Natural Sciences >> External

Water Conservation Through Rain Sensors in Hernando County

by Barbara Nordheim-Shelt


Submitted : Spring 2010

This project examines how much water could be conserved per year by Hernando County Utilities customers if rain sensors were installed in all homes with no rain sensors or outdated rain sensors for their irrigation systems. The cost to Hernando County to conserve this amount of water was also determined. Each rain sensor saves an average of 100 gallons of water per rain day per household. The number of days per year with a minimum of 0.25 inches of rain was calculated. It was determined that an average of 5600 gallons of water per rain sensor could be conserved each year. The Hernando County Utilities Department offers a rebate of $50.00 per household for rain sensors. An initial cost to Hernando County of $50 per rain sensor would conserve 5600 gallons of water per year.



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Kathy Scott, Southwest Florida Water Management District
Suggested By :
Kathy Scott