Natural Sciences >> Biological Oceanography

Stock Recruitment Analysis of Black Grouper

by Catherine Orr


Submitted : Fall 2012

Fisheries stock management requires an understanding of many variables. Fisheries scientists look at the recruitment rate of species in order to better predict how fishing will affect the population. Recruitment is the addition of new young individuals to the population over one year. This analysis of the Black grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci) recruitment rate serves to exemplify the Beverton-Holt stock recruitment model. Stock recruitment data collected from the years 1986- 2008 were compiled and analyzed using the Beverton-Holt model. Analysis included plotting the data on a graph and fitting it with a curve using Excel, finding the maximum rate of increase and rate of increase at 5000 metric tons, and predicting the number of recruits at a Spawning Stock Biomass of 5000 metric tons. Black grouper are slow to mature sexually. This is why the recruitment rate does not increase significantly as the Spawning Stock Biomass increases.



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Robert Muller, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission/Research Institute
Suggested By :
Robert Muller