H. Belliveau, H. Wang, F.X. Qin, Y.F. Liu, J.F. Sun, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Enhanced refrigerant capacity in Gd-Al-Co microwires with a biphase nanocrystalline/amorphous structure
    Applied Physics Letters 2016;108:092403 [link to paper].

  48. X.L. Hou, N. Han, Y. Xue, Q.Q. Lu, H. Xu, M.H. Phan
    Tunable magnetocaloric response in high-speed melt-spun La-Ce-Fe-Si ribbons
    Journal of Electronic Materials 2016;45:4730 [link to paper].

  49. X.L. Hou, Y. Tian, Y. Xue, C.Y. Liu, W.X. Xia, H. Xu, P. Lampen-Kelley, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Formation of tree-like and vortex magnetic domains of nanocrystalline a-(Fe,Si) in La-Fe-Si ribbons during rapid solidification and subsequent annealing
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016;669:205 [link to paper].

  50. T. A. Ho, M. H. Phan, V. D. Lam, T. L. Phan, and S. C. Yu
    Influence of Ti doping on the critical behavior and magnetocaloric effect in disordered ferromagnets La0.7Ba0.3Mn1-xTixO3
    Journal of Electronic Materials 2016;45:2508 [link to paper].

  51. H. F. Belliveau, Y. Y. Yu, Y. Luo, F. X. Qin, H. Wang, H. X. Shen, J. F. Sun, S. C. Yu, H. Srikanth, and M. H. Phan
    Improving mechanical and magnetocaloric responses of amorphous melt-extracted Gd-based microwires via nanocrystallization
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017;692:658 [link to paper].

  52. Y.F. Wang, F.X. Qin1, Y.H. Wang, H.Wang, M.H. Phan, H.X. Peng
    Magnetocaloric Effect of Gd-based Microwires from Binary to Quaternary System
    AIP Advances 2017;7:056422 [link to paper].

  53. Y. Bao, H.X. Shen, D.W. Xing, S. Jiang, J.F. Sun, M.H. Phan
    Enhanced Curie temperature and cooling efficiency in melt-extracted Gd50(Co69.25Fe4.25Si13B13.5)50 microwires
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017;692:658 [link to paper].

  54. Y. Bao, H.X. Shen, Y.J. Huang, D.X. Xing, H. Wang, J.S. Liu, H.C. Li, S. Jiang, J.F. Sun and M.H. Phan
    Table-like Magnetocaloric Behavior and Enhanced Cooling Efficiency of a Bi-constituent Gd Alloy Wire-based Composite
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018;764:789 [link to paper].

  55. N.T.M. Duc, H.X. Shen, E. Clements, O. Thiabgoh, J.L. Sanchez Llamazares, C.F. Sanchez-Valdes, N.T. Huong, J. F. Sun, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Critical Magnetic and Magnetocaloric Behavior of Amorphous Gd50(Co69.25Fe4.25Si13B13.5)50 Microwires
    Intermetallics 2019;110:106479 [link to paper].

  56. H.X. Shen, L. Luo, D. Xing, S. Jiang, J.S. Liu, Y.J. Huang, S. Guo, H.C. Sun, Y.F. Liu, J.F. Sun, M.H. Phan
    The Magnetocaloric Composite Designed by Multiple Gd-Al-Co Microwires with Close Performances
    Physica Status Solidi A 2019;1900090 [link to paper].

  57. N.T.M. Duc, H.X. Shen, E. Clements, O. Thiabgoh, J.L. Sanchez Llamazares, C.F. Sanchez-Valdes, N.T. Huong, J. F. Sun, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Enhanced refrigerant capacity and Curie temperature of amorphous Gd60Fe20Al20 microwires
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019;807:151694 [link to paper].

  58. N. Thi My Duc, C.M. Hung, N.T. Huong & M.H. Phan
    Magnetic Interactions and Magnetocaloric Effect in (La0.5Pr0.5)0.6Ba0.4MnO3: Effect of A-Site Co-doping
    Journal of Electronic Materials 2020;49:2596 [link to paper].

  59. N.T.M. Duc, H.X. Shen, O. Thiabgoh, N.T. Huong, J.F. Sun, and M.H. Phan
    Melt-extracted Gd73.5Si13B13.5/GdB6 ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic microwires with excellent magnetocaloric properties
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2020;818:153333 [link to paper].

  60. H.X. Shen, L. Luo, Y. Bao, H.B. Yin, S. Jiang, L.Y. Zhang, Y.J. Huang, S.J. Feng, D.W. Xing, J.S. Liu, Z. Li, Y. Liu, J. Sun, M.H. Phan
    New DyHoCo medium entropy amorphous microwires of large magnetic entropy change
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2020;837:155431 [link to paper].

  61. A.G. Gamzatov, Y.S. Koshkid ko, D. C. Freitas, E. Moshkina, L. Bezmaternykh, A.M. Aliev, S.-C. Yu, and M.H. Phan
    Anisotropic Magnetocaloric Properties of The Ludwigite Compound Cu2MnBO5
    Applied Physics Letters 2020;116:232403 [link to paper].

  62. R. Das, R. Prabhu, N. Venkataramani, S. Prasad, L. Li, M.H. Phan, V. Keppens, D. Mandrus, and H. Srikanth
    Giant Low-field Magnetocaloric Effect and Refrigerant Capacity in Reduced Dimensionality EuTiO3 Multiferroics
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2021;580:156819 [link to paper].

  63. P. Lampen, R. Madhogaria, N.S. Bingham, M.H. Phan, P.M.S. Monteiro, N.-J. Steinke, A. Ionescu, C.H.W. Barnes, and H. Srikanth
    Tablelike magnetocaloric effect and enhanced refrigerant capacity in EuO thin films
    Physics Review Materials 2021;5:094404 [link to paper].

  64. Y.F. Wang, Y.Y. Yu, H. Belliveau, N.T.M. Duc, H.X. Shen, J. F. Sun, J.S. Liu, F.X. Qin, S.C. Yu, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Enhanced magnetocaloric performance in nanocrystalline/ amorphous Gd3 Ni/Gd65 Ni35 composite microwires
    Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 2021;6:587 [link to paper].

  65. H.X. Shen, H. Belliveau, D.W. Xing, J.S. Liu, S. Jiang, Y.F. Liu, J.F. Sun, and M.H. Phan
    The Magnetocaloric Behaviors of Gd-based Microwire Arrays with Different Curie Temperatures
    Metals 2022;12:1417 [link to paper].

  66. C.M. Hung, R.P. Madhogaria, B. Muchharla, A.T. Duong, R. Das, P.T. Huy, S.L. Cho, S. Witanachchi, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    MnP films with desired magnetic, magnetocaloric and thermoelectric properties for a perspective magneto-thermo-electric cooling device
    Physics Status Solidi A 2022;219:2100367 [link to paper].

  67. Y.F. Wang, N.T. My Duc, T.F. Feng, H. Wei, F.X. Qin, and M.H. Phan
    Competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic interactions drive the magnetocaloric tunability in Gd55Co30NixAl15-x microwires
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2022;907:164328 [link to paper].

  68. L. Luo, J.Y. Law, H.X. Shen, Luis M Moreno-Ram rez, V. Franco, S. Guo, N.T. M.Duc, J.F. Sun, and M.H. Phan
    Enhanced Magnetocaloric Properties of Annealed Melt-extracted Mn1.26Fe0.60P0.48Si0.52 Microwires
    Metals 2022;12:1536 [link to paper].

  69. L. Luo, H. Shen, L. Zhang, J. Sun, M.H. Phan
    Effect of Fe on the microstructure and magnetic transition of Mn-Fe-P-Si Microwires
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2024;1003:175579 [link to paper].

  70. L. Luo, H. Shen, L. Zhang, Z. Ning, J. Sun, M.H. Phan
    The effect of metal/non-metal ratio on the microstructure and magnetic properties of (MnFe)x(P0. 5Si0. 5) microwires
    Progress in Natural Science: Materials International 2024;34:1085 [link to paper].

  71. L. Luo, H.X. Shen, L.Y. Zhang, Y.J. Huang, J.F. Sun, and M.H. Phan
    Giant magnetocaloric effect and hysteresis loss in MnxFe2-xP0.5Si0.5 (x = 0.7-1.2) microwires at ambient temperatures
    Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 2024;9:100756 [link to paper].

