Natural Sciences >> Other

Assessing the Impact of Humans on Nature's Biodiversity

by Brianna Kesler


Submitted : Fall 2014

Human interactions with nature are said to have detrimental implications to the natural environment, especially its ability to have abundant biodiversity. Observation is often used as a method to indicate whether or not serious changes occur, but diversity index equations have been established to obtain qualitative data to make more proficient conclusions. Two sample plots in the Botanical Gardens at the University of South Florida, one developed with human contact and one undeveloped, were surveyed with different tree species using these indices to determine the magnitude of the impact. The results revealed that the land that had human interaction had greater biodiversity than that of the untouched plot. It was determined that the impact of humans was not great enough in this area to have a damaging impression on the area surveyed, but instead allowed for more species to grow and develop.



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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Michael Eduful, Geology
Suggested By :
Michael Eduful