Natural Sciences >> Integrative Biology

Determining Probability of Disease Spreading by Mosquitos

by Tiffany Hammond


Submitted : Spring 2018


In this project it takes a look at the way calculus can be used in epidemiology. Calculus is commonly used by disease researchers to measure outbreak and in recent years there was an increase of the Zika virus and citizens were concerned in a mass spreading of it. Therefore, using equations from known epidemiological studies and research on mosquito-borne diseases, this project is able to apply these equations to this research. This project uses fractional calculus as well as eigenvalues in order to establish a way to determine outbreak probabilities around locations in Florida with increased mosquito populations.



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Ryan Carney, Integrative Biology
Suggested By :
Tiffany Hammond