  72. N. Zhang, H. Shen, L. Luo, J. Liu, Z. Zhao, L. Zhang, J. Sun, and M.H. Phan
    Magnetocaloric Properties of Melt-Extracted Medium Entropy Gd33Co33Al34 Microfibers
    Metals 2024;14:880 [link to paper].

Magnetism and collective phenomena in complex oxides

  1. M.H. Phan, T.L. Phan, T.N. Huynh, S.C. Yu, J.R. Rhee, N. Khiem, N.X. Phuc
    Spin dynamics and spin-glass state in Fe-doped cobaltates
    Journal of Applied Physics 2004;95: 7531-7533 [link to paper].

  2. M.H. Phan, V. Srinivas, S.C. Yu, and N.H. Hur
    Magnetic frustration effects in LaCaMnO3 single crystals
    Journal of Applied Physics 2003;93: 8200-8202 [link to paper].

  3. M.H. Phan, N.N. Chau, S.K. Oh and S.C. Yu
    Structure and magnetic properties of Gd4(Mn0.05Sb0.95)3 alloy
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 2003;327: 307-310 [link to paper].

  4. T.L. Phan, M.H. Phan, S.C. Yu, N.V. Khiem and N.X. Phuc
    Study of spin dynamics, spin glass and spin cluster behaviors in La0.5Sr0.5(FexCo1-x)O3 (x=0, 0.1) compounds
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2004;279-280: 325-327 [link to paper].

  5. T.L. Phan, S.C. Yu, N.V. Khiem, M.H. Phan, J.R. Rhee and N.X. Phuc
    Electric and magnetic phase diagram of La0.5Sr0.5Co1-xFexO3 perovskites
    Journal of Applied Physics 2005;97: 10A508:1~3 [link to paper].

  6. D.S. Yang, A.N.Ulyanov, M.H. Phan et al
    EXAFS and EPR study of La0.6Sr0.2(Ca,Ba)0.2MnO3 lanthanum manganites
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 2003;327: 183-186 [link to paper].

  7. N.V. Khiem, N.X. Phuc, T.L. Phan, S.C. Yu and M.H. Phan
    Spin dynamics and magnetic frustration effects in La1-xSrxCoO3 (0<x≤;0.5) compounds
    Journal of Applied Physics 2005;97: 10A509:1~3 [link to paper].

  8. T.L. Phan, M.H. Phan, S.C. Yu, N.V. Khiem and N.X. Phuc
    Magnetic and transport properties of La0.5Sr0.5(FexCo1-x)O3 (0≤x≤0.2) perovskites
    Physics Status Solidi (b) 2004;241: 1573-11576 [link to paper].

  9. T.L. Phan, M.H. Phan, N.X. Phuc, S.C. Yu
    Magnetic frustration effects in Fe-doped cobalt oxides
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2005;290-291: 1005-1008 [link to paper].

  10. T.L. Phan, M.H. Phan, and S.C. Yu
    Spin dynamics, electrical and magnetic properties of (La0.5Pr0.5)0.7Pb0.3Mn1-xCuxO3 (x = 0, 0.02) perovskites
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 2006;371: 317-322 [link to paper].

  11. T.L. Phan, S.G. Min, M.H. Phan, S.C. Yu, and N. Chau
    EPR study of La1-xPbxMnO3 (0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) perovskites
    Physics Status Solidi (b) 2007;244:1109-1117 [link to paper].

  12. H.N. Nhat, H.D. Chinh, M.H. Phan
    The resistivity of grain boundary of K-doped ruthenates in percolative conduction regime
    Solid State Communications 2006;139: 456-459 [link to paper].

  13. M.H. Phan, V. Franco, N.S. Bingham, H. Srikanth, and N.H. Hur
    Tricritical point and critical exponents of La0.7Ca0.3-xSrxMnO3 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1, 0. 2, 0.25) single crystals
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2010:508; 238-244 [link to paper].

  14. A.I. Figueroa, S. Chandra, M. H. Phan, H. Srikanth, C. M. Bonilla, L.M. Garc a, F. Bartolom , J. Bartolom , and J. Herrero-Albillos
    Magnetic switching and magnetic transitions in ErCo2 probed by radio frequency transverse susceptibility
    Journal of Applied Physics 2011;109:07E118 [link to paper].

  15. S. Chandra, A. I. Figueroa, Barnali Ghosh, M. H. Phan, H. Srikanth, and A. K. Raychaudhuri
    Phase coexistence and magnetic anisotropy in polycrystalline and nanocrystalline LaMnO3+?
    Journal of Applied Physics 2011;109:07D720 [link to paper].

  16. N. A. Frey, N. S. Bingham, M. H. Phan, H. Srikanth, D. D. Stauffer, and C. Leighton
    Transverse Susceptibility as a probe of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy driven phase transition in Pr0.5Sr0.5CoO3
    Physical Review B 2011;83:024406 [link to paper].

  17. N.S. Bingham, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth, M.A. Torija, and C. Leighton
    Magnetic anistropy and spin-lattice coupling in Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3
    Physical Review B 2014 (under consideration) [link to paper].

  18. P. Lampen, A. Puri, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Structure, magnetic, and magnetocaloric properties of amorphous and crystalline La0.4Ca0.6MnO3+? nanoparticles
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2012;512:94 [link to paper].

  19. N.S. Bingham, P. Lampen, M.H. Phan, N.D. Hoang, and H.D. Chinh, C.L. Zhang and S.W. Cheong, and H. Srikanth
    Impact of nanostructuring on the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of mixed phase (La,Pr,Ca)MnO3 manganites
    Physical Review B 2012;86:064420 [link to paper].

  20. S. Chandra, A. Biswas, B. Ghosh, V. Siruguri, A.K. Raychaudhuri, M.H. Phan and H. Srikanth
    Evidence of canted magnetic state in self-doped LaMnO3: A magnetocaloric study
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2012;24:366004 [link to paper].

  21. D.T.M. Hue, P. Lampen, T.V. Manh, V.D. Viet, H.D. Chinh, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of SrFe12O19/ La1-xCaxMnO3 hard/soft phase composites
    Journal of Applied Physics 2013;114:123901 [link to paper].

  22. P. Zhang, T.L. Phan, and S.C. Yu, T. D. Thanh, N. H. Dan, V. D. Lam, P. Lampen, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Influence of magnetic field on critical behavior near a first order transition in optimally doped manganites: The case of La1-xCaxMnO3 (x = 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4)
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2013;348:146 [link to paper].

  23. T. L. Phan, T. D. Thanh, M. H. Phan, and S. C. Yu
    Electron Spin Resonance Spectra of La0.7Cd0.3(Mn, Co)O3 perovskites
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2014;50:1000404 [link to paper].

  24. T. L. Phan, T. D. Thanh, T. A. Ho, T. V. Manh, Q. T. Tran, P. Lampen, M. H. Phan, and S. C. Yu
    An Effective Route to Control the Magnetic-phase Transition and Magnetocaloric Effect of La0.7Cd0.3MnO3 Nanoparticles
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2014;50:2302604 [link to paper].

  25. T.L. Phan, T. A. Ho, P. D. Thang, Q. T. Tran, T. D. Thanh, N. X. Phuc, M. H. Phan, B. T. Huy, S. C. Yu
    Critical behavior of Y-doped Nd0.7Sr0.3MnO3 manganites exhibiting the tricritical point and large magnetocaloric effect
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2014;615:937 [link to paper].

  26. D.T.M. Hue, T.V. Manh, L.H. Anh, L.V. Hong, M.H. Phan, P.T. Huyen, and H.D. Chinh
    Sol-gel synthesis, characterization, and magnetic properties of double-layered perovskite manganite La1.25Sr1.75Mn2O7
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2014;50:4004404 [link to paper].

  27. S. Chandra, A. Biswas, M.H. Phan and H. Srikanth
    Impact of nanostructuring and magnetic ordering of Nd3+ on the magnetic and magnetocaloric response of undoped NdMnO3
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2015;384:138 [link to paper].

  28. T. A. Ho, T. D. Thanh,T. O. Ho, M.H. Phan, T.L. Phan, and S. C. Yu
    Magnetic properties and magnetocaloric effect in Fe-doped La0.6Ca0.4MnO3 with short-range ferromagnetic order
    Journal of Applied Physics 2015;117:17A724 [link to paper].

