James D'Emilio
Associate Professor of Humanities
CPR 107
University of South Florida
Tampa, Florida 33620
e-mail is the most reliable way to contact me:


Ph.D., History of Art, Courtauld Institute of Art , University of London, 1989.  Dissertation: Romanesque Architectural Sculpture in the Diocese of Lugo, East of the Miño .
B.A., Medieval Studies, Reed College , 1977.  B.A. thesis: Sheep in the midst of Wolves: Heresy and the Church, 1000-1215 .


2003-04, 2007-08: Visiting Scholar, Department of History, University of California, San Diego
1997-  : Associate Professor of Humanities, University of South Florida.

1989-97: Assistant Professor of Humanities, University of South Florida.
1988:  Instructor of Humanities, University of South Florida.
1986-87: Visiting Instructor of Art History, Newcomb College, Tulane University.
1984-86: Visiting Assistant Professor of Art History and Humanities, Reed College.


-University of South Florida: Studies in Culture/Ancient through Medieval ; Foundations of Western Civilization; The Arts in Medieval Europe; The Culture of Ancient Greece; The Culture of Ancient Rome; Ancient Narratives; Epic Narratives; The Cultures of the Early Middle Ages; The Culture of the High Middle Ages; The Early Middle Ages: the Formation of Christianity; Monasticism and the Arts; Themes in Humanities: Medieval Religious Experience and the Arts; Medieval Biographies; The Cultures of Medieval Spain; The Arts in Dante's Italy
-Newcomb College: Survey of Western Art; Early Christian and Byzantine Art; Medieval Art; Romanesque Sculpture; Sculpture in Europe: 1140-1220
-Reed College: Freshmen Humanities: Greece, Rome and the Middle Ages


Editor and contributor: Culture and Society in Medieval Galicia: a Cultural Crossroads at the Edge of Europe, in preparation for E.J. Brill, publication expected in 2009. Twenty-five international authors are contributing articles. I am translating fourteen articles, writing an introduction, prefaces to the five sections, a two-part article on the Galician church, and a bibliographic essay.


-“Cistercian Iberia”, 3000 word article requested for Cistercian Art, eds. Roberto Cassanelli and Terryl Kinder (Milan: Jaca Books, publication expected in 2010).
-2008a: “The Cathedral Chapter of Lugo in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries: Reform and Retrenchment”, in Cross, Crescent, and Conversion: Studies on Medieval Spain and Christendom in Memory of Richard Fletcher, eds. Simon Barton and Peter Linehan (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 2008), 193-226.
“The Art of the Cistercians in Galicia and Portugal: A Review Article. (Arte de Cister em Portugal e Galiza/Arte del Císter en Galicia y Portugal), Cîteaux: Commentarii cistercienses 58, 305-27.
-2007b: “Inscriptions and the Romanesque Church: Patrons, Prelates, and Craftsmen in Romanesque Galicia”, in Spanish Medieval Art: Recent Studies, ed. Colum Hourihane (Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2007), 1-33.
-2005a: “ The Legend of Bishop Odoario and the Early Medieval Church in Galicia,” in Church, State, Vellum and Stone: Essays on Medieval Spain in Honor of John Williams, ed. J. Harris and T. Martin (Leiden: E.J. Brill), 47-83.
-2005b: “The Royal Convent of Las Huelgas: Dynastic Politics, Religious Reform and Artistic Change in Medieval Castile”, Studies in Cistercian Art and Architecture , ed. M. P. Lillich, VI, 189-280. Winner of the 2005 Bishko Prize, awarded by the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies
-2004: “The Cistercians and the Romanesque Churches of Galicia: Compostela or Clairvaux?” in Perspectives for an Architecture of Solitude. Essays on Cistercians, Art and Architecture in Honour of Peter Fergusson , ed., T. Kinder, co-edition Cîteaux: Commentarii cistercienses (Studia et documenta 13)and Brepols (Medieval Church Studies 11) (Turnhout: Brepols), 313-27.
-2003:  “Writing is the Precious Treasury of Memory: Scribes and Notaries in Lugo (1150-1240)”, in
La collaboration dans la production de l’écrit médiéval: actes du XIIIe colloque du Comité international de paléographie latine (Weingarten, 22-25 septembre 2000), ed., H. Spilling (Paris: École des Chartes), 379-410.
-1999:  “Looking Eastward: the Story of Noe at Monreale Cathedral”, in Image and Belief: Studies in Celebration of the Eightieth Anniversary of the Index of Christian Art , ed., C. Hourihane (Princeton: Princeton University Department of Art and Archaeology), 135-150.
-1997a:  “La formación de la parroquia en la Galicia medieval”, Relaciones: Estudios de Historia y Sociedad (El Concepto de Región en Ciencias Sociales) XVIII, no. 72, 59-86.
-1997b:  “The Romanesque Churches of Galicia: the Making of a Provincial Art”, in Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Galician Studies, vol. II, ed., Benigno Fernández Salgado (Oxford: Oxford Centre for Galician Studies), 547-72.
-1996a:  “Working Practices and the Language of Architectural Decoration in Romanesque Galicia: Sta. María de Camporramiro and its Sources”, Arte Medievale II serie X, no. 1, 69-90.
-1996b:  “Los documentos medievales como fuentes para el estudio de las parroquias e iglesias gallegas: el distrito de Monte de Meda (Lugo)”, Cuadernos de Estudios Gallegos XLIII, no. 108, 37-96.
-1992a: “The Building and the Pilgrim's Guide”, in The Codex Calixtinus and the Shrine of St. James, eds., J. Williams and A. Stones (Tubingen: Gunter Narr), 185-206.
-1992b:  “Tradición local y aportaciones foráneas en la escultura románica tardía: Compostela, Lugo y Carrión”, in Actas. Simposio Internacional sobre: ‘O Pórtico da Gloria e a Arte do seu Tempo’ (Santiago de Compostela: Xunta de Galicia), 83-101.


