Natural Sciences >> Other

Algae Growth rate in local retention ponds

by Julissa Ocampo


Submitted : Spring 2022


Harmful Algal blooms can be very damaging to both humans and ecosystems, they feed on excess nutrients in bodies of water. As a result, it is important that their growth rates can be predicted. It allows researchers to mitigate blooms and treat them efficiently if they were to occur. A local Tampa retention pond has seen an increase in algal blooms over the last few months. To calculate its growth rate, the exponential growth rate formula was used. The first step to calculating the rate was to determine the necessary data needed to use the formula. This included the initial population, the current population, and how much time has gone by. The end result was a growth rate of 23.1842. This is a very high rate, and it is indicative of poor water quality.



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Tess Ippolito, Geology
Suggested By :
Jessica Fernandez
Algae Growth rate in local retention ponds