  29. P. Lampen-Kelley, A.S. Kamzin, K.E. Romachevsky D.T.M. Hue, H. D. Chinh, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    M ssbauer spectroscopy studies of phase evolution in SrFe12O19/La0.5Ca0.5MnO3 composites
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2015;636C:323 [link to paper].

  30. T. A. Ho, D.T. Quach, T. D. Thanh, T. O. Ho, M. H. Phan, T. L. Phan and S. C. Yu
    Magnetocaloric Effect and Critical Behavior in a Disordered Ferromagnet La0.7Sr0.3Mn0.9Ti0.1O3
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2015;51:2501304 [link to paper].

  31. T. V. Manh, T. A. Ho, T.D. Thanh, T. L. Phan, M. H. Phan, S.C. Yu
    Critical Behavior and Magnetocaloric Effect in La2NiMnO6 Nanoparticles
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2015;51:2400304 [link to paper].

  32. R. Das, L. Li, M.H. Phan, V. Keppens, D. Mandrus, Hung T. Diep, and H. Srikanth
    Emergent multiphase transitions, cluster dynamics, and complex phase diagram in multicaloric EuTiO3
    Nature Communications 2017 (under review) [link to paper].

  33. P.T. Tho, E.M. Clements, D.H. Kim, N. Tran, M.S. Osofsky, M.H. Phan, T.L. Phan, and B.W. Lee
    Crystal structure and magnetic properties of Ti-doped Bi0.84La0.16FeO3 at morphotropic phase boundary
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018;741:59e64 [link to paper].

  34. N. T. Dang, D. P. Kozlenko, N. Tran, B. W. Lee, T. L. Phan, V. Kalappattil, D. S. Yang, S. E. Kichanov, E.V. Lukin, B. N. Savenko, P. Czarnecki, T. A. Tran, V. L. Vo, T. P. T Le, T. K. Dinh, S. H. Jabarov and M.H. Phan
    Structural, magnetic and electronic properties of Ti-doped BaFeO3-? exhibiting colossal dielectric permittivity
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019;808:151760 [link to paper].

  35. P. Lampen, E. Clements, B. Casas, M.H. Phan, J. Marcin, I. Skorvanek, H.T. Yi, S.W. Cheong, and H. Srikanth
    Impact of reduced dimensionality on the correlation length and magnetization dynamics of the spin chain cobaltite Ca3Co2O6
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2019; [link to paper].

  36. R. P. Madhogaria, R. Das, E. M. Clements, V. Kalappattil, N. S. Bingham, M. H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Effect of antiphase boundaries on the magnetic properties of La2CoMnO6
    AIP Advances 2019;9:035142 [link to paper].

  37. RR.P. Madhogaria, R. Das, N.T. Dang, E. Clements, V. Vijaysankar, D.P. Kozlenko, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth
    Evidence of long-range ferromagnetic order and spin frustration effects in the double perovskite La2CoMnO6
    Physical Review B 2019;99:104436 [link to paper].

  38. R. Das, N.T. Dang, V. Kalappattil, R.P. Madhogaria, D.P. Kozlenko, S.E. Kichanov, E.V. Lukin, A.V. Rutkaukas, T.P.T. Nguyen, L.T.P. Thao, N.S. Bingham, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Unraveling the nature of Fe-doping mediated inter- and intra-chain interactions in Ca3Co2O6
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2021;850:156897 [link to paper].

  39. R.P. Madhogaria, N.S. Bingham, R. Das, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Competing magnetic interactions and emergent phase diagrams in double perovskite Y2NixCo1-xMnO6
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2021;888:161624 [link to paper].

Novel magnetic thin films for technological applications

  1. M.H. Phan, S.C. Yu, J.S. Chung, J.S. Kim and Y.M. Kim
    Magnetic characteristics and frequency dependence of permeability in Fe-B-N thin films
    Journal of Applied Physics 2003;93: 9913-9915 [link to paper].

  2. N.D. Ha, N.T. Thanh, H.B. Kim, E. Gan’ shina and M.H. Phan
    Near-surface magnetic properties of CoFeAlO thin films
    Solid State Communications 2005;135: 721-724 [link to paper].

  3. N.D. Ha, H.B. Kim, Gan’Shina, M.H. Phan, C.G. Kim, C.O. Kim
    Observation of reversed hysteresis loops and negative coercivity in CoFeAlO thin films
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2005;295: 126-131 [link to paper].

  4. N.D. Ha, M.H. Phan, and C.O. Kim
    Influence of rapid annealing and substrate temperature on the magnetic properties of Co-Fe-V thin films
    Journal of Applied Physics 2006;99: 08F105, 1~3 [link to paper].

  5. N.D. Ha, K.E. Lee, M.H. Phan, and C.O. Kim
    High frequency characteristics of Co-Fe-V-Al-O-Nb thin films
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2006;304: e189-e191 [link to paper].

  6. T.L. Phan, M.H. Phan, N.D. Ha, C.O. Kim, S.C. Yu
    Electrical and magnetic properties of Co-Fe-Al-O thin films
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2006;304: e201-e203 [link to paper].

  7. M.H. Phan, N.D. Ha, C.G. Kim, C.O. Kim
    Nanostructure and excellent magnetic properties of Co19.35Fe53.28Hf7.92O19.35 films
    SolidState Communications 2007;141: 502-505 [link to paper].

  8. N.D. Ha, M.H. Phan, C.G. Kim, C.O. Kim
    Novel nanostructure and magnetic properties of CoFeHfO films
    Nanotechnology 2007;18: 155705(7p)
    (Featured in NanotechWeb: [link to paper].

  9. N.D. Ha, A.T. Le, M.H. Phan, H.B. Lee, C.O. Kim
    High resistive Co-Fe-Hf-O magnetic thin films for high-frequency applications
    Materials Science and Engineering B 2007;139:37-40 [link to paper].

  10. L.A. Tuan, N.D. Ha, M.H. Phan, C.O. Kim
    Anomalous magnetoimpedance in Co-Fe-Al-O thin films
    Physics Status Solidi C 2007;4: 4392-4395 [link to paper].

  11. M.H. Phan, N.D. Ha, L.A. Tuan,C.O. Kim
    Influence of film thickness on the electrical and magnetic properties of Co-Fe-Al-O films
    Physics Status Solidi C 2007;4: 4589-4592 [link to paper].

  12. L.A. Tuan, M.H. Phan, N.D. Ha,C.O. Kim and S.C Yu
    Longitudinal and transverse incremental permeability of Co19.35Fe53.28Hf7.92O19.35 films
    Physics Status Solidi B 2007;204: 4117-4120 [link to paper].

  13. L.A. Tuan, N.D. Ha,M.H. Phan, C.O. Kim, S.C Yu
    Influence of film thickness on the soft magnetic properties of sputtered Co-Fe-Hf-O films
    Physics Status Solidi C 2007;4: 4569-4572 [link to paper].

  14. N.D. Ha, L.A. Tuan, M.H. Phan and S.C Yu
    Ultrasoft magnetic properties of Co-Fe-Hf-O nanocomposite films
    Physics Status Solidi A 2007;204:4125-4128 [link to paper].

  15. Ha M. Nguyen, Pai-Yi Hsiao, and M.H. Phan
    Monte Carlo study of a bilayer model for exchange bias using a magnetic glass exhibiting random magnetic anisotropy
    Journal of Applied Physics 2010; 107: 09D706 (3 pages) [link to paper].

  16. T. Dhakal, D. Mukherjee, P. Mukherjee, R. Hyde, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth, and S. Witanachchi
    Magnetic anisotropy and field-switching in cobalt ferrite thin films deposited by pulsed laser ablation
    Journal of Applied Physics 2010;107: 053914 (6 pages) [link to paper].

  17. D. Mukherjee, T. Dhakal, N. Bingham, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth, P. Mukherjee, and S. Witanachchi
    Role of crystal orientation on the magnetic properties of CoFe2O4 thin films grown on Si (100) and Al2O3 (0001) substrates using pulsed laser deposition
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 2011;406: 2663 [link to paper].

  18. N.H. Hong, C.-K. Park, A. T. Raghavender, O. Ciftja, N.S. Bingham, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Room temperature ferromagnetism in monoclinic Mn-doped ZrO2 thin films
    Journal of Applied Physics 2012;111:07C302 (3 pages) [link to paper].

