Engineering >> Civil & Environmental Engineering

Determining Optimal Pitch for Swale

by JoAnna McKinney


Submitted : Spring 2022

Due to Florida’s heavy rain seasons, property layouts need to be able to accommodate such precipitation without potential risk. The desired layout will function to protect the homeowner against preventable hazards such as flooding through the proper implementation of swales. The challenge is determining the least amount of disturbance to the property and maintaining budgeted interests of the client, while ensuring safety standards are fully satisfied. The volume of the landscape must be calculated; then, based on average rainfall in Florida, a volume will be determined that verifies the safety of the incline. Engineers can efficiently design projects for people despite uncertainties in ground levels through the understanding of functions and their properties.  



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Frank Carter, W.F.C. ENGINEERING
Suggested By :
Frank Carter