Engineering >> Chemical & Biomedical Engineering

Calculation of Imaging Projections

by Eric Pillock


Submitted : Fall 2012

The goal of this project was to calculate and plot the image projection P(x,y) versus x and y. This was accomplished by first determining what mathematical equation accurately represented the situation. This was done by taking advantage of the geometry of the region and the given constants. Once a representation had been chosen it was then evaluated for different cases within the region where the constants differed. The results were plotted in Microsoft Excel to generate a 3-D plot of the scenario. From the conclusive graph it can be noted that the tumorous region was very small in comparison to the reference of the tissue.



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Advisors :
Masahiko Saito, Mathematics and Statistics
Scott Campbell, Chemical & Biomedical Engineering
Suggested By :
Scott Campbell
Calculation of Imaging Projections