- Managing Editor & Founding Member, Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices (Elsevier, SCI journal, IF = 8.0, 2016 - present)
- Editor, Journal of Electronic Materials (Springer, SCI journal, IF = 1.67, 2018 - 2020)
- Editorial Board Member, Scientific Reports (Springer - Nature Research Publisher, IF = 4.122, 2018-present)
- Associate Editor, Journal of Electronic Materials (Springer, SCI journal, IF = 1.798, 2015 - 2018)
- Editor, Applied Sciences (MDPI, SCIE journal, IF = 1.679, 2017 - present)
- Lead Editor, Special issue "Novel Nanomaterials and Sensing Platforms For Detection and Diagnosis of Coronaviruses" for publication in Applied Sciences (ISI journal, IF = 2.47), 2021.
- Guest Editor, Special issue "Multicalorics" for publication in the Journal of Applied Physics (IF = 2.328), January 31, 2020
- Lead Editor, Special issue "Advanced Magnetic Materials and Applications" for publication in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics (IF = 1.5), papers selected from The 4th International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Materials and Applications (ISAMMA), December 10-13, 2017, Phu Quoc, Vietnam
- Lead Editor, Special issue "Electronic Materials and Devices", papers selected from The Third International Conference on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (ICAMN 2016) and The International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (IWAMN 2016)
- Lead Editor, Special issue "Functional Magnetic Nanomaterials in Nanomedicine" for publication in Nanomaterials (ISI journal, IF = 3.55), April 2017.
- Lead Editor, Special issue "Electronic Materials and Devices", papers selected from International Workshop on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology: Opportunities for Academia & High Tech Industry, November 2 - 4, 2015, Da Nang City, Vietnam
- Lead Editor, Special issue "Functional Nanomaterials and Devices for Biomedical Engineering and Sensing Applications''; papers selected from the Energy Materials Nanotechnology (EMN) Fall Meeting, November 22 25, 2014, Orlando, USA.
- Guest Editor, Special issue Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications and Environmental Monitoring , Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2015
- Guest Editor, Special issue Advanced Magnetic Materials: Genetics, Mechanism, and Therapies , Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2012
- Symposium Chair & Publication Editor, The 67th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM 2022), October 31 to November 4, 2022, Hyatt Regency, Minneapolis, USA
- Symposium Co-chair, The 2019 Hanoi International Symposium on Advanced Materials and Devices, January 10 - 12, 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam
- Conference Co-chair, The 8th Energy Materials Nanotechnology (EMN) Fall Meeting, November 22 - 25, 2014, Orlando, USA
- Co-organizer, the Workshop "Functional Magnetic Materials and Applications, Donosita International Conference on Nanoscale Magnetism and Applications (DICNMA), September 9 - 13, 2013, San Sebasti n, Spain
- International Advisory Committee, The 19th International Conference on Fine Particle Magnetism (ICFPM), May 27-31, 2019, Gijon, Spain
- International Advisory Committee and Publication Editor, The Joint MMM-Intermag Conference, January 14-18, 2019, Washington DC, USA
- International Advisory Committee and Publication Editor, The 5th International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies (IcAUMS), June 3-7 2018, Jeju, South Korea
- Organizing Committee, The MMM - 2017 Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials , November 6-10, 2017, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
- Organizing Committee, The IEEE International Magnetics Conference, INTERMAG Europe 2017 , April 24-28, 2017, Dublin, Ireland
- Local Organizing Committee, Nano-Bio Collaborative International Conference, March 22-24, 2012, Tampa, Florida, USA
- International Advisory Committee, The 5th International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies (IcAUMS), June 3-7 2018, Jeju, South Korea
- International Advisory Committee, The Third International Conference on Advances in Sensors, Actuators, Metering and Sensing, March 25 to 29, 2018, Rome, Italy
- International Advisory Committee and Publication Chair, The 4th International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Materials and Applications (ISAMMA), December 10-13, 2017, Phu Quoc, Vietnam
- International Advisory Committee, Advanced Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medical Science (ANEMS 2017) Conference, November 20 21, 2017, Langkawi Island, Malaysia
- International Advisory Committee, The International Workshop on Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology (IWAMN2016), November 3-5, 2016, Hanoi, Vietnam
