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A Scientific Shake-Up: High School Chemistry Education

by Alexander Martinez


Submitted : Fall 2012

This project focuses on our inability to prepare and stimulate secondary students in areas such as physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics in the state of Florida. Using a decade of recent average ACT (American College Testing) scores it’s easy to see that over time, students are not improving, but steadily declining in performance. The latest decade was used because it displays the most current results and uses reliably taken statistics. These scores show a steady negative linear correlation when plotted over progressive time. A graphical representation can really express the severity of the slope. This is a complex issue to resolve because there is not just one or two things we can change to see a difference. Resolving such a complex issue will take time and many changes to the education system. There are many propositions we could possibly do. Such as, revising the FCAT and Integrating projects and real world applications into secondary schools to make the learning process fun and relevant for the students, to name only a few.

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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
David Milligan, MUG Specialist
Suggested By :
Arcadii Grinshpan