-Review of Amancio Isla Frez, Memoria, culto y monarquía hispánica entre los siglos X y XII (Jaén: Universidad de Jaén, 2006). Requested for The Medieval Review <http://quod.lib.umich.edu/t/tmr/>.
-Articles requested and submitted to
the Oxford Dictionary of the Middle Ages, ed. R. E. Bjork (Oxford: Oxford University Press, forthcoming, 2008): Braga, archidiocese; epigraphy; Galicia; King Afonso III of Portugal; King Afonso IV of Portugal; King Dinis I of Portugal; King Manuel I of Portugal; literacy and writing; Mudejar art; proprietary churches; Santiago de Compostela, pilgrimage
-2008: Review of María Bullón-Fernández, ed., England and Iberia in the Middle Ages, 12th-15th Century. Cultural, Literary, and Political Exchanges (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007). The Medieval Review, 2007 <http://quod.lib.umich.edu/t/tmr/>
-2007: Review of Günter Bandmann, Early Medieval Architecture as Bearer of Meaning, translated by Kendall Wallis (New York: Columbia UP, 2005). Newsletter of the American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain, fall 2007, pp. 3-5.
Making a Mark: Episcopal and Notarial Signs in Twelfth-Century Lugo, Bulletin of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies XXVII, no. 1, 26-27.
-2001a: “Tenth-Century Charters and the Ecclesiastical Culture of the Leonese Kingdom,” Bulletin of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies XXVI, no. 1, 15-16

-2001b:  Review of Reyna Pastor, Esther Pascua Echegaray, Ana Rodríguez López and Pablo Sánchez León, Transacciones sin mercado: Instituciones, propiedad y redes sociales en la Galicia monástica. 1200-1300 . (Biblioteca de Historia, 36.) Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, 1999.  Speculum LXXVI, no.3, 778-80.
-1999:  “The Patronage of Romanesque Church Construction in Galicia,” Bulletin of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies XXIV, no. 2, 13.
-1997:  “The Formation of the Parish in Early Medieval Galicia,” Bulletin of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies XXII, no. 2, 33-34.
-1996:  Articles for The Dictionary of Art , ed. J. Turner (London: Macmillan): Avila (vol. 2, pp. 863-67); Carrión de los Condes (vol. 5, pp. 882-83); Martín de Solórzano; Romanesque Stone Sculpture in Spain after c. 1150 (vol. 26, pp. 608-09); Sto. Domingo de la Calzada (vol. 27, p. 799); Silos, Sto. Domingo (vol. 28, pp. 727-28), and Zamora (vol. 33, pp. 604-05).
-1995:  “Writing is the Precious Treasury of Memory: Scribes and Notaries in the Diocese of Lugo, 1150-1270,” Bulletin of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies XX, no. 2 , 29.
-1994:  “Itinerant Masons in Romanesque Galicia: the Middlemen of Cultural Exchange,” Bulletin of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies XIX, no. 2, 23.
-1993: “The Proprietary Church in the Diocese of Lugo, 1130-1270,” Bulletin of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies XVIII, no. 2, 21.


