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Polynomial Quandle Cocycles

To actually compute the quandle cocycle invariants from the definition, we need to have an explicit cocycles. In this section, we present quandle cocycles of Alexander quandles written by polynomials, called polynomial $ ($quandle$ )$ cocycles, that can be used for such explicit calculations of the invariant. Such cocycles were first constructed in [Mochi03], and studied in [Ame06,Mochi05]. They have been extensively used in applications. The following formulas are found in [Ame06].

More general formula for $ n$-cocycles are given in [Ame06]. We cite (a slightly simplified version of) her result:

Proposition 4.4 ([Ame06])   Consider an Alexander quandle $ X=\mathbb{Z}_p[t,t^{-1}]/h(t)=A$. Let $ a_i=p^{m_i}$, for $ i=1,\ldots,n-1$, where $ p$ is a prime and $ m_i$ are non-negative integers. For a positive integer $ n$, let $ f:X^n
\rightarrow A$ be defined by

$\displaystyle f(x_{1},x_{2},\ldots,x_{n})

Then $ f$ is an $ n$-cocycle $ (\in
Z^n_{\rm Q}(X;A))$, $ (1)$ if $ a_n=0$, or $ (2)$ $ a_n=p^{m_n}$ $ ($for a positive integer $ m_n)$ and $ g(t)$ divides $ 1-t^a$, where $ a=a_1+a_2+\cdots+a_{n-1}+a_n$.

More specific polynomials and Alexander quandles considered are as follows. Non-triviality of quandle cocycle invariants for some of the cocycles below are obtained in [Ame06,StSm].

There is another type of $ 3$-cocycles Mochizuki constructed specifically for dihedral quandles $ R_p$ for prime $ p$. It is given by the formula

$\displaystyle \theta (x,y,z)= (x-y) [(2 z^p - y^p) - (2z-y)^p ]/p$   mod$\displaystyle \; p,$

where the numerator computed in $ \mathbb{Z}$ is divisible by $ p$, and then after dividing it by $ p$, the value is taken as an integer modulo $ p$.

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Masahico Saito - Quandle Website 2006-09-19