If the item is underlined, either it or information on it is
available online; click to access.
- “Human Rights as a Framework for Reflection in Service Learning:: ‘Para que Otro Mundo es possible.’ In The Service Connection (American Library Association, 2009).
- “Human Rights, Democracy and Librarians “ [with Katharine J. Phenix] in "THE PORTABLE MLIS: Insights from the Experts" ed. By Ken Haycock and Brooke Sheldon. (Libraries Unlimited, 2008).
- "Public Libraries and Human Rights" (with Katharine J. Phenix) in Current Practices in Public Libraries, ed. William Miller and Rita M. Pellen. [Haworth Press, 2008], pp. 57-73. ISBN 978-0-7890.
- “Workplace Speech in Libraries,” Progressive Librarian 31 (Summer 2008): 6-16.
- “There is Power in a Union, 2007.” Progressive Librarian 30 (Winter 2007/2008): 70-78.
- “PLG-Presente! Report from the United States Social Forum (with Elaine Harger). Progressive Librarian 30 (Winter 2007/2008): 79- 102.
- "A Commitment to Human Rights - Let’s Honor the
Qualities Required of a Librarian Dedicated to Human Rights." (with
K.J. Phenix). Information for Social Change 25 (Summer 2007).
- "Librarians as Advocates for the Human rights of
Immigrants," Progressive Librarian 29 (Summer 2007).
- Foreword. Serving New
Immigrant Communities in the Library. By Sondra
Cuban.Westport, Connecticut. Libraries Unlimited, 2007.
- "There is Power in a Union." Progressive Librarian 28
(Winter 2006-2007).
- "Public Libraries and Human Rights." (with K.J. Phenix). Public
Library Quarterly 25 (2006): 57-73.
- Preface.Library
Juice Concentrate: A Book for die Jahrtausendwende. Duluth,
Minnesota: Library Juice Press, 2006.
- "Libraries Rebuilding Community in Louisiana After the
Hurricanes of 2005." (with A. Dawson) Reference and User Services
Quarterly (Fall 2006).
- "Human Rights and Librarianship." [with Katharine J.
Phenix] Reference and User Services Quarterly (Fall 2005).
- "Public Libraries and People in Jail." Reference and
User Services Quarterly 44 (Fall 2004).
- The Librarian and Human Rights:Protecting Discourse Against
Repression," Catholic Library World (September 2004).
- "Sustaining the Public Sphere in Libraries." Human
Rights Project 2004.
- Equity of Access: Igniting a Passion for Change. Web
Junction 2004.
- Introduction to Public Librarianship.
(Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2004).
- "Serving the Demands of Democracy" in Threshold,
Winter 2004.
- “ Suppressing the Commons: Misconstrued Patriotism vs. A
Psychology of Liberation.” Reference and User Services Quarterly
42 (Fall 2003).
- " Public Policy as a Factor Influencing Adult Lifelong
Learning, Adult Literacy, and Public Libraries." Reference and
User Services Quarterly 42 (Fall 2002).
- "Rocks in the Whirlpool: Equity and the American
Library Association." (May 2002).
- "Poverty, Democracy, and Public Libraries" in Libraries & Democracy: The Cornerstones of Liberty.
Ed. Nancy Kranich, (ALA Editions, 2001).
- A Place at the Table: Participating in Community
Building (ALA Editions, 2000)
- "Ethnic Diversity in Library and Information Science",
Library Trends 49 (Summer, 2000).
- "To live in Community is not a matter of choice but a
Calling." Lecture given at American Library Association President's
Program. July 9, 2000 Chicago, Illinois (Sarah Long Moderating, 2000).
- Library Services to Youth of Hispanic Heritage
(McFarland, 2000)
- "Using Ockham's Razor: Cutting to the Center."
Paper for Congress on Professional Education (1999).
- Libraries:
Global Reach, Local Touch (ALA Editions:1998)
- Women of Color in Librarianship (ALA