Engineering >> Engineering

Computer Games: Grenade Trajectory

by Gage Mueller


Submitted : Fall 2009

In this project, a set of parameters were given and the end result was the unknown. Using the given parameters, the range of the grenade, the maximum height of the grenade, the time of flight of the grenade, and if the grenade would hit a variety of objects were to be found. In the end it was found that the grenade would travel 122.97548m if unhindered by obstacles. However, it was also found out that the grenade would hit the third object represented by a rectangle in the last problem. In order to find these results, the six different equations that described the motion of the projectile were used. All of the results were found using different combinations of these six equations.



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Mayur Palankar, Computer Science & Engineering
Suggested By :
Mayur Palankar