Medicine >> Other

Rabies Population Dynamics in Feral Canines of Florida

by Kristin Peacock


Submitted : Fall 2016

Controlling the exposure to contagious diseases in the feral animal population has been an ongoing challenge for most areas throughout North America.  Feral animals such as canines can easy be exposed to fatal viruses such as the rabies virus.  This highly contagious disease can be contagious to other animals, and can even be deadly to humans.  Public health, as well as concern for the welfare of other wild and domesticated animals, is a major worry to many individuals, shelters, and veterinary clinics.  One potential method of controlling exposure of such diseases to pets can be done through preventative vaccinations. 

In this project, we are analyzing the cost effectiveness of preventative vaccines in controlling the exposure of rabies in feral canines within the State of Florida.  We are able to do this by a statistical analysis of estimated number of reported feral dogs within the state and estimate the number that may be exposed to contagious diseases by identifying reported statistics local and state health facilities.  Second, we analyze and compare costs associated with preventative vaccinations to maintain effective control and reduce future exposure to the virus.  

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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Nichole Reyes, Westchase Veterinary Center and Emergency
Suggested By :
Kristin Peacock