NOTICE: All images on this page are my own, copyright James D'Emilio .  These images must not be reproduced for profit or commercial use, nor may they be reproduced in any media (print, CD etc.) for sale or public distribution without my express consent.  Any reproduction of any of these images on another website for non-profit, educational purposes must be accompanied by an acknowledgement of my copyright ( Copyright: James D'Emilio ) linked to my homepage:

Cefalu cathedral

19153a09.jpg (199180 bytes) 19193a13.jpg (191224 bytes)

Palermo: Cappella Palatina

20073e31.jpg (226837 bytes)

Monreale cathedral

19963e20.jpg (161309 bytes) 19943e18.jpg (326887 bytes)

19993e23wj6.jpg (214288 bytes) 19693d29.jpg (342128 bytes) 19633d23.jpg (330388 bytes)

20843g02.jpg (189287 bytes)