- International Advisory Committee and Organizer, The Joint 4th Asia-Pacific Chemical and Biological Microfluidics Conference, November 2 - 4, 2015, Da Nang City, Vietnam
- International Advisory Committee, The Donostia International Workshop on Energy, Materials and Nanotechnology, September 1 - 4, 2015, San Sebastian, Spain
- International Advisory Committee, Donosita International Conference on Nanoscaled Magnetism and Applications (DICNMA), September 9 - 13, 2013, San Sebasti n, Spain
- Magnetic Materials Committee Member, The Minerals Metals and Materials Society (TMS), 2011-present
- Reviewer, VinFuture Prize (2021)
- Reviewer, Ta Quang Buu Award (2016, 2018)
- Membership Reviewer, The World Academy of Science (TWAS), 2013
- Research Grant/Panel Reviewer & Mentor,
The National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED), Vietnam (2025 - present);
Vin Innovation Foundation (VinIF), Vietnam (2019 - present);
The US Department of Energy (DOE), Vietnam (2025 - present);
The Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR), Singapore (2020 - present);
State Research Agency (AEI), Spain (2021);
Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Netherlands (2018);
German Science Foundation, Germany (2017, 2018);
Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research , Sweden (2017);
National Science Foundation, USA (2015-present);
The NASA Postdoctoral Program (NPP), Oak Ridge Associated Universities, USA (2015);
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) Research Development Fund, China (2015);
American Association for the Advancement of Science, USA (2014), USF Research Foundation, USA (2014, 2017);
CRDF Global-Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Joint Basic Research Competition, USA (2013, 2014);
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), United Kingdom (2011-present);
and Kentucky Science and Engineering Foundation R&D Excellence Awards, USA (2009, 2011, 2014)
- Technical Reviewer for over 200 peer-reviewed journals, including Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Electronics,
Nature Communications,
Physical Review Letters,
Physical Review B,
Communications Physics,
ACS Nano, Advanced Materials, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Energy Materials,
Nano Letters,
Applied Physics Letters, Nanotechnology, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
- eBook proposal reviewer, Bentham Science Publishers, 2012
- Book chapter reviewer, Elsevier Publishers, 2013
- Reviewer for conference papers on magnetism and magnetic materials (2003-present)
- Book chapter reviewer, Bentham Science Publishers, 2012
- Session chairs, The Joint MMM/Intermag Conferences (2013, 2022, 2025); The Annual Conferences on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2012-present); The 5th International Conference of Asian Union of Magnetics Societies (IcAUMS 2018); The 8th International Conference & Exhibition on Biosensors and Bioelectronics (2017); The TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition (2016);
The Joint 4th Asia-Pacific Chemical and Biological Microfluidics Conference (2015); Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (2008, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014);
The 19th International Conference on Magnetism (2012); American Physical Society Meeting (2009); International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Materials and Applications (2007)
- Coordinator, The Global Education Program between USF and Vietnamese Universities (2011-present)
- Coordinator, The US-VN Partnership Program on Semiconductor Workforce Training (2024-present)
- M.H. Phan and H.X. Peng
Giant Magnetoimpedance Materials: Fundamentals and Applications
Progress in Materials and Science, 2008, Vol. 53, 323 (97 pages) PDF (5 year impact factor: 44.216 - Top 25 hottest articles in 2007, 2008, and The Top10 most cited articles in the last five years).
(Featured in The hottest articles and The most cited articles)
- M.H. Phan and S.C. Yu
Review of the Magnetocaloric Effect in Manganite Materials Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 2007, Vol. 308, 325 (15 pages) PDF (over 2000 citations - Top 25 hottest articles in 2006, 2007, 2010, 2013, and The most cited article of the year 2012).
(Featured in The hottest articles and The most cited articles)
- M.H. Phan, J. Alonso, H. Khurshid, P. Lampen-Kelley, S. Chardra, K. Stojak, Z.N. Porshokouh, R. Das, . Iglesias, and H. Srikanth
Exchange Bias Effects in Iron Oxide Based Nanoparticle Systems Nanomaterials 2016, Vol. 6, 221 (30 pages) PDF
(The most downloaded article in December 2016).
(Featured in The hottest articles and The most cited articles)
- M.H. Phan, M.T. Trinh, T. Eggers, V. Kalappattil, Ken-ichi Uchida, L.M. Woods, and M. Terrones
A Perspective on Two-dimensional van der Waals Opto-Spin-Caloritronics Applied Physics Letters 2021, Vol. 119, 250501 (9 pages) PDF
(Introduced a new research field named Opto-Spin-Caloritronics).
