Natural Sciences >> Chemistry

Investigating the Reaction Rate of Greener Bromination Methods

by Reagan Moody


Submitted : Fall 2019

Experimental techniques for bromination reactions are utilizing green chemistry as a means of minimizing hazardous reagents and high waste yields. This paper investigates the rate of product formation in two different bromination methods. A reaction that includes pure bromine as a reactant would exhibit a much higher rate than a green bromination reaction. For the alternative technique, hydrobromic acid and hydrogen peroxide react with a substrate to produce a brominated compound at a low rate. The logistic differential equation will be used to determine the rate of each bromination reaction until the system has reached equilibrium. This method, however, does not fully demonstrate the environmental benefits of greener bromination techniques. Qualitative observation and time-based procedure is required to achieve more concise information.



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Solomon Weldegirma, Chemistry
Suggested By :
Solomon Weldegirma