About the Department

The Department of Mathematics at the University of South Florida, Tampa Campus, is composed of approximately thirty faculty who do research in a variety of fields, and teach courses ranging from the freshman to the doctoral level. The research at the Department is primarily in various areas of analysis, discrete mathematics, probability and statistics, and topology.

The Department's Graduate Program offers courses of study leading to Master and Doctoral degrees. Courses are available for certification and career development. The Undergraduate Program offers courses of study leading to a Bachelor's degree. It also provides service courses to students majoring in natural sciences, business, or engineering, as well as distribution requirement courses to all students. To teach a lower-level course in the mathematics department, the instructor must either (a) be a graduate teaching assistant in the math department who has completed at least 18 hours of math graduate-level coursework, or (b) hold a master's degree in math or a closely related field (applied math, statistics, math education, engineering, etc.), or (c) hold a master's degree in some other discipline and have completed at least 18 hours of math graduate-level coursework. The same minimum requirements hold for teaching upper-level math courses, but in practice these courses are almost always taught by instructors holding a doctorate in math (or a closely-related field). All graduate-level math courses are taught by instructors who hold a doctorate in mathematics (or a closely-related field). Only individuals who have a demonstrated command of the English language are assigned to teach math courses at the University of South Florida.

The Department is a home to various Institutes and Journals serving the mathematical and general communities. In addition, it is the traditional base of the Suncoast Region, the informal group of schools and colleges collaborating to guide mathematics education in west central Florida. The mission of the Department is related to that of other departments, including the Department of Computer Science and the Mathematics Education Program in the Department of Secondary Education.

The Department is governed in accordance with the Department Guidelines.

Contacting Us

Please direct questions to mthmaster@nosferatu.cas.usf.edu.
Last updated: 14-Jul-2004.
Copyright © 2000, USF Department of Mathematics.