Medicine >> Health Systems

Calculus and X-Rays

by Ashley Boykin


Submitted : Fall 2014

X-Rays are passed through the body and result in different amounts of intensities. These varying intensities allow for a picture to be formed showing the absorbed X-Rays. Calculations show the denser an object is than the more rays it will absorb and the more prominent it will be for the results. The less dense an object is than the fewer rays it will absorb and the least prominent it will be for the results. For the human body, the bones are the denser material while soft tissues and organs are the less dense material. Each absorb rays, and the finishing intensity of the two will help to form an X-Ray picture in which doctors can use to determine cause of illness in patients. 



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Alana Milich, Palm Beach Central: Anatomy
Suggested By :
Alana Milich