  19. D. Mukherjee, N. Bingham, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth, P. Mukherjee, and S. Witanachchi
    Ziz-zag Interface and Strain-influenced Ferromagnetism in Epitaxial Mn3O4/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Thin Films grown on SrTiO3 (100) substrates
    Journal of Applied Physics 2012;111:07D730 (3 pages) [link to paper].

  20. D. Mukherjee, N. Bingham, M. Hordagoda, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth, P. Mukherjee, and S. Witanachchi
    Influence of microstructure and interfacial strain on the magnetic properties of epitaxial Mn3O4/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 layered-composite thin films
    Journal of Applied Physics 2012;112:083910 [link to paper].

  21. D. Mukherjee, M. Hordagoda, P. Lampen, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth, S. Witanachchi, and P. Mukherjee
    Enhanced magnetism and ferroelectricity in epitaxial Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3/CoFe2O4/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 multiferroic heterostructures grown using dual-laser ablation technique
    Journal of Applied Physics 2014;115:17D707 [link to paper].

  22. D. Mukherjee, M. Hordagoda, P. Lampen, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth, S. Witanachchi, and P. Mukherjee
    Simultaneous enhancements of polarization and magnetization in epitaxial Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 multiferroic heterostructures enabled by ultrathin CoFe2O4 sandwich-layers
    Physical Review B 2015;91:054419 [link to paper].

Optical and magnetic semiconductors for electronic applications

  1. T.L. Phan, M.H. Phan and S.C. Yu
    A new band in Cr3+-doped MgAl2O4 natural spinel at room temperature
    Physics Status Solidi (b) 2004;241: 434-438 [link to paper].

  2. T. L. Phan, M.H. Phan, M.H. Nam, T. K. Anh and S.C. Yu
    Luminescent properties of Eu-doped Y2O3 nanophosphors
    Physics Status Solidi A 2004;201: 2170-2174 [link to paper].

  3. T.L. Phan, M.H. Phan, Thomas P J Han and S.C. Yu
    Photoluminescence properties of Cr3+-doped MgAl2O4 natural spinel
    Journal of the Korean Physical Society 2004;45: 63-66 [link to paper].

  4. T.L. Phan, V.P. Pham, and S.C. Yu, M.H. Phan and Y.S. Chung
    Influence of glycine nitrate on luminescence efficiency of Y2O3:Eu nanophosphors
    Journal of the Korean Physical Society 2004;45: 709-712 [link to paper].

  5. T.L. Phan, R. Vincent, N.X. Nghia, Y.Y. Song, M.H. Phan and S.C. Yu
    Electron spin resonance and Raman studies of Mn-doped ZnO ceramics
    Journal of Applied Physics 2007;101:09H103:1~3 [link to paper].

  6. T.L. Phan, R. Vincent, N.X. Nghia, S.C. Yu and M.H. Phan
    Spin dynamics in annealed Mn-doped ZnO ceramic materials
    Solid State Communications 2007:144:134-137 [link to paper].

  7. X.L. Hou, Y. Xue, N. Han, Q.Q. Lu, X.C. Wang, M.H. Phan, Y.B. Zhong
    Nanocrystalline Ce1-xLaxO2 Solid Solutions Synthesized by Hydrolyzing and Oxidizing
    Journal of Electronic Materials 2016;45:2553 [link to paper].

  8. Y.J. Ma, H. Coy Diaz, J. Avila, C. Chen, V. Kalappattil, R. Das, M.H. Phan, T. Cadez, Jose M. P. Carmelo, M.C. Asensio, and M. Batzill
    Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy reveals spin charge seperation in metallic MoSe2 grain boundary
    Nature Communications 2017;8:14231 [link to paper].

Novel magnetic nanomaterials for biomedical applications

  1. S. Pal, S. Chandra, M.H. Phan, P. Mukherjee, and S. Hariharan
    Carbon Nanostraws: Nanotubes Filled with Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles
    Nanotechnology 2009; 20, 485604 (7 pages) [link to paper].

  2. N. A. Frey, M.H. Phan, S. Srinath, C. Wang, S. Sun, and H. Srikanth
    Inter-particle interactions in Coupled Au-Fe3O4 Nanoparticles
    Journal of Applied Physics 2009; 105, 07B502 (3 pages) [link to paper].

  3. M. B. Morales, M.H. Phan, N. A. Frey, and H. Srikanth
    Carrier liquid freezing and particle blocking effects on the magnetic properties of Fe3O4-based ferrofluids
    Journal of Applied Physics 2009; 105, 07B511 (3 pages) [link to paper].

  4. T. Wangensteen, T. Dhakal, M. Merlak, S. Chandra, P. Mukherjee, S. Witanachchi, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Growth of uniform ZnO nanoparticles by a microwave plasma process
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2011; 509:6859 [link to paper].

  5. M.B. Morales, S. Pal, N.A. Frey, M.H. Phan, P. Mukherjee, and H. Srikanth
    Origin of Magnetic Anomalies in the Liquid, Mixed and Frozen States of Ferrofluids
    Physics Express 2011;1:247 (5 pages) [link to paper].

  6. Ha M. Nguyen, Chih-Hao Lee, P.Y. Hsiao, and M.H. Phan
    Exchange bias in magnetic nanoparticle capped with amorphous magnetic shell
    Journal of Applied Physics 2011;110:043909 (7 pages) [link to paper].

  7. S. Chandra, N.A. Frey, M.H. Phan, S. Srinath, S. Chandra, H. Srikanth, M.A. Garcia, Y. Lee, C. Wang, S. Sun, and O. Iglesias
    Exchange Bias Effect in Au-Fe3O4 Composite Nanoparticles
    Nanotechnology 2014;25:055702 (10 pages) [link to paper].

  8. S. Chandra, A. I. Figueroa, Barnali Ghosh, A. K. Raychaudhuri, P. Mukherjee, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Fabrication and magnetic response probed by RF transverse susceptibility in La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 nanowires
    Physica B: Condensed Matter 2012:407:175-178 [link to paper].

  9. H. Khurshid, W. Li, M.H. Phan, P. Mukherjee, H. Srikanth, and G.C. Hadjipanayis
    Surface spin disorder and exchange-bias in hollow maghemite nanoparticles
    Applied Physics Letters 2012;101:022403 [link to paper].

  10. S. Chandra, H. Khurshid, W. Li, G. C. Hadjipnayis, M. H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Spin dynamics and criteria for onset of exchange bias in superspin glass Fe/gama-Fe2O3 core-shell nanoparticles
    Physical Review B 2012;86:014426 [link to paper].

  11. S. Chandra, H. Khurshid, M. H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Asymmetric hysteresis and its dependence on magnetic anisotropy in exchange biased Co/CoO core-shell nanoparticles
    Applied Physics Letters 2012;101:232405 (5 pages) [link to paper].

  12. H. Khurshid, S. Chandra, W. Li, G. C. Hadjipnayis, P. Mukherjee, M. H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Synthesis and magnetic properties of core/shell FeO/Fe3O4 nano-octopods
    Journal of Applied Physics 2013;113:17B508 [link to paper].

  13. H. Khurshid, S. Chandra, W. Li, G. C. Hadjipnayis, P. Mukherjee, M. H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Mechanism and Controlled Growth of Shape and Size Variant Core/Shell FeO/Fe3O4 Nanoparticles
    Nanoscale 2013;5:7942 [link to paper].

  14. H. Khurshid, Z. N. Porshokouh, P. Mukherjee, M. H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Impacts of surface spins and inter-particle interactions on the magnetism of hollow ?-Fe2O3
    Journal of Applied Physics 2014;115:17E131 [link to paper].

  15. B. Duong, H. Khurshid, P. Gangopadhyay, J. Devkota, K. Stojak, H. Srikanth, L. Tetard, R. Norwood, N. Peyghambarian, M.H. Phan, and J. Thomas
    Enhanced Magnetism in Highly Ordered Magnetite Nanoparticle-filled Nanohole Arrays
    Small 2014;10:2840 [link to paper].

  16. H. Khurshid, P. Mukherjee, M. H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Tuning Exchange Bias in Fe/alpha-Fe2O3 Core-Shell Nanoparticles: Impacts of Interface and Surface Spins
    Applied Physics Letters 2014;104: 072407 [link to paper].

