Natural Sciences >> Environmental Sciences

Calculating Imidacloprid Concentrations in Soils

by Timothy McColgan


Submitted : Spring 2013

Using published Imidacloprid research conducted on 3 different types of soil, 2 different types of graphs were formed, both utilizing differing rates of decay (K) derived from the half-life formula and an optimization function. These values were then graphed into an exponential function. These values were then compared to the known measured values from the research. Using Excel 2010, all 3 types of the graphs were formatted, and most of the formulaic data was compiled. It was conclusively shown in the graphical information that the exponential decay function containing the K value obtained through the optimization of the data was the more accurate in predicting the levels of Imidacloprid in the soil on any given day that the K value from the half-life formula, and that the lower the clay/organic content of a soil, the quicker it will degrade Imidacloprid, necessitating more frequent application rates.

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Advisors :
Arcadii Grinshpan, Mathematics and Statistics
Ian Rodriguez, Valleycrest Landscape Companies
Suggested By :
Timothy McColgan