Engineering >> Computer Science & Engineering

Bullet Trajectory with Moving Target

by Henry Williams


Submitted : Fall 2011

This problem was solved mainly by using general equations of motion. In “part a” of the project, the angle necessary to cause a headshot given the initial conditions was calculated by using the general equations of motion. In part b, aside from the general equations of motion, equations of rotational motion were used to determine the computer bot’s new coordinates after the bot moved in a circular motion for the time it required for the bullet to reach the initial coordinates of the bot. For part c, an equation was derived to determine the trajectory of the bullet along the x and y axes to find out whether the bots at the given points would be hit or not.



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Noureddine Elmehraz, Computer Science & Engineering
Suggested By :
Noureddine Elmehraz