-2009: “La reforma eclesiástica en Galicia en la época de Alfonso VI: una revaluación de sus antecedentes y alcance,” Congreso internacional: Alfonso VI y Galicia, Santiago de Compostela, Spain
-2008a: “Tenth-Century Galician Monasticism: the Forgotten Legacy of St. Fructuosus,” Foundations of Medieval Monasticism, UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Ahmanson Conference Series, Los Angeles, California
-2008b:  “Remembering and Forgetting: Looking Back on the Early Medieval Galician Church,” 43rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan
  “The Papacy and Church Reform in Late Twelfth-Century León and Castile,” 42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan
-2006a:  “Inscriptions and the Romanesque Church: Patrons, Prelates, and Craftsmen in Romanesque Galicia,Symposium on Spanish Medieval Art, Index of Christian Art, Princeton University.
-2006b:  “Santiago Cathedral and the Romanesque Art of Galicia,41st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
-2005a:   The Charter of Theodenandus: Writing, Ecclesiastical Culture, and Monastic Reform in Tenth-Century Galicia, California Medieval History Seminar, Huntington Library
The Inscriptions of Galician Romanesque Churches: Regional Traditions and Responses to Santiago Cathedral,” XVe Colloque international de Paléographie latine, Vienna, Austria.
-2004a: “Program or Assemblage?  Looking for Meaning in Romanesque Sculpture,” College Art Association Meetings, Seattle, Washington.
“Galicia and the Asturian kings,” 39th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan .
-2004c:  Santiago Cathedral, the Pilgrimage, and the Art and Architecture of Twelfth-Century Spain,University of California at Santa Barbara, Medieval Colloquium
-2003a: “Saints' Cults and Communities in Early Medieval  Galicia, 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan .
Responses to Santiago Cathedral in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Galicia, ” Santiago de Compostela: Cathedral, Monastery and Countryside, a Symposium on the Virtual Reality Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, UCLA
-2002a: “Making a Mark: Episcopal and Notarial Signs in Twelfth-Century Lugo,” Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 33rd Annual Meeting , Athens, Georgia.
-2002b: “The Formulaic Clauses of Charters: Creation, Diffusion and Variation,” 37th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan .
-2002c: “Church Dedications and Saints’ Cults in Medieval Galicia: Sources and Findings,” Fourth Annual Colloquium of the Trans-National Database and Atlas of Saints' Cults , Göttingen, Germany
-2002d:  “Royal Patronage of the Cistercians in Twelfth-Century Iberia,” Court and Monastery in Medieval Spain: a Symposium in Honor of John Williams, Meadows Art Museum , Dallas, Texas.
-2001a: “The Legend of Bishop Odoarius and the Ecclesiastical Organization of the Galician Countryside in the Early Middle Ages,” session sponsored by the Medieval Academy, annual meeting, American Historical Association, Boston .
-2001b: “Tenth-Century Charters and the Ecclesiastical Culture of the Leonese Kingdom,” Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 32nd Annual Meeting , Santa Fe, New Mexico.
-2001c: “Widows and Communities: the Cistercian Nunneries of León and their Architecture”, 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan .
-2000a:  “The Architecture of Cistercian Nunneries in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Leon and Castile,” 35th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan .
-2000b:  “Notaries and Scribes in Lugo (1150-1250),” XIIIe Colloque international de Paléographie latine , Weingarten, Germany.
-1999a:  “The Episcopacy and the Monastic Church of Tenth-Century Gallaecia,” Genus Regale et Sacerdotale : the Image of the Bishop Around the Millennium , University of Chicago.
-1999b:  “The Patronage of Romanesque Church Construction in Galicia,” Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 30th Annual Meeting , San Diego, California.
-1997a:  “Local Traditions and Monastic Reform in Tenth-Century Iberia: Samos and Calvor,” 32nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
-1997b:  “Looking Eastwards: the Story of Noe at Monreale Cathedral,” Index of Christian Art , 80th anniversary conference, Princeton University
-1997c:  “The Formation of the Parish in Early Medieval Galicia,” Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 28th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis.
-1997d:  “Five Plus One: Spanish Art around the Year 1200,” ASHAHS sponsored  session, College Art Association Meetings, New York.
-1996:  “The Cathedral Chapter of Lugo (1150-1270),” SSPHS sponsored session, Annual Meeting, American Historical Association, Atlanta.
-1995a:  “The Transmission of Architectural Motifs in the Romanesque Churches of  Galicia,” 30th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo.
-1995b:  “Writing is the Precious Treasury of Memory: Scribes and Notaries in the Diocese of Lugo: 1150-1270,” Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 26th Annual Meeting, Toronto.
-1994a:  “The Documents of the Cathedral of Lugo: 1100-1270,” Newberry Library, Center for Renaissance Studies Summer Institute (Medieval Western Europe 1100-1500: the Latin Archival Sources)
-1994b:  “Cistercian Architecture in the Kingdom of León (1157-1230): the Ambulatory with Radiating Chapels,” 29th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo.
-1994c:  “Romanesque Architecture of the Late Twelfth Century in León and Castile: Where Do We Go from Here?” Annual Meeting, Society of Architectural Historians, Philadelphia.
-1994d:  “Itinerant Masons in Romanesque Galicia: The Middlemen of Cultural Exchange,” Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 25th Annual Meeting, Chicago.
-1994e:  “The Romanesque Churches of Galicia: the Making of a Provincial Art,” Fourth Conference of the International Association of Galician Studies, The Queen's College, Oxford, England.
-1993a:  “The Artistic Influence of the Cistercian Abbey of Meira: Patronage and Politics in Late Twelfth-Century Galicia,” 28th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo.
-1993b:  “The Proprietary Church in the Diocese of Lugo, 1130-1270,” Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 24th Annual Meeting, San Antonio.
-1992:  “Lay Patrons, Church Reform and the Construction of Romanesque Churches in the Diocese of Lugo (Galicia, Spain),” Eighth Biennial New College Conference on Medieval-Renaissance Studies, Sarasota, Florida.
-1990a:  “Tradición e innovación en el románico rural gallego,” Primer Congreso Internacional da Cultura Galega, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
-1990b:  “The Impact of the Cistercians on Architectural Decoration in Galicia, 1160-1230,” Association of Art Historians, 16th Annual Conference, Dublin, Ireland.
-1990c:  “The New Church of Ss. Trinità di Venosa: Spain, Languedoc and Early Romanesque Art  in Norman Apulia,” Seventh Biennial New College Conference on Medieval-Renaissance Studies, Sarasota, Florida.
-1988a:  “The Building and the Pilgrim's Guide,” The Codex Calixtinus and the Shrine of St. James, University of Pittsburgh.
-1988b:  “Tradición local y aportaciones foráneas en la escultura románica tardía: Compostela, Lugo y Carrión,” O Pórtico da Gloria e a Arte do seu Tempo, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
-1988c:  “The North Transept Portal of the Cathedral of Lugo,” South Gulf Chapter, Society of Architectural Historians, Tulane University, New Orleans.
-1987a:  “Conservatism and Change in a Provincial Art: the Architectural Decoration of Romanesque Churches in Galicia,” College Art Association Meeting, Boston.
-1987b:  “The Dissemination of the New Sculptural Style of Avila and Carrión de los Condes in the Early 1170s: Evidence from Lugo Cathedral and Sta. María de Piasca,” 22nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan.


