Engineering >> Industrial & Management Systems

Parking Perfection

by Caleb Winfield


Submitted : Spring 2015

Springtime is the busiest time of year for many hotels in the downtown Tampa area. For the Aloft Hotel accommodating guests and providing parking is one of their top priorities. Having enough parking for guests is a frequent concern for the hotel, but expanding parking availability is not always so easy. The cost for land in the downtown Tampa area is extremely expensive and for Aloft to decide whether they need to expand or not is a huge decision. In this report I will calculate the average number of vehicles Aloft can expect for the remainder of Spring. Based off this information they can predict their occupancy rates for next year’s spring and because of Tampa’s continuous growth, it is always safe to say there will be more tourists next spring.

            According to the current data and the data that can be calculated for the remainder of spring, Aloft will be able to provide enough parking for the next few years. Although with Tampa attracting more and more people, Aloft should start making preparations to expand parking availability.



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Ryan Broome, 717 Parking Enterprises
Suggested By :
Caleb Winfield