Engineering >> Chemical & Biomedical Engineering

Using the Integral Method to Determine the Reaction Order etc.

by Frank Johnson


Submitted : Spring 2019


The integral method of rate data analysis can be used to determine the reaction order as well as the rate constant. Here, the integral method was used to integrate the integral form of the reaction rate equation of a general first-order phase reaction of the acetaldehyde decomposition. This will produce a first-order reaction equation, which will be analyzed with MATLAB’s numerical analysis functions, used to solve for the first-order rate constant, and then further integrated again to yield the second-order reaction equation which will also be analyzed and used to solve for the second-order rate constant. The linearity of both lines will be examined, as well as the linear regression values which signified the rate constants. From this examination, it can be deduced if the given data is a first-order or second-order reaction based off the linearity or nonlinearity of the lines, and the rate constant can further be deduced through the analysis of the linear regression for each material reaction equation.

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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Timothy Fawcett, Chemical & Biomedical Engineering
Suggested By :
Timothy Fawcett