About the


Read about the concept PDF
Some details on the Spring 2007 seminar PDF

I teach this seminar every few years. I look for motivated students from a variety of backgrounds. Permission to register is necessary for most but not all students*...Some background is necessary, and yours could be in art, design, any cognitive or neuro- science, humanities, education... I will seek a balance of backgrounds (register early).

For permission, please email me with brief description of your background and interests:

sanocki at usf.edu (replace " at " with "@" to help me avoid spam)

I can then start the permission process for you.

*Automatic permission for Psychology graduate students, and undergraduates who have done well in Perception, Cognition, or Physiological Psychology.

This seminar will follow my "Rules of Cognitive Science"

Great strides in understanding the mind/brain have become possible because academia has brought together a variety of evidence-based approaches to mind and brain. The rules are:

Listen well and read widely
Appreciate theory and the constraints of evidence
Create and follow through
Ask questions and be open, no individual knows it all

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