Engineering >> Civil & Environmental Engineering

Evaluating the Deflection of a Concrete Canoe

by Grant Garner


Submitted : Spring 2016

The design of the concrete canoe was examined by comparing the maximum amount of deflection to the ACI code for serviceability. To determine the amount of deflection along the length of the canoe, the canoe’s shape was approximated to a C shaped beam. From there standard engineering methods were applied to write the function describing the forces on the canoe. The function describing the deflection along the length of the canoe is the fourth integral of the function describing the forces on the canoe multiplied by a constant that describes the shape of the canoe (I), and a constant that describes the material (E). The maximum of this function was obtained and the value compared to the ACI regulations.

This process proved to be a rough estimate due to the canoe being approximated as a C shaped beam. However, it was still found to be a useful tool in predicting the rigidity of the canoe. The process can also be applied to similar objects to help determine if their design will be successful.



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Jermey Castello, Eriksson Technologies, Inc.
Suggested By :
Jermey Castello