Engineering >> Civil & Environmental Engineering

Determination of Particle Size Distribution by Sieve Analysis

by Mohammed Alballam


Submitted : Spring 2019

Particulate size distribution using sieve analysis involves the application of calculus, in particular, differential equations to separate soil components into fractions with each fraction consisting of aggregate soil particles of equal size. This project will determine the perfect combination of particles from a mixture of fine-grained particles measuring below 0.075 mm. It will help in sedimentation analysis of particles measuring between 0.075 mm and 0.002 mm to quantify the particles that remain suspended after every sedimentation process. The sieve analysis is conducted in a 24 hour cycle with a hydrometer reading of 12 and room temperature of 29.2 Celsius degree. In this project, Differentials and Antiderivatives integration models will be used to formulate the mean value theorem that will be applied in ascertaining the average volumes and size or area of particles required for a given civil construction project. 



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Lili Clark, Engineering Student Services
Suggested By :
Lili Clark