- Y.T. Hai Pham, M. Liu, V.O. Jimenez, F. Zhang, V. Kalappattil, M. Terrones, and M.H. Phan
Tunable Ferromagnetism and Thermally Induced Spin Flip in Vanadium-doped Tungsten Diselenide Monolayers at Room Temperature
Advanced Materials 2020, Vol. 32, 2003607 (7 pages) PDF.
(The discovery of the thermally induced spin flipping effect in 2D dilute magnetic semiconductors).
(Featured on USF News)
- F. Zhang, B.Y. Zheng, A. Sebastian, H. Olson, M.Z. Liu, K. Fujisawa, Y.T.H. Pham, V. Ortiz Jimenez, V. Kalappattil, T. Zhang, R. Pendurthi, Y. Lei, A. Laura Elias, Y. Wang, Patrick E. Hopkins, S. Das, V.H. Crespi, M.H. Phan, and M. Terrones
Monolayer Vanadium-doped Tungsten Disulfide: An Emerging Room-Temperature Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor
Advanced Science 2020, Vol. 7, 2001174 (9 pages) PDF.
(The discovery of tunable room-temperature ferromagnetism in 2D dilute magnetic semiconductors).
- V.O. Jimenez, Y.T. Hai Pham, M. Liu, F. Zhang, V. Kalappattil, B. Muchharla, T. Eggers, D.L. Duong, M. Terrones, and M.H. Phan
Light-controlled room temperature ferromagnetism in vanadium-doped tungsten disulfide semiconducting monolayers
Advanced Electronic Materials 2021, Vol. 7, 2100030 (7 pages) PDF.
(The discovery of light-tunable ferromagnetism at room temperature in 2D dilute magnetic semiconductors).
- V.O. Jimenez, Y.T.H. Pham, D. Zhou, M.Z. Liu, V. Kalappattil, T. Eggers, K. Hoang, D.L. Duong, M. Terrones, and M.H. Phan
Transition Metal Dichalcogenides: Making Atomic-Level Magnetism Tunable with Light at Room Temperature
Advanced Science 2024, Vol. 11, 2304792 (16 pages) PDF.
(The discovery of light-tunable ferromagnetism at room temperature in 2D van der Waals heterostructures).
- V. Kalappattil, R. Geng, R. Das, H. Luong, M. Pham, T. Nguyen, A. Popescu, L. M. Woods H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
Giant Spin Seebeck effect through an Interface Organic Semiconductor
Materials Horizons 2020, Vol. 7, 1413 PDF.
(Introduced a new spinterface concept - one of the hottest articles in the field of spincaloritronics).
- M. Bonilla, S. Kolekar, Y.J. Ma, H. Coy Diaz, V. Kalappattil, R. Das, T. Eggers, H.R. Gutierrez, M.H. Phan, and M. Batzill
Strong Room Temperature Ferromagnetism in VSe2 Monolayers on van der Waals substrates
Nature Nanotechnology 2018, Vol. 13, 289 (6 pages)
(The discovery of new 2D magnets - one of the most cited articles in the field of 2D magnetism).
(Featured on Nature Nanotechnology Editorial News)
- V.O. Jimenez, V. Kalappattil, T. Eggers, M. Bonilla, S. Kolekar, P. T. Huy, M. Batzill, M.H. Phan
A magnetic sensor using a 2D van der Waals ferromagnetic material
Nature: Scientific Reports 2020, Vol. 10, 4789 (7 pages) PDF.
(100 top articles featured by Scientific Reports in 2021).
- A. Chanda, C. Holzmann, N. Schulz, J. Seyd, M. Albrecht, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
Scaling of the thermally induced sign inversion of longitudinal spin Seebeck effect in a compensated ferrimagnet: Role of magnetic anisotropy
Advanced Functional Materials 2021, Vol. 32, 2109170 (13 pages) PDF
(Introduced a new concept of the universality of LSSE in compensated ferrimagnets).
- R.P. Madhogaria, C.M. Hung, B. Muchharla, A.T. Duong, R. Das, P.T. Huy, S.L. Cho, S. Witanachchi, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
Strain-modulated helimagnetism and magnetic phase diagram in highly crystalline MnP nanorod thin films
Physical Review B 2021, Vol. 103, 184423 (12 pages) PDF.
