MAA 5306 INTRODUCTION TO REAL ANALYSIS (3) Differentiation, Riemann-Stieltjes integrals, uniform convergence, Fourier series, special functions. (PR: MAA 4211) (Title and description changes approved by Faculty.)
MAA 5307 REAL ANALYSIS I (3) Lebesgue measure and integration on the real line, classical Banach spaces. (PR: MAA 5306) (Title and description changes approved by Faculty.)
MAA 5405 APPLIED COMPLEX VARIABLES (3) Complex numbers, analytic and harmonic functions, series, contour integrals, residue theory, conformal mappings; a survey course emphasizing techniques and applications. (PR: MAP 2302)
MAA 5XXX APPROXIMATION THEORY (3) Approximation in normed spaces, best approximation, alternation points, existence and unicity, Weierstrass' theorem, Weierstrass-Stone theorem, smoothness spaces, approximation and smoothness, direct and converse inequalities, Jackson's theorem, Stechkin's theorem, polynomial approximation and polynomial inequalities, approximation by operators, rational approximation, spline approximation, wavelets. (PR: MAA 5307)
Fourier series, conjugate series, theory,
convergence and summability, Fourier transforms, Hilbert transform,
singular integrals,
spaces, inner functions,
atomic decomposition, maximal functions and maximal inequalities,
harmonic analysis in
(PR: MAA 5307)
MAA 5XXX ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS AND SPECIAL FUNCTIONS I (3) Special functions, orthogonal polynomials and their q-analogues, as well as moment problems and their applications to spectral theory of Schrödinger operators. (PR: MAA 5307)
MAA 5XXX ORTHOGONAL POLYNOMIALS AND SPECIAL FUNCTIONS I (3) Functional analytic, function theoretic and potential theoretic techniques and their applications to various problems in the theory of orthogonal polynomials and extremal problems. (PR: MAA 5307) (New course, approved by Faculty. Will be offered as MAT 5932 Selected Topics until final approval.)
MAA 6406 COMPLEX ANALYSIS I (3) Linear transformations, analytic functions, conformal mapping, Cauchy's theorem and applications, power series, partial fractions and factorization, elementary Riemann surfaces, Riemann mapping theorem. (PR: MAA 5405 or CI) (New course, approved by Faculty. Will be offered as MAT 5932 Selected Topics until final approval.)
MAA 6407 COMPLEX ANALYSIS II (3) Topics in: conformal mappings, normal families, Picard's theorem, univalent functions, extremal properties, elliptic functions, approximation theory, Riemann surfaces. (PR: MAA 6406 or CI) (New course, approved by Faculty. Will be offered as MAT 5932 Selected Topics until final approval.)
MAA 6506 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS I (3) Normed linear spaces and topological vector spaces, open mapping, closed graph, and Hahn-Banach Theorem, UB principle, compact operators, dual spaces. (PR: MAA 5307 & MAS 5107 or CI) (New course, approved by Faculty. Will be offered as MAT 5932 Selected Topics until final approval.)
MAA 6507 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS II (3) Hilbert spaces, spectral theory, and other topics. (PR: MAA 6506)
MAA 6616 REAL ANALYSIS II (3) Banach spaces, measure and integration, Riesz Representation Theorem, Radon-Nikodym Theorem. (PR: MAA 5307) (Title and description changes approved by Faculty.)
MAD 5101 LISP: PROGRAMMING WITH ALGEBRAIC APPLICATIONS (3) Programming in LISP, functional languages, foundations of the Lambda Calculus, and algebraic applications (theorem proving and game playing). (PR: MAP 2302 or MAS 4301 or CI) (The new PR was approved by Faculty.)
MAD 5305 GRAPH THEORY (3) Brief introduction to classical graph theory (4-color theorem, etc.), directed graphs, connected digraphs, condensations, incidence matrices, Polya's Theorem, networks. (PR: CI)
MAD 6206 COMBINATORICS I (3) Elementary counting principles, distributions, sets, multisets, partitions of sets and integers, generating functions and recurrences, graph theory, probabilistic methods. (PR: MAS 2103 and MAS 4301 or CI) (The change ``graphical methods'' to ``graph theory'' approved by Faculty.)
MAD 6207 COMBINATORICS II (3) Combinatorics of finite sets: posets, hypergraphs and external problems, matriods, block designs, Mobius inversion for partially ordered sets, Polya's enumeration theory. (PR MAS 5311 and MAD 6206 or CI)
MAD 6510 ADVANCED THEORY OF COMPUTATION (3) Advanced topics in theoretical computer science, such as recursion theory, process theory, computational or descriptive complexity theory, abstract computations, or related topics. (PR: CI) (Changed from Analy. of Algo., approved by Faculty.)
MAD 6616 AUTOMATA THEORY (3) Deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata, regular and other languages, Turing machines and related machine models, cellular automata and other network models. (PR: MGF 3301 or MAS 4301 or CI) (Title and description changed, approved by Faculty.)
MAD 6617 TOPICS IN ABSTRACT STRUCTURES (3) Advanced topics in combinatorial structures, logical structures and models, algebraic structures, set theory and topology, or related topics. (PR: CI) (Title and description changed, approved by Faculty.)
