Engineering >> Engineering

Draining of a Storage Tank

by Justin Wilde


Submitted : Spring 2010

For this problem, I had to first find the orifice area A0 so that the flow rate would be 0.001 m3/s when the tank is half full. To solve this, I used the given equation Q0 = A0Cd(2gh)1/2, where Q0 is the desired flow rate, Cd is the discharge coefficient (0.6), g is the gravitational constant 9.8 m/s2, and h is the height of the water. Once I solved for A0, I used The Mathematical Handbook of Formulas and Tables to find the correct equations to use for the volume of the tank with respect to angle made between the water level and the center of the tank.



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Advisors :
Masahiko Saito, Mathematics and Statistics
Scott Campbell, Chemical & Biomedical Engineering
Suggested By :
Scott Campbell