Natural Sciences >> Arts & Sciences

Simulation Bacteria Populations Decline

by Anastasia Groshev


Submitted : Fall 2008

In large cities, getting rid of the waste water by using sewage system is a very important aspect of the urban life. Large volumes of the sewage make it very important to ensure that the environment is not hurt with the bacterial pollution that comes from sewage along with other hazardous substances. The problem is even more acute when the same waters have to be cleaned and resupplied to the city. More holistic approach to the levels of bacteria in surrounding waters helps to ensure safety of the tap water. In this project, using simulation, two declining populations of bacteria are studied on how they make up one total population that is decreasing at a different rate. Mathematical approach shows that the total population decreases at a rate of the less adapted bacteria culture. As the time progresses, the rate of decrease gradually changes to the rate of decline of bacteria that survives better.



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Advisors :
Sherwin Kouchekian, Mathematics and Statistics
Gordon Fox, Integrative Biology
Suggested By :
Gordon Fox