Engineering >> Civil & Environmental Engineering

An approach to the use of stack structures to reduce temperatures in living spaces

by Sebastian Tomassi


Submitted : Fall 2016

Stack structures, or chimneys, are used to maintain comfortable living temperatures. These structures require strategic geographical placement in order to perform to their full potential. Deciphering which locations are suitable for stack structures can be achieved by multiplying normalized matrices relying on four major geographic characteristics (elevation, temperature, wind speed, and humidity) of the given locations. The normalized values 0, 0.01-0.5, and 1.0 are assigned to each of the four characteristics depending on the range the data falls in with 1 being more feasible to rely on stack and 0 being a high risk location for stack reliant structures. A 0.5 would mean that stack reliant designs are plausible and further evaluation is needed.  For example, to receive a 1 in the elevation category the selected location must have an elevation of at least 7 meters. By multiplying the normalized values of each category an overall value from 0 to 1 was attained. Zion National Park and Everglades National Park were selected as they represent a great portion of geographic characteristics in the United States. Zion received a 0.5 overall, meaning that the general area was suitable for stack but required more evaluation to pinpoint the best locations for the ventilation design. Everglades National Park received a 0 overall, meaning that the area is not recommended for stack reliant structures. 



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Brian Andres, Geology
Suggested By :
Gianni Tomassi