MAC2282-901 Engineering Calculus II

Department of Mathematics, University of South Florida

TR 6:00pm-7:45pm LIF 266


Dr. Wen-Xiu Ma, Office: PHY310, Phone: 974-9563.

Office Hours and Location:

MW4:00-5:00pm (tentative) or by appointment, PHY310.


C (2.0) or better in MAC 2281, or C (2.0) or better in MAC 2311.

Course Goal:

Learn the underlying principles of calculus and examine applications pertinent to engineering.


Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions, 4th Edition, by Larson, Hostetler, and Edwards (2007, Houghton Mifflin).

Course Content:

Chapters 5, 7, 8, and 9 will be covered, with some sections omitted.


Attendance will not be required, but is expected. It is your responsibility to know what is going on in class.


Four exams will be given during the semester. The lowest of these four exam scores will be dropped. There will also be a 2-hour cumulative final exam. The tentative dates for the midterm exams are
Exam 1: Chapter 5 - Jan. 22, 2009 (Thursday)
Exam 2: Chapter 7 - Feb. 12, 2009 (Thursday)
Exam 3: Chapter 8 - March 12, 2009 (Thursday)
Exam 4: Chapter 9 - April 16, 2009 (Thursday)
Final Exam: All Chapters - April 28, 2009 (Tuesday) from 5:30pm-7:30pm.

Makeup Exams:

No makeup exams will be given unless two or more exams are missed, in which case valid excuses are required for each missed exam. If only one exam is missed, then no excuse is required; the missed exam will count as your dropped score.

Retaining Exams:

You should keep all your returned exams until you receive your final grade. You will need these exams to demonstrate that a grade was incorrectly recorded, should that happen. Any unclaimed midterm exams will be kept until the next exam is given, after which they will be discarded.


Homework will be assigned but not collected. It is strongly advised that you do all of the assigned homework since the exam questions will closely resemble the homework problems. Success in most math classes requires spending at least 1 to 2 hours doing homework for every hour of lecture, so be prepared to devote from 8 to 12 hours per week of your time to this course.

Extra Credit:

There will be no extra credit assignments available.

Course Grade:

Midterm exams (3): 100 points each. Final exam: 150 points.

Final Grades:

The university's +/- grading policy will be used in assigning final grades. If your overall percentage of total points falls into the following range, you will receive the corresponding grade:
97-100 (A+), 93-96 (A), 90-92 (A-), 87-89 (B+), 83-86 (B), 80-82 (B-),
77-79 (C+), 73-76 (C), 70-72 (C-), 67-69 (D+), 63-66 (D), 60-62 (D-), 0-59 (F).

Calculator Usage:

Graphing calculators will be allowed, but you cannot use a calculator with a built-in computer algebra system (e.g., TI-92) on any of the exams. Also, you may not use your cell phone as a calculator.

Getting Help:

Miscellaneous Policies:

Related Math Links:

Email If you have questions or suggestions, please leave your messages at