  17. K. Stojak Repa, D. Israel, J. Alonso, M.H. Phan, E.M. Palmero, M. Vazquez, and H. Srikanth
    Superparamagnetic Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Filled with NiFe2O4 Nanoparticles
    Journal of Applied Physics 2015;117:17C723 [link to paper].

  18. H. Khurshid, J. Alonso, V. Sankar, Z. Nemati, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth, E. Garayo, J.A. Garc a
    FeCo nanowires with enhanced heating powers and controllable dimensions for magnetic hyperthermia
    Journal of Applied Physics 2015;117:17D113 [link to paper].

  19. H. Khurshid, J. Alonso, Z. Nemati, M. H. Phan, P. Mukherjee, M. L. Fdez-Gubieda, J. M. Barandiar n, and H. Srikanth
    Anisotropy effects in magnetic hyperthermia: A comparison between spherical and cubic exchange-coupled FeO/Fe3O4 nanoparticles
    Journal of Applied Physics 2015;117, 17A337 [link to paper].

  20. X.L. Hou, C.Y. Liu,Y. Xue, H. Xu, M.H. Phan, N. Han, and C.W. Ma
    Nucleation mechanism of NaZn13-type and alpha-(Fe,Si) phases in La-Fe-Si alloys during rapid solidification
    Nanoscale Research Letters 2015;10:143 [link to paper].

  21. L.V. Thiem, L.T. Tu and M.H. Phan
    Magnetization reversal and magnetic anisotropy in ordered CoNiP nanowire arrays: Effects of wire diameter
    Sensors 2015;15:5687 [link to paper].

  22. Z. Nemati, H. Khurshid, J. Alonso, M.H. Phan, P. Mukherjee, and H. Srikanth
    From core/shell to hollow Fe/gama-Fe2O3 nanoparticles: Evolution of the magnetic behavior
    Nanotechnology 2015;26:406705 [link to paper].

  23. H. Khurshid, P. Lampen-Kelley, scar Iglesias, J. Alonso, M.H. Phan, M.L Saboungie, Chengjun Sun, and H. Srikanth
    Spin-glass-like freezing of inner and outer surface layers in hollow alpha-Fe2O3 nanoparticles
    Nature - Scientific Reports 2015;5:15054 [link to paper].

  24. Daniel J. Denmark, Janae Bradley, Devajyoti Mukherjee, Javier Alonso, M.H. Phan, Hariharan Srikanth, Sarath Witanachchi, and Pritish Mukherjee
    Remote Triggering of Thermoresponsive PNIPAM by Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
    RSC Advances 2016;6:5641 [link to paper].

  25. A.T. Le, C.D. Giang, V.N. Phan, J. Alonso, J. Devkota, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Enhanced magnetic anisotropy and hyperthermia in multi-functional manganese ferrite/graphene oxide hybrid nanostructures
    Nanotechnology 2016;27:155707 [link to paper].

  26. J. Alonso, H. Khurshid, J. Devkota, Nawal K. Khadka, H. Srikanth, J.J. Pan, and M.H. Phan
    Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Lipid Vesicles for Advanced Magnetic Hyperthermia and Biodetection
    Journal of Applied Physics 2016;119:083904 [link to paper].

  27. D.K. Tung, D.H. Manh, L.T.H. Phong, P.H. Nam, D.N.H. Nam, N.T.N. Anh, H.T.T. Nong, M.H. Phan, and N.X. Phuc
    Iron nanoparticles fabricated by high energy ball milling for magnetic hyperthermia
    Journal of Electronic Materials 2016;45:2644 [link to paper].

  28. Z. Nemati, J. Alonso, L. M. Martinez, H. Khurshid, E. Garaio, J.A. Garcia, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Iron Oxide Nano-Octopods with Tunable Sizes for Enhanced Hyperthermia
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2016;120:8370 [link to paper].

  29. Raja Das, Javier Alonso, Zohreh Nemati Porshokouh, Vijaysankar Kalappattil, David Torres, M.H. Phan, Eneko Garayo, Jos ngel Garc a, J.Luis Sanchez Llamazares, and H. Srikanth
    Tunable High Aspect Ratio Iron Oxide Nanorods for Enhanced Hyperthermia
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2016;120:10086 [link to paper].

  30. Z. Nemati, J. Alonso, H. Khurshid, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Core/shell iron/iron oxide nanoparticles: Are they promising for magnetic hyperthermia?
    RSC Advances 2016;6:38697 [link to paper].

  31. R. Das, N. Rinaldi-Montes, J. Alonso, Z. Amghouz, P. Gorria, J.A. Blanco, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Boosted Hyperthermia Therapy by Combined AC Magnetic and Photothermal Exposures in Ag@Fe3O4 nanoflowers
    ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2016;8:25162 [link to paper].

  32. N. Rinaldi, P. Gorria, A.B. Fuertes, D. Blanco, L. Olivi, I. Puente Orench, J. Alonso, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth, X. Marti, and J. A. Blanco
    Disclosure of double exchange bias effect in chromium (III) oxide nanoparticles
    IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 2017;53:2300204 [link to paper].

  33. Z. Nemati1, R. Das, J. Alonso, E. Clements, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Iron oxide nanospheres and nanocubes for hyperthermia therapy: A comparative study
    Journal of Electronic Materials 2017;46:3764 [link to paper].

  34. Z.N. Porshokouh, S. M. Salili, J.A. Masa, A. Ataie, R. Das, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanodiscs for Hyperthermia Therapy: Does Size Matter?
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017;714:709 [link to paper].

  35. N. Rinaldi, P. Gorria, A.B. Fuertes, D. Blanco, L. Olivi, I. Puente Orench, L. Olivi, J. Herrero-Martin, J. Alonso, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth, X. Marti, and J. A. Blanco
    Entangled exchange-spring magnetic structure driven by surface magnetic symmetry-breaking in Cr2O3 nanoparticles
    Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2022 (to appear) [link to paper].

  36. T.H. Au, D.T. Trinh , Q.C. Tong, D.B. Do, D.P. Nguyen, M.H. Phan, N.D. Lai
    Direct Laser Writing of Magneto-Photonic Sub-microstructures for Prospective Applications in Biomedical Engineering
    Nanomaterials 2017;7:105 [link to paper].

  37. S. Chandra, R. Das, V. Kalappattil, C. Harnegea, R. Nechache, M.H. Phan, F. Rosei, and H. Srikanth
    Epitaxial Magnetite Nanorods with Enhanced Room Temperature Magnetic Anisotropy
    Nanoscale 2017;9:7858 [link to paper].

  38. D.J. Denmark, R.H. Hyde, C.Gladney, M.H. Phan, K.S. Bisht, H. Srikanth, P. Mukherjee, and S. Witanachchia
    Photopolymerization-based synthesis of iron oxide nanoparticle embedded PNIPAM nanogels for biomedical applications
    Drug Delivery 2017;24:1317 [link to paper].

  39. T.L.H. Pham, T.H. Le, L. Hoang, H.T. Le, T.A. Tran, V.Q. Nguyen, A. Javier, M.H. Phan, and A.T. Le
    Magnetic iron oxide-carbon nanocomposites: Impacts of carbon coating on the adsorption and inductive heating responses
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018;739:139 [link to paper].

  40. J. Robles, R. Das, M. Glassell, M. H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Exchange-coupled Fe3O4/CoFe2O4 nanoparticles for advanced magnetic hyperthermia
    AIP Advances 2018;8:056719 [link to paper].

  41. Z. Nemati, J. Alonso, I. Rodrigo, R. Das, E. Garaio, J.A. Garcia, I. Orue, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Improving the Heating Efficiency of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles by Tuning Their Shape and Size
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2018;122:2367 [link to paper].

  42. R. Das, J. Robles, M. Glassell, V. Kalappattil, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth
    Magnetic anisotropy and switching behavior of Fe3O4/CoFe2O4 core/shell nanoparticles
    Journal of Electronic Materials 2018;48:1461 [link to paper].

  43. R. Geng, H.M. Luong, R. Das, K. Stojak, M.T. Pham, T.A. Duong, N.D. Lai, M.H. Phan, T.D. Nguyen
    Magnetically Tunable Organic Semiconductors with Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles
    Materials Horizons 2019;6:1913 [link to paper].

