Engineering >> Industrial & Management Systems

Lake El Guri water monitoring

by Robert Iannucci


Submitted : Fall 2018

In the following, I will discuss how, by using the formulas to calculate areas of cylindrical functions, I devised a set of formulas that will allow us to determine a very close approximation of the volume of water that is within the Lake El Guri, located in Venezuela. 

 Due to lack of maintenance and misuse of the Dam “Represa El Guri”, along with severe climate changes in the past years, the volume of water at Lake El Guri has been fluctuating unexpectedly, and causing a severe lack of electricity and potable water for the Venezuelan people, thus the need to constantly monitor the water volume, which is something currently being very poorly done by the Venezuelan dictatorship.


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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Robert Iannucci, Compañia Inmobiliario Casalvieri
Suggested By :
Robert Iannucci Jr