- E.M. Clements, R. Das, G. Pokharel, M.H. Phan, A.D. Christianson, D. Mandrus, J.C. Prestigiacomo, M.S. Osofsky, and H. Srikanth
Robust cycloid crossover driven by anisotropy in the skyrmion host GaV4S8
Physical Review B (Editor's choice) 2020, Vol. 101, 094425 (11 pages) PDF.
- O. Thiabgoh, T. Eggers, and M.H. Phan
A new contactless magneto-LC resonance technology for real time respiratory motion monitoring
Sensors and Actuators A 2017, Vol. 265, 120 (7 pages)
- S.D. Jiang, T. Eggers, O. Thiabgoh, D.W. Xing, W. D. Fei, H. X. Shen, J. S. Liu, J.R. Zhang, W.B. Fang, J.F. Sun, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
Relating surface roughness and magnetic domain structure to giant magneto-impedance of Co-rich melt-extracted microwires
Nature Scientific Reports 2017, Vol. 7, 46253 (8 pages) PDF.
- Y.J. Ma, H. Coy Diaz, J. Avila, C. Chen, V. Kalappattil, R. Das, M.H. Phan, T. Cadez, Jose M. P. Carmelo, M.C. Asensio, and M. Batzill
Angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy reveals spin charge seperation in metallic MoSe2 grain boundary
Nature Communications 2017, Vol. 8, 14231 (12 pages) PDF.
- M.H. Phan and D. Mandrus
Cooling achieved by rotating an anisotropic superconductor in a constant magnetic field: A new perspective
AIP Advances 2016, Vol. 6, 125022 (6 pages) PDF.
- H. Khurshid, P. Lampen-Kelley, . Iglesias, J. Alonso, M.H. Phan, M.L Saboungie, C.G. Sun, and H. Srikanth
Spin-glass-like freezing of inner and outer surface layers in hollow gama-Fe2O3 nanoparticles
Nature Scientific Reports 2015, Vol. 5, 15054 (13 pages) PDF.
- B. Duong, H. Khurshid, P. Gangopadhyay, J. Devkota, K. Stojak,
H. Srikanth, L. Tetard, R.A. Norwood, N. Peyghambarian, M.H. Phan, and J. Thomas
Enhanced Magnetism in Highly Ordered Magnetite Nanoparticle-filled Nanohole Arrays
Small, 2014, Vol. 10, 2840 (8 pages) PDF and Featured image
- J. Devkota, M.T. Trang, K. Stojak, P.T. Ha, H.N. Pham, T. L. Ngo, N.X. Phuc, P. Mukherjee, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
Synthesis, inductive heating, and magnetoimpedance-based detection of multifunctional Fe3O4 nanoconjugates
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2014, Vol. 190, 715 (8 pages) PDF.
- P. Lampen, N.S. Bingham, M.H. Phan, T.H. Yi, S.W. Cheong, and H. Srikanth
Macroscopic phase diagram and magnetocaloric study of metamagnetic transitions in spin chain Ca3Co2O6 Physical Review B, 2014, Vol. 89, 144414 (8 pages) PDF.
- H. Khurshid, M.H. Phan, P. Mukherjee, and H. Srikanth
Tuning exchange bias in Fe/gama-Fe2O3 core-shell nanoparticles: Impacts of interface and surface spins
Applied Physics Letters 2014, Vol. 104, 072407 (5 pages) PDF.
- P. Lampen, M.H. Phan, K. Kovnir, P. Chai, M. Shatruk, and H. Srikanth
Heisenberg-like ferromagnetism in 3d-4f intermetallic La
0.7Pr0.25Co2P2 with localized Co moments
Physical Review B 2014, Vol. 90, 174404 (10 pages) PDF.
- S. Chandra, N.A. Frey, M.H. Phan, S. Srinath, S. Chandra, H. Srikanth, M.A. Garcia, Y. Lee, C. Wang, S. Sun, and O. Iglesias
Exchange bias effect in Au-Fe3O4 nanocomposites
Nanotechnology 2014, Vol. 25, 055702 (11 pages) PDF.
- Anis Biswas, P. Zhang, T-L Phan, T. D. Thanh, N. H. Dan, S. C. Yu, H. Srikanth, and M. H. Phan
The scaling and universality of conventional and inverse magnetocaloric effects in Heusler
Applied Physics Letters 2013, Vol. 103, 162410 (5 pages) PDF.
