Engineering >> Civil & Environmental Engineering

The Capacity of Curb and Gutter Cross Section Areas

by Rodrigo Cruz


Submitted : Fall 2016

Integration and isolation of variables are very important principles in real-world settings, more importantly in the field of engineering. Roadway designs must meet requirements depending on which state it is to be constructed to ensure the safety of motorists. An important component of urban roadways are curbs and gutters. In the field of civil engineering and in this project, spread (T) refers to the distance from the face of the curb to the limit of where water reaches the traveling surface. The flow rates of different curb and gutters are a factor in the removal of water on roadways, but sometimes can become ineffective when there is storm water runoff. This project examines the volume a curb can hold depending on its cross section shape and parameters compared to typical triangular curb and gutter cross sections. To do so, functions will be integrated to find the area between two or more curves. Curb and gutters that can hold a greater volume of stormwater runoff would make roadways less dangerous for drivers. 

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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Kenneth Yinger, Stormwater Project Engineer
Suggested By :
Kenneth Yinger