MAD 6XXX TOPICS IN COMBINATORICS (3) Advanced topics in combinatorics, combinatorial analysis, combinatorial enumeration (including algebraic methods, probabilistic methods, etc.), or related fields. (PR: CI) (New course, approved by Faculty. Will be offered as MAT 6932 Selected Topics until final approval.)
MAE 5875 ABSTRACT ALGEBRA FOR TEACHERS (3) Groups, fields, vector spaces as they relate to high school algebra and geometry. (No credit for Mathematics majors.) (PR: MAS 3105 and MAS 4301 and Bachelor's degree or CI)
MAE 5877 MATHEMATICAL ANALYSIS FOR TEACHERS (3) Limits, continuity, derivatives, differentials. (No credit for Mathematics majors.) (PR: MAC 2313 and Bachelor's degree or CI)
MAP 5316 NONLINEAR ANALYSIS I (3) Sobolev Spaces, Degree Theories, Fixed point Theory, Operators of Monotone Type, Applications to Elliptic/Parabolic PDEs. (PR: MAA 4211 or CI) (Title, PR, and description changed, approved by Faculty.)
MAP 6317 NONLINEAR ANALYSIS II (3) Convexity, Variational Inequalities, Minimizers, Approximations, Applications to Elliptic/Parabolic PDEs. (PR: MAP 5316 or CI) (Title and description changed, approved by Faculty. Number changed from 5316 to 6317, approved by Faculty.)
MAP 5345 APPLIED PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (3) Separation of variables, the heat equation, wave equation, Laplace's equation, classification, Green's functions with emphasis on applications. (PR: MAP 5407 or CI)
MAP 5407 METHODS OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS (3) Sturm-Liouville theory, Fourier series, Green's functions, matrix methods for linear systems of ordinary differential equations, and topics from calculus of variations, control theory, numerical solutions of differential equations. (PR: MAP 2302 or CI)
MAP 5XXX DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS I (3) From differential equations to dynamical systems, introduction to chaos, local bifurcations, hyperbolic sets, averaging method, Melnikov method. (PR: MAA 4211, MAA 5306, MAP 2302, and MAS 3105) (New course approved by Faculty. Will be offered as MAT 5932 Selected Topics until final approval. PR approved by Faculty.)
MAP 6205 CONTROL THEORY AND OPTIMIZATION (3) Projection theorems and minimum norm problems, convex analysis, duality principle, constrained optimization, finite dimensional linear systems, controllability, optimal control and Pontryagin maximum principle. (PR: MAP 2302, MAS 3105, and MAA 5307 or CI) (PR approved by Faculty.)
MAP 6336 THEORY OF ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (3) Existence theorems, linear systems, perturbed linear systems, Floquet theory, stability, boundary value problems, two-dimensional equilibria and limit cycles, Poincare-Bendixson theory, nonlinear second-order equations, and Runge-Kutta method. (PR: MAP 2302 and MAA 4211 or CI) (The number changed from 5336 back to 6336, approved by Faculty.)
MAP 6356 PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS (3) Advanced topics from: elliptic boundary value problems, semigroup theory, Sobolev spaces, degree theory, regularity, evolution equations. (PR: MAP 5345 and MAA 5307 or CI)
MAP 6XXX DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS II (3) Nonlinear evolutionary equations, global attractors, inertial manifolds, approximations of global dynamics, and applications to reaction-diffusion equations, nonlinear wave equations, and Navier-Stokes equations. (PR: MAA 5307, MAA 6506, and MAP 5345 or MAP 6356) (New course approved by Faculty. Will be offered as MAT 5932 Selected Topics until final approval. PR approved by Faculty.)
MAS 5107 ADVANCED LINEAR ALGEBRA (3) Finite-dimensional vector spaces over arbitrary fields, dual spaces, canonical forms for linear transformations, inner product spaces, orthogonal, unitary, and self-adjoint operators and quadratic forms. (PR: MAS 2103 and MAS 4301; Co-requisite(s): MAS 5311)
MAS 5125 NUMBER THEORY (3) Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, modular arithmetic, Chinese remainder theorem, Mersenne primes, perfect numbers, Euler-Fermat theorem, pseudoprimes, primitive roots, laws of quadratic reprocity, factorization and primality testing algorithms. (PR: MAS 2103 and MAS 4301 or CI)
MAS 5311 ALGEBRA I (3) Group theory: Sylow theorems; classification of groups of small order. Ring theory: ideals, quotient rings, polynomial rings, Euclidean domains, principal ideal domains and unique factorization. (PR: MAS 2103 and MAS 4301 or CI)
MAS 5312 ALGEBRA II (3) Finitely generated modules over a principal ideal domain, basic field theory, finite fields, Galois theory. (PR: MAS 5311 or CI)
MAT 5932 SELECTED TOPICS (1-4) Each course covers a single topic outside the usual curriculum. (PR: CI)
MAT 6908 INDEPENDENT STUDY (1-19 Var.) Independent study in which student must have a contract with an instructor. Rpt. S/U.