-2009: Organizer, “King Alfonso VI of León-Castile: 900th Anniversary,” four sessions (“The Three Religious Communities in Eleventh- and Twelfth-Century Iberia,” sponsored by AARHMS; “Family, Dynasty and Legitimacy,” co-sponsored by AARHMS and SSPHS; “Religious Reform and Cultural Change: Iberia and Europe in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries,” sponsored by SSPHS; and “The Legacy of Alfonso VI: History, Literature and Legend,” sponsored by SSPHS), at the 44th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
-2008:  Organizer,
“Churches and Shrines of Early Medieval Iberia: Memory and Invention (session sponsored by the American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain); organizer and chair, “Making Meaning: Workshop Practices and the Meaning of Imagery in Iberian Romanesque Churches (session sponsored by the American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain); and organizer (with Tessa Garton, College of Charleston) and commenator, Making Meaning: Workshop Practices and the Meaning of Imagery in Romanesque Churches” at the 43rd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
-2007: Organizer, “Reading Medieval Charters,” (session sponsored by AARHMS) and “The Papacy and Medieval Iberia” (session sponsored by SSPHS), at the 42nd International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
-2006a: Organizer (with Michael Kulikowski, University of Tennessee),
six sessions on Culture and Society in Medieval Galicia, sponsored by SSPHS and AARHMSpain and supported by grants from the Program for Cultural Cooperation Between Spain's Ministry of Culture and United States' Universities and from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, 41st International Congress on Medieval Studies , Kalamazoo, Michigan.
-2006b: Chair,
“Medieval Galicia II: Church, Society, and Culture in Medieval Galicia” and “Medieval Galicia III: Galicia in the Asturian and Leonese Kingdoms,” 41st International Congress on Medieval Studies , Kalamazoo, Michigan. 
-2006c: Chair, “Power and Identity in Medieval Iberia,” 37th Annual Meeting, Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Lexington, Kentucky
-2005a: Organizer (with Cynthia Robinson, Cornell University, and Adnan A. Husain, New York University), The Mediterranean, 1000-1500: Conversion, Propaganda and Polemic , two sessions, Medieval Academy Meetings , Miami Beach.
-2005b: Organizer and chair:
Medievalists in a Digital Age: Rethinking Authorship, Editing, and Reading, roundtable sponsored by La Corónica , 40th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan .
-2005c: Organizer, inaugural meeting of Florida MedievaList, at the University of South Florida, Tampa.
-2004a: Organizer, “Religious Traditions and Political Legitimacy in the Asturian and Leonese Kingdoms”, “Iberian Jewry in the Wider World”,  “New Christians and Iberian Culture”, three sessions sponsored by SSPHS,  39th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan .
-2004b: Panelist,
The Virtual Reality Model of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela 39th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan
-2004c: Panelist, The Relevance of Spanish History I: Conflict, Crusade and Convivencia, 35th Annual Meeting, Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies , UCLA.
-2004d: Commentator,
Reconstructing Lost Works of Spanish Medieval Architecture , 35th Annual Meeting, Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies , UCLA.
-2003a: Organizer, “Communities and Identities in Medieval Iberia,
four sessions sponsored by SSPHS, 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan
-2003b: Presider, “ Communities and Identities in Medieval Iberia II: a Multiconfessional Society, and  Communities and Identities in Medieval Iberia III: Frontier-Crossing and Communities at War, 38th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan .
-2002: Organizer, “Writing, Literacy and Oral Culture in Medieval Iberia”, four sessions sponsored by SSPHS, 37th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan .

