Natural Sciences >> External

Population Growth Models of Red Maples in a Forested Wetland

by Brian Rosegger


Submitted : Spring 2009

Qualitative and quantitative field data were collected from two mitigation sites in order to determine when the affected mitigation sites will be deemed successful as per the criterion outlined in the Environmental Resource Permit issued by Southwest florida Water Management District. The application of population growth models, derivatives of the models, and percentages of species in relation to the population permitted me to conclude that the mitigation sites have reached their carrying capacity. Generating a time table to determine when the mitigation site will have reached the criterion was not achieved, solely due to inconclusive data regarding average tree height.



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Tom Rosegger, Rosegger Aquatic Services
Suggested By :
Tom Rosegger