This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 9988101 and No. 0301089.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
This is a package to compute quandle cocycle invariants for knots. Download the following files in the same directory (folder) and read cocysample.mws for instruction. In case you do not have Maple but want to see what these programs can compute, we includ the plain text file cocysample.txt.
The following are pachanges for the twisted case. See cocysampleTwisted.mws.
The following are the tables of quandle 2- and 3-cocycle invariants with mod 2, 3, 5 coefficients computed using the above programs, for knots up to 8 crossings, and for quandles up to 6 elements with non-trivial torsion in their homology groups. For example, ``co3Q4m2'' stands for the list for 3-cocycle (shadow, or face-color) invariants for 4-element quandles with mod 2 coefficients. For twisted case, the coefficient Alexander quandles are indicated after a hyphen.
The following programs compute the cocycle invariants for the quandles (1) consisting of 4-cycles of S_4, and (2) consisting of 5-cycles of S_5 that are even permutations, respectively, for certain 2-cocycles. For (1), invariants for all 3-colorable knots up to 9 crossings excluding 5-braids, and for (2), all 2- and 3-braids up to 9 crossings, are computed.
The following programs are used in the paper ``Cocycle invariants from quandle modules and generalized quandle cohomology,'' (joint with J.S. Carter, M. Elhamdadi, M. Grana), to appear in Osaka J. Math.
Programs which compute the quandle module invariants for the dihedral quandle, up to 9 crossings.
Programs which compute the generalized quandle cocycle invariants of classical knots for the dihedral quandle or order 3.
Programs which compute the generalized quandle cocycle invariants of 2-twist spun knots for the dihedral quandle or order 3.
The following programs are used in the paper ``Computations of quandle cocycle invariants for knotted curves and surfaces,'' (joint with J.S. Carter, D. Jelsovsky, S. Kamada), Advances in Math., 157 (2001) 36-94. The programs are written jointly with Dan Jelsovsky (currently a professor in Math at Florida Southern College in Lakeland). I like to thank Professor Edwin Clark at USF for his help in developing these programs.
Program which computes the 3rd cohomological dimensions of certain Alexander quandles.