-2001a: Organizer, “Women’s Patronage in Medieval Iberia,” “Inventing the Past: the Making of the History of Medieval Iberia,” two sessions sponsored by the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan .
-2001b: Presider,  Methodologies and Historiography of Spanish Art History I, 36th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan .
-1997:  Chair, “Aesthetics and Culture in Modern Spain,”  Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 28th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis.
-1996:  Chair, “Romanesque Humanism and Art,” 10th Biennial New College Conference on Medieval-Renaissance Studies, Sarasota, Florida.
-1990:  Chair, “Medieval Art,” Seventh Biennial New College Conference on Medieval-Renaissance Studies, Sarasota, Florida


-2006a: 2005 Bishko Memorial Prize, awarded by the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies for the best article published in 2005 by a North American scholar in the field of medieval Iberian history: “The Royal Convent of Las Huelgas: Dynastic Politics, Religious Reform, and Artistic Change in Medieval Castile,Studies in Cistercian Art and Architecture, ed. M. P. Lillich, VI, 191-282
-2006b: Samuel H. Kress Foundation, grant for the Practice of Art History and Conservation (Sharing of Expertise), funding the participation of three European scholars in sessions on Medieval Galicia at the 41st International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
-2005a: Program for Cultural Cooperation Between Spanish Ministry of Culture and United States' Universities .  Project title: The Inscriptions of Galician Romanesque Churches: Regional Traditions and Responses to Santiago Cathedral.
: Program for Cultural Cooperation Between Spanish Ministry of Culture and United States' Universities .  Grant for Conference Support. Project title: Culture and Society in Medieval Galicia.
-1999a:  Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts .  Project title: The Romanesque Churches of Galicia: the Making of a Provincial Art
-1999b:  Edilia and François-Auguste de Montêquin Senior Fellowship in Iberian and Latin American Architecture, Society of Architectural Historians.
-1999c:  National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend.  Project title: The Development of the Parish in Medieval Galicia.
-1995-96: National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for College Teachers.  Project title: Galicia in the High Middle Ages, Cultural Change in a Provincial Society.
-1994:  National Endowment for the Humanities Stipend to attend the 1994 Newberry Library Center for Renaissance Studies Summer Institute (Medieval Western Europe 1100-1500: the Latin Archival Sources).
-1990-91: Fellowship from the George A. and Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation.  Project title: the Romanesque Churches of Galicia: the Making of a Provincial Art.
-1979-82: Marshall scholarship for study at the Courtauld Institute.
-1979:  Undergraduate summer internship at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
-1977-78: Thomas J. Watson fellowship to study Medieval saints' cults.
-1977:  Elected to Phi Beta Kappa.


