Natural Sciences >> Integrative Biology

Predicting the Growth and Growth rate of a bacterial colony

by Darren King


Submitted : Spring 2022

This paper aims to demonstrate the application of calculus in the field of biology. Where the rate of a bacterial colony’s size and rate of growth is predicted. The calculus used is able to produce a formula where the variable provided are able to lead to an estimation that is able to be applied by scientists. Knowing the size of a colony is important for counteracting any that may have adverse effects on the environment or society. The acquisition of this knowledge is also necessary for the use of bacteria that are able to benefit the environment or society. Calculus plays a large part in being able to predict the number necessary with accuracy while all other variables are negligible. The math used here can also be applied to other fields where growth and growth rate are also necessary.



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Qi Tang, Chemistry
Suggested By :
Russell Odell