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Previous: Obstructions to tangle embeddings
- CL05*
J-W. Chung; X-S. Lin,
On n-punctured ball tangles,
Preprint, arXive:math.GT/0502176.
- KSS03
T. Kanenobu; H. Saito; S. Satoh,
Tangles with up to seven crossings,
Interdisciplinary Infomation Sciences
9 (2003) 127-140.
- Kre99
D.A. ÊKrebes,
An obstruction to embedding
-tangles in links,
J. Knot Theory Ramifications
8 (1999) 321-352.
- KSW00
D.A. ÊKrebes; D.S. Silver; S.G. Williams,
Persistent invariants of tangles,
J. Knot Theory Ramifications
9 (2000) 471-477.
- PSW04*
J.H. Przytycki; D.S. Silver; S.G. Williams,
3-Manifolds, tangles and persistent invariants,
Preprint, arXive:math.GT/0405465.
- Rub00
D. ÊÊRuberman,
Embedding tangles in links,
J. Knot Theory Ramifications
9 (2000) 523-530.
Masahico Saito - Quandle Website