-2008: Faculty Research Award, Humanities Institute, University of South Florida. Project title: Culture and Society in Medieval Galicia
-2006:  Grant for conference support, College of Arts and Sciences (for the spring 2007 meeting of the Florida MedievaLists)
-2005:  Faculty Research Grant, Humanities Institute , University of South Florida. Project title: the Romanesque Inscriptions of Galicia.
-2003:  President's Award for Faculty Excellence, University of South Florida
-2001:  Research award, College of Arts and Sciences , University of South Florida.  Project title: Medieval Iberian Culture.

-2000a:  Research and creative scholarship award, University of South Florida.  Project title: France and Spain: Cultural Exchange in High Medieval Europe
-2000b:  International travel grant from the University of South Florida for delivery of a paper at the XIIIe Colloque international de Paléographie latine, Weingarten, Germany
-1999:  Research award, College of Arts and Sciences , University of South Florida.  Project title: The Romanesque Churches of Galicia: the Making of a Provincial Art.
-1998:  Research and creative scholarship award, University of South Florida.  Project title: The Diocese of Lugo in the Central Middle Ages: Tradition and Change in a Local Church.
-1997:  Research award, College of Arts and Sciences , University of South Florida.  Project title: Parishes and Parish Churches in Medieval Galicia
-1996:  Research and creative scholarship award, University of South Florida.  Project title: Cultural Change in Medieval Galicia (Spain): the Role of Scribes and Notaries.
-1995a:  International travel grant, University of South Florida, for delivery of a paper at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Toronto, Canada.
-1995b:  Teaching award: Teaching Incentive Program, University of South Florida.
-1994a:  International travel grant, University of South Florida, for delivery of a paper at the Fourth Conference of the International Association of Galician Studies, The Queen's College, Oxford.
-1994b:  Research and creative scholarship award, University of South Florida.  Project title: Parishes and Parish Churches in Medieval Galicia: the Formation of Rural Communities.
-1993:  Nominee of the University of South Florida for an NEH Summer Stipend
-1990:  International travel grant, University of South Florida, for delivery of a paper at the 16th Annual Conference of the Association of Art Historians, Dublin, Ireland.
-1989a:  Nominee of the University of South Florida for an NEH Summer Stipend
-1989b:  Research initiation grant, the University of South Florida.  Project title: the Romanesque Churches of Galicia: the Formation of a Provincial Art
-1985:  Junior faculty grant from Reed College for summer research in Spain.
-1982:  Central Research Fund (University of London) grant for research.
-1981:  Courtauld summer school for the study of Medieval art in Lombardy.


2006-  Dante Society of America
1997-  Metropolitan Museum of Art

1994-  Archaeological Institute of America
1992-  American Historical Association , Society of Architectural Historians
1990-  Avista, Medieval Academy of America
1989-  American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain , American Society for Hispanic Art Historical Studies, Friends of the Road to Santiago, Galician Studies Association, Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies
1989-98 Florida Historical Society
1985-  International Center for Medieval Art
1982-  College Art Association


-Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies, member of editorial board (2007-)
-The Medieval Review: review editor (2006-08 ), member of editorial board (2008-)
-Florida MedievaList: (a working group of medievalists in Florida, participating in a listserv and meeting twice annually to present research, discuss teaching and curriculum, and plan joint initiatives for the development of Medieval Studies in Florida). I have been (with Felice Lifshitz, Carrie Benes and others) one of the organizing members, the organizer of the first five meetings (2005-07), the webmaster, and a member of the Executive Committee and the Planning and Local Arrangements Commitee.
-American Academy of Research Historians of Medieval Spain: coordinator of sponsored sessions at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo (9 sessions/2006-)
-Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies: Bishko prize committee, member (2006);  Best Dissertation Committee, member (2004-05); Best First Article Committee, member (2002-03); webmaster (with Ana Varela Lago) (2002-); coordinator of sponsored sessions at the International Congress on Medieval Studies at Kalamazoo (30 sessions/2001-).
-International Center for Medieval Art, state of the discipline committee, member (1994-95); advocacy committee, member (2008-10); nominee, Board of Directors (2008)