  44. R. Das, J.A.Cardarelli, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth
    Magnetically tunable iron oxide nanotubes for multifunctional biomedical applications
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019;789:323 [link to paper].

  45. R. Das, J. Robles , M. Glassell, V. Kalappattil, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth
    Magnetic anisotropy and switching behavior of exchange coupled Fe3O4/CoFe2O4 core/shell nanoparticles
    Journal of Electronic Materials 2019;48:1461 [link to paper].

  46. D. Gandia, L. Gandarias, I. Rodrigo, J. Robles-Garc a, R. Das, E. Garaio, J. . Garc a, A. Garc a Prieto, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth, I. Orue, J. Alonso, A. Muela, and M.L. Fdez-Gubieda
    Unlocking the potential of Magnetotactic Bacteria as Magnetic Hyperthermia agents
    Small 2019;15:1902626 [link to paper].

  47. H.M. Luong, M.T. Pham, R. Pokharel Madhogaria, M.H. Phan, G. Keefe Larsen, T.D. Nguyen
    Bilayer plasmonic nano-lattices for tunable hydrogen sensing platform
    Nano Energy 2020;71:104558 [link to paper].

  48. R. Das, C. Witanachchi, Z. Nemati, V. Kalappattil, I. Rodrigo, J. ngel Garc a, E. Garaio, J. Alonso, Vu Dinh Lam, Anh-Tuan Le, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Magnetic Vortex and Hyperthermia Suppression in Multigrain Iron Oxide Nanorings
    Applied Sciences 2020;10:787 [link to paper].

  49. C. Kons, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth, and D.A. Arena, Z.N. Porshokouh, J.A. Borchers, and K. L. Krycka
    Investigating spin coupling across a three-dimensional interface in core/shell magnetic nanoparticles
    Physical Review Materials 2020;4:034408 [link to paper].

  50. L.T.H. Phong, D.H. Manh, N.X. Phuc, P.H. Nam, N.T.H. Le, N.T. Hieu, P.T. Phong, M.H. Phan, J. Kov ?, I. Skorvanek
    Oxidation-controlled magnetism and Verwey transition in Fe/Fe3O4 lamellae
    Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 2019;15:1902626 [link to paper].

  51. G. Lavorato, R. Das, Y. Xing, J. Robles, F. Jochen Litterst, E. Baggio-Saitovitch, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth
    Origin and Shell-Driven Optimization of the Heating Power in Core/Shell Bimagnetic Nanoparticles
    ACS Applied Nano Materials 2020;3:1755 [link to paper].

  52. G.C. Lavorato, A.A. Ruberta, Y. Xing, R. Das, J. Robles, F. Jochen Litterst, E.B. Saitovitch, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth, C. Vericat, and M.H. Fonticellia
    Shell-Mediated Control of the Surface Chemistry in Highly Stoichiometric Magnetite Nanoparticles
    Nanoscale 2020;12:13626 [link to paper].

  53. R. Das, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Role of magnetic anisotropy on the hyperthermia efficiency of spherical Fe3-xCoxO4 (x = 0 1) nanoparticles
    Applied Sciences 2021;11:930 [link to paper].

  54. L. T. H. Phong, D. H. Manh, P. H. Nam, V. D. Lam, B X. Khuyen, B. S. Tung, T. N. Bach, D. K. Tung, N. X. Phuc, T. V. Hung, T.L. Mai, T.L. Phan, and M.H. Phan
    Structural, magnetic and hyperthermia properties and their correlation in cobalt-doped magnetite nanoparticles
    RSC Advances 2021;12:698 [link to paper].

  55. H.M. Luong, M.T. Pham, T. Guin, R.P. Madhogaria, M.H. Phan, G.K. Larsen, and T.D. Nguyen
    Optical Hydrogen Sensors with Sub-second Response and ppm Detection Limit Using Nano-patchy Particle Array
    Nature Communications 2021;12:2414 [link to paper].

  56. N.H. Luong, T.T. Trung, T.T. Hong, N.H. Nam, M.H. Phan, P. Jenei, J.L. L b r, J. Gubicza
    Relating the magnetic coercivity to the L10 ordered FePd phase in annealed FexPd100-x nanoparticles
    Applied Physics A 2022;128:936 [link to paper].

  57. N. Ntallis, C. Kons, H. Srikanth, M.H. Phan, D.A. Arena, and M. Pereiro
    Macrospin model of an assembly of magnetically coupled core-shell nanoparticles
    Physical Review B 2022;106:104402 [link to paper].

  58. S. B. Attanayake, A. Chanda, R. Das, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Effects of annealing temperature on the magnetic properties of highly crystalline biphase iron oxide nanorods
    AIP Advances 2023;13:025333 [link to paper].

  59. S. B. Attanayake, A. Chanda, R. Das, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Emergent Magnetism and Exchange Bias Effect in Iron Oxide Nanocubes with Tunable Phase and Size
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2022;34:495301 [link to paper].

  60. S.B. Attanayake, A. Chanda, T. Hulse, R. Das, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Competing Magnetic Interactions and Field-Induced Metamagnetic Transition in Highly Crystalline Phase-Tunable Iron Oxide Nanorods
    Nanomaterials 2023;13:1340 [link to paper].

  61. C. Kons, K.L. Krycka, J. Robles, N. Ntallis, M. Pereiro, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth, J.A. Borchers, and D.A. Arena
    Influence of Hard/Soft Layer Ordering on Magnetization Reversal of Bimagnetic Nanoparticles: Implications for Biomedical/Theranostic Applications
    ACS Applied Nano Materials 2023;6:10986 [link to paper].

  62. H.M. Do, T.H.P. Le, D.T. Tran, T.N.A. Nguyen, I. Skorvanek, J. Kovac, P. Svec Jr, and M.H. Phan
    Magnetic interaction effects in Fe3O4/CoFe2O4 core/shell nanoparticles
    Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 2024;9:100658 [link to paper].

  63. L.T.H. Phong, T.D. Thanh, T.N. Bach, V.H. Ky, I. Skorvanek, J. Kovac, P. Svec, and M.H. Phan
    Contrasting shell thickness-dependent magnetic behaviors of CoFe2O4@Fe3O4 and Fe3O4@CoFe2O4 core/shell nanoparticles
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2024;1005:176138 [link to paper].

  64. S.B. Attanayake, A. Chanda, R. Das, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth
    Tailoring the Magnetic and Hyperthermic Properties of Biphase Iron Oxide Nanocubes through Post-Annealing
    Crystals 2024;14:519 [link to paper].

  65. X.Y. Ge, E. Silva, G.H. He, L.S. Gong, R. Madhogaria, Y.C. Cheng, A. Al-Enizi, A. Nafady, J. Tian, M.H. Phan, and S.Q. Ma
    Metal-Organic Framework as a New Type of Magnetothermally-Triggered On-Demand Release Carrier
    Small 2024;12:2306940 [link to paper].

  66. M.D. Nguyen, L.Z. Deng, J.M. Lee, K. Mariel, M. Fuller, S. Hojiang, F.R. Hernandez, C.W. Chu, D. Litvinov, S. Xu, M.H. Phan, and T. Randall Lee
    Control of Crystallinity and Size in Polycrystalline Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Magnetic Tunability
    Small 2024;20:2402940 [link to paper].

Multiferroic materials and transition metal dichalcogenides for spintronics applications

  1. M.H. Phan, J. Gass, N. A. Frey, H. Srikanth, M. Angst, B.C. Sales, and D. Mandrus
    Complex magnetic phases in LuFe2O4
    Solid State Communications 2010; 150, 341-345 [link to paper].

  2. M.H. Phan, J. Gass, N. A. Frey, H. Srikanth, M. Angst, B.C. Sales, and D. Mandrus
    Magnetism and cluster glass dynamics in geometrically frustrated LuFe2O4
    Journal of Applied Physics 2009; 105, 07E308 (3 pages) [link to paper].

  3. M.H. Phan, B. Morales, H. Srikanth, C.L. Zhang and S.W. Cheong
    Phase coexistence and magnetocaloric effect in (La,Pr,Ca)MnO3
    Physical Review B 2010; 81: 094413 (6 pages) [link to paper].

  4. P. Lampen, N.S. Bingham, M.H. Phan, H.T. Yi , S.W. Cheong, and H. Srikanth
    Macroscopic phase diagram and magnetocaloric study of metamagnetic transitions in the spin chain system Ca3Co2O6
    Physical Review B 2014, 89, 144414 (9 page) [link to paper].

