Student-Friendly Statistics Typo's (2-11-02)
(Thanks to Tim Green for a helpful batch of reports)
Typos in Main Text
page # Section/area Error as printed Correction
Chapter 4
37 9 lines up from bottom 0 to 21 "0 to -1"
37 6 lines up from bottom 11 SD "+1 SD"
40 12th line from top 22 SD "-2 SD"
40 13th line from top 22 to 21 SD "-2 to -1 SD"
40 middle of page, #1. 1. What ..under 11 SD? …11SD? "+1 SD", "+1 SD"
40 middle of page, #2. 2. What ..under 12SD? "+2 SD"
Chapter 6
59 2nd line from top is like the SD before you squared it "is SD-squared (the variance)"
Chapter 7
71 Near bottom, t-test box under square root, SD2/n = SD2/n Change "=" to "+", should be "SD2/n + SD2/n"
76 First paragraph of text The box on page 81… "The box on page 77 (not 81), provides…"
80 Cohen's d Formula SD1 under square root not squared Both SD's (for each group) should be squared
Chapter 8
97 Table 8.3 mean of A1 = 13 mean of A1 = 6
97 Table 8.3 mean of A2 = 10 mean of A2 = 5
98 Table 8.4 mean of A2 = 5.5 mean of A2 = 5
Chapter 9
121 Just below first formula where (a+1) is the degrees of freedom.. "where (a-1) is the degrees of freedom…"
Chapter 10
133 7&8th line from top Outlining is good for history… Underlining is good for history and bad for math…whereas
outlining is a little better for math…
Chapter 11
157 13th line five couples four couples
170 Step-by.. Reg. & Corr. Values 3. For m… divide by sum of XY (X2) col. "..divide by sum of X2 column." (X2 is "X-squared")
Typos in Problem Sets
page # problem #/section error type correct answer
35 3.7, a, mode mode = 11.5 should be "there are 2 modes, 10 and 11
35 3.7, a, median median = 2 median = 10
50 5.5, a. a. SE-males = 0.32, SE-Females = 0.37 a.SE-males = 0.516, SE-females = 0.666
50 5.5, b. b. SE-males = 0.16, SE-females = 0.16 b. SE-males = .258, SE-females = 0.333, cut in half!
66 6.1, 6.3, 6.5 Equal-n SD formula (p. 59) used. Use the equal-n formula.
112 8.1/ Deviation table 2's in place of negative signs All 2's need to be replaced with a (-) sign.
112 8.1/Deviation table Typo "Grand Mean 5 5.5" Should be "Grand Mean = 5.5"
113 8.5/Deviation Table level A2, #8, = 2.5-2.25 level A2, should be, #8= 2.5-2.5
124 9.1/row #5 Error Square= 22.56 Error Square = 2.56
126 9.5 b-c-d Source Table F-obtained, F-critical incorrect F-obtained = 25.81, F-crit = 3.89
145 10.1 Deviation Table, row#7) Under Error(Within), Error Dev "14-25" Should be "14-15"
146 Top Source table, c. Error row typo "Error SS = 8, MS = 4, F =2" Error SS = 8, df = 4, MS =2 (df and MS were shifted)
147 10.5 c. source table F-crit = 7.71 F-crit should be 7.72
147 10.5.c. explanation Test English in afternoon, there is an apparent effect