-American Society for Hispanic Art Historical Studies, selection committee for the Eleanor Tufts award for a distinguished publication, member (1992, 2003), chair (1993, 2004)
-Reviewer of book manuscripts in art history, medieval studies, and Hispanic studies for Brill, the
Modern Language Association, State University of New York Press at Binghamton, University of Chicago Press, and University of Toronto Press, and article manuscripts for the Art Bulletin, Gesta, Peregrinations,
and the Transactions of the Philological Society.


-2006:  The Paradox of Galicia: A Cultural Crossroads at the Edge of Europe,” Humanities Institute, University of South Florida
   “Archaeology, History, and Identity in Atlantic Spain, Archaeological Institute of America, Tampa Bay Chapter.
Deformed Beauty, Beautiful Deformity: Monsters in the Romanesque Church,” Florida Southern College Medieval Symposium
-2004a:  Exploring Medieval Galicia: A Cultural Crossroads at the Edge of Europe, Occidental College, Los Angeles.
The Paradox of Galicia: A Cultural Crossroads at the Edge of Europe, ” Center for Galician Studies/Medieval Studies Program, University of California, Santa Barbara.
-2000:  “The Architecture of Cistercian Nunneries in Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Spain,” Lecture Series, Department of Humanities and American Studies, University of South Florida.
-1997:  “Local and Itinerant Craftsmen in Romanesque Galicia,” Archaeological Institute of America, Tampa Bay Chapter.
-1996:  “Medieval Spain: a Multicultural Society?” Lecture Series, Dept. of  Humanities and American Studies, University of South Florida.
-1994:  “Parishes and Parish Churches in Medieval Galicia: the Formation of Rural Communities,” Lecture series, Dept. of Humanities and American Studies, University of South Florida.
-1993a:  “Galicia: Crossroads of Cultures,” Hispanic Heritage Month, University of South Florida, Tampa.
-1993b:  “The Romanesque Churches of Galicia (Spain),” Archaeological Institute of America, Tampa Bay Chapter.
-1992a:  “Galicia: Crossroads of Cultures,” Cultural Diversity Week, University of South Florida, Tampa.
-1992b:  “The Romanesque Churches of Galicia: the Making of a Provincial Art,” Humanities Dept. Lecture Series, University of South Florida, Tampa (repeated at the University of South Florida, St. Petersburg).
-1983:  “The Cathedrals of Avila and Lugo and the Problem of the Transition in Spain,” Courtauld Institute, Work-in-Progress Seminar.
-1982:  “Romanesque Churches in the Diocese of Lugo: Cistercians, Military Orders and Private Patrons,” Courtauld Institute, Work-in-Progress Seminar.


University of South Florida: Department committees and student advising
-Undergraduate advisor, 2000-03
-Library Representative, 1991-2003, 2005-2006
-Executive Committee, 1994-95 (chair), 1997-98, 2000-01 (chair), 2001-02, 2005-07 (chair), 2008-09 (chair)
-Search Committees, 1992-93, 1997-98 (chair), 2000-01
-Curriculum Committee, 1989-90, 1991-92, 1996-97 (chair)
-Scholarship Committee, 1996-97
-Governance Committee, 1993-94
-Faculty Advisor, Humanities Society, 1989-90, 1993-94
-Senior Seminar Committee, 1989-90

<>University of South Florida: College of Arts and Sciences committees
-Computing Committee, representative from Humanities/American Studies,  2008-
-Graduate Committee, reviewer of proposals for Graduate Research Symposium, 2006
-Library Committee, chair 1994-96

University of South Florida: university committees
-Library Council, 1994-97
-Admissions Committee, 1991-98, chair 1994, 1997-98
-Instructional Services Council, 1989-95

Reed College
-Faculty Secretary, 1985-86
-Rotational service on the syllabus, paper topics and final examination committees of the freshman Humanities course, 1984-86
-Educational Policies Committee, student member, 1976-77


Spanish: near fluency
French, Latin, Italian, German, Galician, Catalan, Portuguese, Ancient Greek: good reading knowledge for research

Revised July 22, 2008