  5. D. P. Kozlenko, N. T. Dang, N.O. Golosova, S. E. Kichanov, E. V. Lukin, H.-P. Liermann, K. V. Glazyrin, S. H. Jabarov, T.L. Phan, B. N. Savenko, P. Lampen-Kelley, E. Clements, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Pressure induced transformations of the magnetic order in the spin chain compound Ca3Co2O6
    Physical Review B 2018;98:134435[link to paper].

  6. P. Lampen, M.H. Phan,K. Kovnir, P. Chai, M. Shatruk, and H. Srikanth
    Heisenberg-like ferromagnetism in 3d-4f intermetallic La 0.7Pr0.25Co2P2 with localized Co moments
    Physical Review B 2014;90:174404 [link to paper].

  7. V. Kalappattil, R. Geng, S. H. Liang, D. Mukherjee, J. Devkota, A. Roy, M. H. Luong, N. D. Lai, T. D. Nguyen, W. B. Zhao, X. G. Li, N. H. Duc, R. Das, S. Chandra, H. Srikanth, and M. H. Phan
    Role of the magnetic anisotropy in organic spin valves
    Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 2017;2:378 [link to paper].

  8. M.H. Phan and D. Mandrus
    Cooling achieved by rotating an anisotropic superconductor in a constant magnetic field: A new perspective
    AIP Advances 2016;6:125022 [link to paper].

  9. V. Kalappattil, R. Das, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Probing the temperature-dependent magnetic anisotropy and Longitudinal Spin Seebeck Effect in Y3Fe5O12
    AIP Advances 2017;7:055912 [link to paper].

  10. E. Clements, R. Das, L. Li, Paula J. L. Kelley, M.H. Phan, V. Keppens, D. Mandrus, and H. Srikanth
    Critical Behavior and Macroscopic Phase Diagram of the Monoaxial Chiral Helimagnet Cr1/3NbS2
    Nature: Scientific Reports 2017;7:6545 [link to paper].

  11. E. Clements, R. Das, M.H. Phan, L. Li, V. Keppens, D. Mandrus, M. Osofsky, and H. Srikanth
    Field-dependence of the Nonlinear Magnetic Response and Tricritical Point in the Monoaxial Chiral Helimagnet Cr1/3NbS2
    Physical Review B 2018;97:214438 [link to paper].

  12. E.M. Clements, R. Das, G. Pokharel, M.H. Phan, A.D. Christianson, D. Mandrus, J.C. Prestigiacomo, M.S. Osofsky, and H. Srikanth
    Robust cycloid crossover driven by anisotropy in the skyrmion host GaV4S8
    Physical Review B (Editor's choice) 2020;101: 094425 [link to paper].

  13. V. Kalappattil, R. Das, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Roles of bulk and surface magnetic anisotropy on the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect of YIG/Pt
    Nature: Scientific Reports 2017;7:13316 [link to paper].

  14. R. Das, V. Kalappattil, R. Geng, H. Luong, M. Pham, T. Nguyen, Tao Liu, Mingzhong Wu, M. H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Enhanced room-temperature spin Seebeck effect in a YIG/C60/Pt layered heterostructure
    AIP Advances 2018;8:055906 [link to paper].

  15. R. P. Madhogaria, N. T. Dang, R. Das, E. M. Clements,V. Kalappattil, N. S. Bingham, D. P. Kozlenko, M. H. Phan, H. Srikanth
    Metamagnetism and kinetic arrest in a long-range ferromagnetically ordered multicaloric double perovskite Y2CoMnO6
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2020;507:166821 [link to paper].

  16. L.V. Lich, X. Hou, M.H. Phan, T.Q. Bui, J. Wang, T. Shimada, T. Kitamura, V.H. Dinh
    Electrocaloric effect enhancement in compositionally graded ferroelectric thin films driven by needle to vortex domain structure transition
    Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 2021 (online) [link to paper].

  17. D.P. Kozlenko, N.T. Dang, R.P. Madhogaria, L.T.P. Thao, S.E. Kichanov, N. Tran, D.T. Khan, N. Truong-Tho, T.L. Phan, B.W. Lee, B.N. Savenko, A.V. Rutkaukas, L.H. Khiem, H.B. Nguyen, T. A. Tran, T. Kmje?, J. Kohout, V. Chlan, and M.H. Phan
    Competing magnetic states in multiferroic BaYFeO4: a high magnetic field study
    Physical Review Materials 2021;5:044407 [link to paper].

  18. D.P. Kozlenko, N.T. Dang, S.E. Kichanov, L.T.P. Thao, A.V. Rutkaukas, E. V. Lukin, B.N. Savenko, N. Tran, D.T. Khan, L.V. Truong-Son, L.H. Khiem, B.W. Lee, T.L. Phan, N.L. Phan, N. Truong-Tho, N.N. Hieu, T.A. Tran, and M.H. Phan
    High Pressure-Enhanced Magnetic Ordering and Magnetostructural Coupling in Geometrically Frustrated Spinel Mn3O4
    Physical Review B 2022;105:094430 [link to paper].

  19. R.P. Madhogaria, C.M. Hung, B. Muchharla, A.T. Duong, R. Das, P.T. Huy, S.L. Cho, S. Witanachchi, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Strain-modulated helimagnetism and magnetic phase diagram in highly crystalline MnP nanorod thin films
    Physical Review B 2021;103:184423 [link to paper].

  20. B. Muchharla, R.P. Madhogaria, D. Detellem, C.-M. Hung, A. Chanda, N. WYAY Mudiyanselage, A.T. Duong, M.T. Trinh, S. Witanachchi, and M.H. Phan
    Intergranular Spin Dependent Tunneling Dominated Magnetoresistance in Helimagnetic Manganese Phosphide Thin Films
    Nanomaterials 2023;13:1478 [link to paper].

  21. H.Z. Liu, M. Tuan Trinh, E.M. Clements, D. Sapkota, L. Li, Z. Romestan, S. Bhat, V. Mapara, A. Barua, S.L. Carrera, M.H. Phan, D. Arena, H. Srikanth, D. Mandrus, A.H. Romero, D. Karaiskaj
    Elastically induced magnetization at ultrafast time scales in a chiral helimagnet
    Physical Review B 2022;106:035103 [link to paper].

  22. M. Bonilla, S. Kolekar, Y.J. Ma, H. Coy Diaz, V. Kalappattil, R. Das, T. Eggers, H.R. Gutierrez, M. H. Phan, and M. Batzill
    Strong Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in VSe2 Monolayers on van der Waals substrates
    Nature Nanotechnology 2018;13:289 [link to paper].

  23. P.M. Coelho, H.-P. Komsa, K. Lasek, V. Kalappattil, Jeyakumar Karthikeyan, M.H. Phan, A. V Krasheninnikov, and M. Batzill
    Room temperature ferromagnetic MoTe2 by post-growth incorporation of vanadium impurities
    Advanced Electronic Materials 2019;5:1900044 [link to paper].

  24. P.M. Coelho, K.N. Cong, M. Bonilla, S. Kolekar, M.H. Phan, J. Avila, Maria C. Asensio, I.I. Oleynik, and M. Batzill
    Charge Density Wave State Suppresses Ferromagnetic Ordering in VSe2 Monolayers
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2019;23:14089 [link to paper].

  25. V. Kalappattil, R. Geng, R. Das, H. Luong, M. Pham, T. Nguyen, A. Popescu, L. M. Woods H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Giant Spin Seebeck effect through an Interface Organic Semiconductor
    Materials Horizons 2020;7:1413 [link to paper].

  26. V.O. Jimenez, V. Kalappattil, T. Eggers, M. Bonilla, S. Kolekar, P. T. Huy, M. Batzill, M.H. Phan
    A magnetic sensor using a 2D van der Waals ferromagnetic material
    Nature: Scientific Reports 2020;10:4789 [link to paper].

  27. F. Zhang, B.Y. Zheng, A. Sebastian, H. Olson, M.Z. Liu, K. Fujisawa, Y.T.H. Pham, V. Ortiz Jimenez, V. Kalappattil, T. Zhang, R. Pendurthi, Y. Lei, A. Laura Elias, Y. Wang, Patrick E. Hopkins, S. Das, V.H. Crespi, M.H. Phan, and M. Terrones
    Monolayer Vanadium-doped Tungsten Disulfide: An Emerging Room-Temperature Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor
    Advanced Science 2020;7:2001174 (9 pages) [link to paper].