MAT 6911 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-19 Var.) Rpt. S/U (PR: Master's degree)
MAT 6932 SELECTED TOPICS (1-4) Each course covers a single topic outside the usual curriculum. (PR: CI)
MAT 6939 GRADUATE SEMINAR (1-4) Direction of this seminar is by a faculty member. Students are required to present research papers from the literature. S/U
MAT 6971 THESIS: MASTER'S (1-19 Var.) Rpt. S/U (PR: CI)
MAT 7912 DIRECTED RESEARCH (1-19 Var.) Rpt. S/U (PR: Ph.D. level)
MAT 7980 DISSERTATION: DOCTORAL (1-19 Var.) Rpt. (PR: Admission to Candidacy)
MHF 5306 FOUNDATIONS OF MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTING I (3) Recursion and computability theory, predicate calculus, incompleteness. (PR: MAS 4301 or CI) (Title and Description changes approved by Faculty.)
MHF 5402 EARLY HISTORY OF MATHEMATICS (3) A study of the history and development of mathematics and its cultural impact from the formation of number systems to the Renaissance. (PR: MAC 2312) (New course approved by Faculty. Will be offered as MAT 5932 Selected Topics until final approval.)
MHF 5405 HISTORY OF MODERN MATHEMATICS (3) Traces the development of mathematical ideas from the Renaissance to the 19th century. Open to non-majors. (PR: MAC 2313)
MHF 6307 FOUNDATIONS OF MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTING II (3) Classical model theory, completeness, set theory. (PR: MAS 4301 or CI) (Title and Description changes approved by Faculty.)
MTG 5326 DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY (3) Exterior calculus, differentiable manifolds, integration of differential forms, surfaces in 3-space, covariant derivative, curvature, matrix groups. (PR: MAA 4211 and MAS 3105)
MTG 5316 TOPOLOGY I (3) Topological spaces, continuity, homeomorphisms, connectedness, compact spaces, separation axioms, product spaces. (PR: MAA 4211)
MTG 5317 TOPOLOGY II (3) The fundamental group; elements of homotopy theory and homology theory. (PR: MTG 5316)
STA 5166 STATISTICAL METHODS I (3) Statistical analysis of data by means of statistics package programs. Regression, ANOVA, discriminant analysis and analysis of categorical data. Emphasis is on interrelation between statistical theory, numerical methods and analysis of real-life data. (PR: STA 4321 and CGS 3414 or CI) (Course title changed from ``Computational Stat., approved by Faculty.)
STA 5326 MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS I (3) Sample distribution theory, point & interval estimation, optimality theory, statistical decision theory, and hypothesis testing. (PR: STA 5446) (The numbering ``I'' added as ``II'' is approved by Faculty.)
STA 5446 PROBABILITY THEORY I (3) Axioms of probability, random variables in Euclidean spaces, moments and moment generating functions, modes of convergence, limit theory for sums of independent random variables. (PR: MAA 5306 or CI)
STA 5526 NON-PARAMETRIC STATISTICS (3) Theory and methods of non-parametric statistics, order statistics, tolerance regions, and their applications. (PR: STA 5326 or CI)
STA 6167 STATISTICAL METHODS II (3) Design of statistics programs, pivoting and other technology used in stepwise regressions, algorithms in non-linear regression, balanced and unbalanced ANOVA. Iteration methods for numerical solutions of likelihood equations. (PR: STA 5166) (Course title changed from ``Computational Sta., approved by Faculty.)
STA 6206 STOCHASTIC PROCESSES (3) Poisson processes, renewal theorems, Markov chains on a countable state space, continuous-time Markov processes with a countable state space, birth and death processes, branching processes, introduction to Brownian motion. (PR: STA 5446)
STA 6208 LINEAR STATISTICAL MODELS (3) Distribution theory, estimation, and hypothesis testing for the general linear model. Experimental designs, including randomized block and incomplete block designs. Multiple regression, ANOVA and ANCOVA. (PR: STA 5167 or STA 5326 or CI)
6326 MATHEMATICAL STATISTICS II (3) Sequential Analysis: Sequential sampling; sequential unbiassed estimation and testing. Decision Theory and Bayesian analysis. Basic concepts: Utility and Loss, Prior information; Bayesian inference; Empirical Bayes analysis; Bayesian robustness; Mini-Max Analysis; Bayesian sequential analysis. (PR: STA 5326) (New course approved by Faculty. Will be offered as MAT 6932 Selected Topics until final approval.)
STA 6447 PROBABILITY THEORY II (3) Characteristic functions, central limit theorem, martingale inequalities and convergence theorems, optional stopping, ergodic theorems and applications. (PR: STA 5446 and MAA 5306 or CI)
STA 6746 MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS (3) Multivariate normal distribution; its properties and inference; matrix random variables; multiple and partial correlation; discriminant analysis, principle components and factor analysis; multivariate ANOVA; analysis of covariance; applications using computers. (PR: STA 5326 or CI)
STA 6876 TIME SERIES ANALYSIS (3) Theory and applications of discrete time series models illustrated with forecasting problems. Filtering, forecasting, modeling, and spectral analysis of time series. Control problems. Applications using a computer. (PR: STA 5326 or CI)