Engineering >> Chemical & Biomedical Engineering

Controlled Release of a Drug

by Kyle Stewart-Frantz


Submitted : Spring 2013

The goal of this project was to determine how much solid drug should be placed in in the center of a capsule in order to have diffuse at a constant rate  period for 6 hours through the membrane of the drug. In order to accomplish this, a mathematical process to find the rate of dissolution out of the drug is needed. The rate of dissolution is dependent on the drug flux through the membrane. Using diffusion coefficients, inner and outer radii, and the concentration of the drug we are able to determine the rate at which the diffuses out of the spherical membrane.

This information helps use generate information in the designing of membrane to manipulate drug release to meet the conditions we choose.



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Advisors :
Brian Curtin, Mathematics and Statistics
Scott Campbell, Chemical & Biomedical Engineering
Suggested By :
Scott Campbell