  28. Y.T. Hai Pham, M. Liu, V.O. Jimenez, F. Zhang, V. Kalappattil, Mauricio Terrones, and M.H. Phan
    Tunable Ferromagnetism and Thermally Induced Spin Flip in Vanadium-doped Tungsten Diselenide Monolayers at Room Temperature
    Advanced Materials 2020;32:2003607 (7 pages) [link to paper].

  29. V.O. Jimenez, Y.T. Hai Pham, M. Liu, F. Zhang, V. Kalappattil, B. Muchharla, T. Eggers, D.L. Duong, M. Terrones, and M.H. Phan
    Light-controlled room temperature ferromagnetism in vanadium-doped tungsten disulfide semiconducting monolayers
    Advanced Electronic Materials 2021;7:2100030 (7 pages) [link to paper].

  30. A. Chanda, C. Holzmann, N. Schulz, J. Seyd, M. Albrecht, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Thermal generation of spin current and magnon propagation length in compensated ferrimagnetic Gd3Fe5O12 thin films
    IEEE Trans Magn Mater 2022;58:1500505 [link to paper].

  31. N. Schulz, A. Chanda, G. Datt, M. Venkata Kamalakar, T. Sarkar, M.H. Phan and H. Srikanth
    Proximity enhanced magnetism at NiFe2O4/Graphene Interface
    AIP Advances 2022;12:035132 [link to paper].

  32. A. Chanda, C. Holzmann, N. Schulz, J. Seyd, M. Albrecht, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Scaling of the thermally induced sign inversion of longitudinal spin Seebeck effect in a compensated ferrimagnet: Role of magnetic anisotropy
    Advanced Functional Materials 2021;32:2109170 [link to paper].

  33. A. Chanda, D. DeTellem, Y.T.H. Pham, J.E. Shoup, A.T. Duong, R. Das, S.L. Cho, D.V. Voronine, M. Tuan Trinh, D.A. Arena, S. Witanachchi, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Spin Seebeck effect in iron oxide thin films: Effects of phase transition, phase coexistence, and surface magnetism
    ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2022;14:13468 [link to paper].

  34. A. Chanda, Deepika Rani, Jadupati Nag, Aftab Alam, K. G. Suresh, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Emergence of asymmetric skew-scattering dominated anomalous Nernst effect in the spin gapless semiconductors Co1+xFe1-xCrGa
    Physical Review B 2022;106,134416 [link to paper].

  35. L.V. Lich, G. Nguyen, D. Hai, and M.H. Phan
    Theoretical Studies on Controlling Chirality of Helical Polarization Vortices in Ferroelectric Nanowires: Implications for Reconfigurable Electronic Devices
    ACS Applied Nano Materials 2022;5:16509 [link to paper].

  36. D.T.X. Dang, R.K. Barik, M.H. Phan, and L.M. Woods
    Enhanced Magnetism in Heterostructures with Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayers
    The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2022;13:8879 [link to paper].

  37. L.V. Lich, G. Nguyen, D. Hai, and M.H. Phan
    The design of compositionally modulated lead-free ferroelectrics with large electromechanical response via high-throughput phase-field simulations and machine learning
    Materials Research Bulletin 2023;167:112433 [link to paper].

  38. C.M. Hung, D.T.X. Dang, A. Chanda, D. Detellem, N. Alzahrani, N. Kapuruge, Yen T. H. Pham, M.Z. Liu, D. Zhou, H.R. Gutierrez, D.A. Arena, M. Terrones, S. Witanachchi, L.M. Woods, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Enhanced Magnetism and Anomalous Hall Transport through Two-dimensional Tungsten Disulfide Interfaces
    Nanomaterials 13;771:2023 [link to paper].

  39. A. Chanda, C.M. Hung, A.T. Duong, S. Cho, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
    Magnetism and spin-dependent transport phenomena across Verwey and Morin transitions in iron oxide/Pt bilayers
    Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2023;568:170370 [link to paper].

  40. N.T. Dang, D.P. Kozlenko, O.N. Lis, S.E. Kichanov, E.V. Lukin, N.O.Golosova, B.N. Savenko, D.L. Duong, T.L. Phan, T.A. Tran, and M.H. Phan
    High pressure driven magnetic disorder and structural transformation in Fe3GeTe2: Emergence of a magnetic quantum critical point
    Advanced Science 2023;10:2206842 [link to paper].

  41. N. Kapuruge, T. Alba, K. Lasek, N. Schulz, F.A. Nugera, V.O. Jimenez, R. Hyde, J.J. Pan, H. Srikanth, M.H. Phan, and H.R. Guti rrez
    Room-Temperature Ferromagnetism in Hybrid 2D Magnetic Metamaterials
    Advanced Materials (under review) [link to paper].

  42. A. Chanda, et al., M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Intrinsic Berry curvature driven anomalous Nernst thermopower in the semi-metallic Heusler alloy CoFeVSb
    Physical Review B 2023;107:L220403 [link to paper].

  43. A. Chanda, D. Rani, D. DeTellem, N. Alzahrani, D.A. Arena, S. Witanachchi, R. Chatterjee, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Large Thermo-Spin Effects in Heusler Alloy-Based Spin Gapless Semiconductor Thin Films
    ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2023;15:53697 [link to paper].

  44. N. Schulz, G. Datt, A. Chanda, C.S. Ong, F. Songfrei, O. Eriksson, D. Voronine, T. Sarkar, V. Kamalakar, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Surface Termination-Enhanced Magnetism at Nickel Ferrite/2D Nanomaterial Interfaces: Implications for Spintronics
    ACS Applied Nano Materials 2023;6:10402 [link to paper].

  45. L.V. Lich, B.H. Vu, D.T.H. Hue, D.T.H. Giang, T. Shimada, V.H. Dinh, and M.H. Phan
    Low-field energy storage enhancement in ferroelectric/paraelectric PbTiO3/SrTiO3 nanocomposites near antiferroelectric-ferroelectric transition region
    Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 2024;9:100687 [link to paper].

  46. A. Chanda, C. Holzmann, N. Schulz, D. Stein, M. Albrecht, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Thermally generated magnonic spin current in a polycrystalline gadolinium iron garnet thin film with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy
    Journal of Applied Physics 2024;135:123901 [link to paper].

  47. A. Chanda, J. Nag, N. Schulz, D. DeTellem, A. Alam, K. G. Suresh, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Nernst magneto-thermoelectricity in topological spin semi-metal FeCrRhX (X=Si,Ge)
    Physical Review B 2024 (in press) [link to paper].

  48. N. Schulz, G. Pantano, D. DeTellem, A. Chanda, E.M. Clements, M. McGuire, A. Markou, C. Felser, D.A. Arena, J. Gayles, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Unravelling the Structural Dependency of Weyl nodes in Co2MnGa
    Physical Review B 2024;110:054419 [link to paper].

  49. A. Chanda, J. Nag, N. Schulz, A. Alam, K. G. Suresh, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Large anomalous Nernst effect and its bipolarity in quaternary equiatomic Heusler alloys CrRuXGe (X = Co and Mn)
    Physical Review B 2024;109:224415 [link to paper].

  50. A. Chanda, C. Holzmann, M. Albrecht, E.R. Rosenberg, C.A. Ross, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
    Temperature evolution of magnon propagation length in Tm3Fe5O12 thin films: Roles of magnetic anisotropy and Gilbert damping
    ACS Nano 2024;18:7223 [link to paper].

E. Patents

  1. Novel Magneto-LC Resonance Technology for Real-Time Respiratory Motion Monitoring, (US Patent No.: US11607154B2 [link to patent].) M.H. Phan, O. Thiabgoh, and T. Eggers.

  2. Real-Time Monitoring of Coronavirus Progress using Magnetic Sensing and Machine Learning, (US Patent No.: US12102424B2 [link to patent].) M.H. Phan, K.Y. Hwang, V. Ortiz Jimenez, and B. Muchharla.

  3. Superparamagnetic polycrystalline nanoparticles for magnetic hyperthermia, R. Randall Lee, M.D. Nguyen, M.H. Phan, and S.B. Attanayake (US Patent, pending)