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Smart Phone Obsolescence

by Collin Ellis


Submitted : Spring 2016

There is no standard criteria that defines whether or not a smartphone is obsolete. There are a considerable amount of variables in play asking the question in itself. However focusing on performance variables does shed light to the exponentials growth occurring in the tech industry.  Deriving the exponential growth function between the system ratings of the Galaxy S Series allows us to estimate the rating for future iterations of the series. Taking that estimated total its now possible calculate the percent increase performance from the S1 to any future iteration. Because there is no standard criteria that renders performance obsolete, the goal is to find the 100 percent increase in performance mark. Processes or capabilities bring forth a 100 % performance increase will render its predecessors obsolete.

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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Bill Morgan, ConnectWise
Suggested By :
Bill Morgan