Medicine >> Veterinary

Use of the SIR Epidemic Model to Predict the Infection Rate of Strangles in the State of Florida

by Caroline Wagstaff


Submitted : Spring 2018

In this study, the rate of Streptococcus equi sub-species equi bacterial infections (Strangles) for the state of Florida was analyzed. The SIR epidemic model was used to predict the rate of infection by placing the equine population into three categories. The three categories are susceptible (S), infectious (I), and recovered (R). This study indicates the predicted rate of infection of Strangles in the state of Florida and analyzes the most effective ways for controlling the spread of Strangles. The analysis predicted that there will be an increase in infection from this year compared to last year meaning that more precautions must be taken to prevent further spread of infection.



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Steffani Kowalczyk, Brandon Equine Medical Center
Suggested By :
Caroline Wagstaff