Natural Sciences >> Other

Amending Storm Water Systems to Eliminate Water Pollution in Sarasota Bay

by Samuel Jeffcoat


Submitted : Fall 2018

Water is one of the most vital aspects of life, and even more important with regard to the health of an environment. Environmental scientists look to exploit the accessibility of natural resources while simultaneously maintaining an operational and healthy environment. Water bodies are often threatened by pollutants which promotes environmental degradation and henceforth can destroy a city’s economy and well-being. The purpose in this project was to determine if the current storm water system in the City of Sarasota has reached maximum potential with regard to pollution reduction rates vs. economic gain and environmental sustainability. Having said that, a series of equation were formulated to determine if any amendments to the preexisting storm water system in the City of Sarasota would improve pollution reduction rates. It was also questioned whether or not changing the velocity of storm water with the use of water pumps would have an effect on rate of reduction.    



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Douglas Jeffcoat, Sarasota Public Works Director
Suggested By :
Douglas Jeffcoat
Amending Storm Water Systems to Eliminate Water Pollution in Sarasota Bay