Engineering >> Electrical Engineering

Electrical Efficiency of a Solar Cell

by Willard Scott


Submitted : Fall 2014

The objective of the project was to calculate the value of electrical efficiency of a solar cell by using the basic principles of integrals. The solar cell converts photons from the solar energy into electrical energy. To do so, the equation for electrical efficiency must be utilized. Electrical efficiency=(∫ηPλdλ)/(∫Pλdλ)  where λ=wavelength nm, η=quantum efficiency (as a function of wavelength), and P=spectral irradiance in W/m2 nm (also a function of wavelength). Essentially, electrical efficiency is found by integrating two equations with respect to wavelength (λ) and calculating. The end result was that this particular solar cell’s operating conversion of wavelengths between 500 nm to 700 nm had the best efficiency returns.



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Scott Campbell, Chemical & Biomedical Engineering
Suggested By :
Scott Campbell