- P. Lampen, N. S. Bingham, M.H. Phan, H. Kim, M. Osofsky, A. Piqu , T.L. Phan, S.C. Yu, and H. Srikanth
Impact of reduced dimensionality on the magnetic and magnetocaloric response of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3
Applied Physics Letters 2013, Vol. 102, 062414 (5 pages) PDF.
- A. Biswas, S. Chandra, T. Samanta, B. Ghosh, M.H. Phan, A. K. Raychaudhuri, I. Das, and H. Srikanth
Universality in the entropy change for the inverse magnetocaloric effect
Physical Review B 2013, Vol. 87, 134420 (7 pages) PDF.
- N. S. Bingham, H. Wang, F. Qin, H. X. Peng, J. F. Sun, V. Franco, H. Srikanth, and M.H. Phan
Excellent magnetocaloric properties of melt-extracted Gd-based amorphous microwires
Applied Physics Letters, 2012, Vol. 101, 102407 (3 pages) PDF.
- N.S. Bingham, P. Lampen, M.H. Phan, N.D. Hoang, H.D. Chinh, C.L. Zhang, S.W. Cheong, and H. Srikanth
Impact of nanostructuring on the magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of microscale phase-separated La5/8-yPryCa3/8MnO3 manganites Physical Review B, 2012, Vol. 86, 064420 (9 pages) PDF.
- H. Khurshid, W. Li, M.H. Phan, P. Mukherjee, H. Srikanth, and G.C. Hadjipanayis
Surface spin disorder and exchange-bias in hollow maghemite nanoparticles Applied Physics Letters, 2012, Vol. 101, 022403 (3 pages) PDF.
- S. Chandra, H. Khurshid, W. Li, G. C. Hadjipnayis, M. H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
Spin dynamics and criteria for onset of exchange bias in superspin glass Fe/gama-Fe2O3 core-shell nanoparticles Physical Review B, 2012, Vol. 86, 014426 (8 pages) PDF.
- S. Chandra, H. Khurshid, M.H. Phan, and H. Srikanth
Asymmetric hysteresis and its dependence on magnetic anisotropy in exchange biased Co/CoO core-shell nanoparticles Applied Physics Letters 2012, Vol. 101, 232405 (5 pages) PDF.
- T.L. Phan, P. Zhang, N. H. Dan, N. H. Yen, P. T. Thanh, T. D. Thanh, S.C. Yu, and M.H. Phan
Coexistence of conventional and inverse magnetocaloric effects and critical behaviors in Ni50Mn50-xSnx (x = 13 and 14) alloy ribbons Applied Physics Letters 2012, Vol. 101, 202408 (5 pages) PDF.
- A. Chaturvedi, S. Stefanoski, M. H. Phan, G.S. Nolas, and H. Srikanth
Table-like magnetocaloric effect and enhanced refrigerant capacity in Eu8Ga16Ge30-EuO composite materials Applied Physics Letters, 2011, Vol. 99, 162513 (3 pages) PDF.
- N. A. Frey, N. S. Bingham, M.H. Phan, H. Srikanth, D. D. Stauffer, and C. Leighton
Transverse Susceptibility as a probe of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy driven phase transition in Pr0.5Sr0.5CoO3
Physical Review B, 2011, Vol. 83, 024406 (7 pages) PDF.
- M. H. Phan, V. Franco, A. Chaturvedi, S. Stefanoski, G.S. Nolas, and H. Srikanth
Origin of the magnetic anomaly and tunneling effect of europium on the magnetism in Eu8Ga16Ge30 type-I clathrates Physics Review B, 2011, Vol. 84, 054436 (7 pages) PDF.
- M.H. Phan, S. Chandra, N.S. Bingham, H. Srikanth, C.L. Zhang, S.W. Cheong, T.D. Hoang, and H.D. Chinh
Collapse of charge ordering and enhancement of magnetocaloric effect in nanocrystalline La0.35Pr0.275Ca0.375MnO3 Applied Physics Letters, 2010, Vol. 97, 242506 (3 pages) PDF.
- M.H. Phan, M.B. Morales, N.S. Bingham, H. Srikanth, C.L. Zhang, and S.W. Cheong
Phase coexistence and magnetocaloric effect in La5/8-yPryCa3/8MnO3 (y=0.275) Physical Review B, 2010, Vol. 81, 094413 (6 pages) PDF.